[OOC Thread] [The Resurgent]

Tikor said:
This is faulty logic. Rationality (the essence of a good tactician) is poorly correlated with Intelligence, and there is no rationality stat in Exalted. See What Intelligence Tests Miss for a thorough argument on the matter. Anecdotally you all know smart people who 'act dumb' and have heard of examples where 'if he had twice the brain he'd be twice as stupid'.
I realize it is poorly correlated and not the same time. Unfortunately, I really don't have much else to use. So I used game mechanics in the discussion as an example, as I believe Intelligence + War is used for strategizing (though it could be Wits).

You yourself said that there is no rationality stat in Exalted, so we either assume it is purely roleplay, or it is lumped in with one of the other stats. I was assuming it was lumped in with Intelligence, which, according to the exalted wiki "...measures the ability of the character to draw connections and understand the world."

Tikor said:
Besides, simply knowing the rules of the 10 steps of combat and being able to concieve of your army in the mass-combat rules puts you at an eerilly prescient state in the first place from the views of anyone in Creation or even Yu-Shan. Anyone who'd read Core in Creation would be Lore 7 at least. You know "Close-Combat Rating =3" in 2 seconds where it would take a commander hours of inspecting troops to come to the same conclusion.
Point taken.

Tikor said:
In short I am in favor of GMs limiting thinking time during face to face games. It speeds up play and does not detract from accurately playing your character.
I understand your reasoning, but you also haven't had a GM count down from 6 as soon as your turn started. It's potentially one of the most annoying things I've dealt with as a gamer. I said I don't like severely limiting time, not that I didn't think time should be limited at all.
Upon re-reading the entry for Dawn's Cleansing Light I will continue to attune to it. I thought it just gave me a bonus against poison, but the attunement also keeps my body clean as well as my clothes.

First, I can position myself to determine who is the person who is my unexpected attack.

Second, I'm assuming I get a roll to determine if I see the knife. Please let me know when I can roll that.

I'll stunt my defense and Perception+Awareness roll
Sure, I'll edit which is at your back after your Step 2. Seeing the knife is an unrolled action.
NC, I'll get to your post later tonight, but I want to say this now: that is a 3-die stunt. It blew me away, and inspired me to flesh out Thanatos' botch. Will post mechanics later.
I yield to Balthazar, unless you wish me to post my action first.

I figured you might like a chance to do something before the Monkey this time.

I'm my own harshest critic. I'm hoping more practice will improve I've got some things I want to work on in future posts, but honestly I've been having a lot of fun with the campaign, everyone is putting in a lot of good effort.
Yeah...I wasn't really feeling it either...I realize I had more time to think up a post, but I know Rob was anxious to get on with the attack.

Ah well, hopefully next time I'm more with it.
I can't view that forum :) but since I found the image with GIS it's not too surprising that others found it as well :P
1 die stunts are failures >.<

For my pride, please mentally replace my dodge with:

Noisy Cricket, huh?

His body reacting before his mind has the time to think, Noisy Cricket flings himself skyward, out of the grasping hands closing around him, just as his mind catches up with what is going on, he sees a glint of gold on the man's arms.

Another solar?
Kalarix said:
Rillard. Same story with the Conviction roll, minus the Limit business
You have a conviction of 3, and your motivation involves Solar rule...which is clearly being subverted by me going in chains. So you have to roll your conviction and:

1. If you fail the roll, you can let me get taken

2. If you succeed on the roll, you either have to spend a willpower to ignore your virtue, or you have to attempt to change the situation.

You don't have to deal with limit if you fail because it isn't your primary virtue, as it is with Thanatos.

Such is the price we pay for our passions...well, you guys do anyway. >.>
NoisyCricket said:
Such is the price we pay for our passions...well, you guys do anyway. >.>
You're gonna love how your passions treat you when I show back up, you don't want to leave so I need to eliminate the threat to you.
Kalarix said:
Do I have to roll if I was planning on intervening anyway? >.>
Yes, you still need to roll. I don't call for Virtue checks often (only at dramatic points) and the only consequence for being unlucky (failing a roll with 3 dice) is effectively 1 WP. You get to do what you want.

Yes, Thanatos, I'll edit you into tick 10.
rcuhljr said:
NoisyCricket said:
Such is the price we pay for our passions...well, you guys do anyway. >.>
You're gonna love how your passions treat you when I show back up, you don't want to leave so I need to eliminate the threat to you.
Actually, my passions will be fine.

The defining nature of Monkey Style is that you are able to let go of them, as well as use your opponent's against them. If people die around me, I'll feel sad, and react to an extent, but I grasp that things can go wrong, accept that, and move on.

It's a fun thing being a Solar who circumvents (most of the time) the greatest flaw with being a Solar.
Tikor said:
Yes, you still need to roll. I don't call for Virtue checks often (only at dramatic points) and the only consequence for being unlucky (failing a roll with 3 dice) is effectively 1 WP. You get to do what you want.
1. If you fail the roll, you can let me get taken
2. If you succeed on the roll, you either have to spend a willpower to ignore your virtue, or you have to attempt to change the situation.
These are contradictory.

Tik: If I fail a conviction roll (3), I lose 1 WP

NC: If I succeed, I have to spend 1 WP to ignore

Please clarify.

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