[OOC Thread] [The Resurgent]

Tikor said:
Act 5 was slated to start yesterday, but I've got a scene going on in PMs I'd like to finish to make sure Rillard and Noisy Criket don't get into any trouble. Expect it in a few days.
Always being held up by the Canadians...

It's got to be something in the syrup.
List of RPG gamer types

I don't know if I'm entirely satisfied with this list - I can't pinpoint myself well, but that might be from lack of self-reflection.

What type of gamer do you think you are?

Which gamer type do you think I am?
Tikor said:
List of RPG gamer types
I don't know if I'm entirely satisfied with this list - I can't pinpoint myself well, but that might be from lack of self-reflection.

Which gamer type are you, which gamer type do you think I am?

What type of gamer do you think you are?
I am a healthy mix of several:

Butt-kicker: Some of this stems to starting out and not being good at combat...and never rolling above an 8 on a d20 to hit.

Specialist: I like swords! I like martial artists (armed or unarmed). Anything melee really. Kentani is a really odd character for me to play. Ranged characters are usually precision-based, if I have to play one.

Method-Actor/Storyteller: I like to think I'm both of these (whether I'm good at them is a different story...)

Tactician: in regards to wanting the rules to jive with my views of reality.

Power Gamer: I have to admit I do get a bit giddy getting new shinies.

Percentages? I would say 30/20/40/5/5 (combining Method-Actor/Storyteller)

Any thoughts on that?

As for Tikor, I haven't seen you in enough games to really get a feel for your playstyles. Definitely no to butt-kicker though. >.>
NoisyCricket said:
As for Tikor, I haven't seen you in enough games to really get a feel for your playstyles. Definitely no to butt-kicker though. >.>
You've been at the table for a higher percentage of my RPing experience than anyone else I've played with, NC. If you haven't gamed with me enough, no one has.
I like your format, NC.

I'd have to say I'm a mix too:

Power Gamer: I do dice simulations. But then I forget about them in play. I tweak mechanics, but submit to whatever the GM decides for the sake of story (and the poor GM!)

Butt-kicker: There is a certain appeal to taking a daiklave to a problem, though that is far from the whole of my RPG fulfillment. If I really want hack and slash, though, I'll go play D2.

Tactician: I'll admit to enjoying a good challenging battle with lots of tactical choices. I'll admit to speed-running console RPGs (FF Tactics is awesome for this, btw). Again I think this is simply done better with software.

Specialist: I'd feel cheated if I did the same concept again and again. I suffer from altoholism so I'm the stark oposite of this.

Method-Actor: I identify here. I really want to think how my character thinks and do what I think he would do. This comes out best in Hiruma Josuke, who has no hope of staying under Infamy 1 if there are more Crab bar brawl scenes. But I also do this quite a bit with Dynastic Dragon-Blooded. Their worldview is very different from RL as well as most of the rest of Exalted, and I like to tap into that.

Storyteller: I also identify here. When I played Shadowrun I liked the planning sessions the least and the atmosphere the most. I love the epic nature of Exalted and the trajety aspects. I read setting books cover to cover. I love stunting.

Casual: I'm anything but casual. I demand to know what I'm doing.

For percentages, perhaps 10/10/10/0/30/40/0.
The guard sees your glowy foreheads, but the poor bastard doesn't have a dot in Occult
I lol'd, again provoking odd looks from my colleagues. To which I asked if any of *them* had any dots in occult. When they gave me a quizzical look I then of course finished with...

...poor bastards.

There are whole SCENES going on through PM! What's so special that I can't enjoy the show? And here I've been conducting my busines out in the open. =P
LOL, we can port it over to a thread I suppose. I guess we could make a combined thread for the scene Act 4.5 or something and plop it all in there. Just started it that way because it was like I was catching Cricket in the hallway.
Kalarix said:
Dude...stop trying to get the hunt down on us...Tikor and I are way too close together to not get a nice DB convention in Indy...

And I've got a great window seat here, I'd hate to lose that.
I prompted people to start their own scenes should they want to and didn't say it had to be in a thread. It's just like describing the mayor's room. I didn't say there wasn't a second table, so NC made one appear and smashed it. So Rillard decided PM was the way to go and I swung with it.

Exalted is an awesome game to ST. I love their philosophy.

This is also why I put so much work into the houserules before play started.

Rillard will have to fill you in in-character!

And post his action or tell me he's done of course...
Sent a PM, went to edit in some italics about 20 seconds later and I couldn't because it was already read...

Someone's spamming refresh 8)
kaliket said:
WTB Act 5 pst
To let you know, Tikor hasn't been online at all during work since yesterday afternoon. He said something about a carnival with ponies...I think we'll be on our own for a bit.

He also said that his carpets were being cleaned last night, so no idea when he can tread back to his computer.
On IM:

NC: do those MDVs include relative appearances?

Me: Actually those MDDVs don't include any of the modifiers. They happen in step 5, which is confusing me since the reroll is in step 4 and it says you should know the opponent's DV then. Perhaps they assume metagame knowledge derived from previous attacks? Specific to this situation, though: when modified 5 still beats Red Flounder's but doesn't beat unnamed's MDDV.


Naively I think Step 4 and 5 need to be switched. I will do some research on this.
Speaking of that, should Rillard have something to boost his attack that I don't know about, feel free to ignore my response.

I thought he didn't though, so I went ahead and posted.
Well I hope I played that to your satisfaction, Rillard. You did get some information out of Red Flounder, but getting into restricted areas without some sneakyness will likely require Charm use or kicking some teeth in. If they're Social Charms not being against someone Intimacies, Virtues or Motivations (or costing a ton of Virtue Channels to resist) will grant success. NPCs will usually resist mental influence that goes against their values, but will generally not resist mental influence that is ancillary to their values. NPCs also have a terrible habit of not spending any xp in Virtues, so you can hack through them if you really want to with UMI.
Thanatos, you're in Act 5 stealthing somewhere, I'm sure. Post where you are and what you're up to.

Performance limited my options as far as charm selection Cricket.

I could have hammered them with some presence attack afterwards, but I didn't feel it fit.

That said, I'll need to work out some experience expenditure.

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