[OOC Thread] [The Resurgent]

Huzzah act 5.

Rillard will be looking to react immediately, but I need to reference some things first. I promise to post right when I get home.

I realized you could have done more (and almost held off to see what you would do), but I figured Tik wanted to move on to the next scene, and we might have been dangerously close to having a confrontation in the hallway...with both of us not quite fresh.
Well, I was typing something, but...

...I am somewhat taken aback following Cricket there :-p

Was not thinking that route, you're a good monkey...
Kalarix said:
Well, I was typing something, but...
...I am somewhat taken aback following Cricket there :-p

Was not thinking that route, you're a good monkey...
Tik keeps wanting a grittier creation...

...so my goal as a player is to combat the forces of grittiness wherever I meet them.

My battle is long, but full of comedy. :D
I was at a loss before and the Monkey throwing things off balance. Someone else go while I regain some wits.

@Tikor I'm assuming that Gytherial did not come find me with whatever she learned?
The crowd is too angry to wait for a full long tick to be persuaded to be nice to Noisy Cricket, though some supernatural powers with the Social keyword could work at my discretion (read, Respect Commanding Attitude is specifically designed for such things, so to hell with the Social keyword) with additional consideration to those flurried with Join Battle rolls. We are now in combat time.

Note that some Charms don't need my discretion. Worldly Illusion does not have the Social keyword and can be used in Combat time. Hypnotic Tongue Technique explicitly doesn't need to use words (but all Touch attacks require a successful Dexterity + Martial Arts unarmed attack in combat). Majestic Radiant Presence is Reflexive Step 2.

To Balthazar: your version of Worldly Illusion only works on Exalts of a different type since Hiroko is the god of inter-Exalt relations. You have to say 'parley'. We hammered this out in an IM sometime ago, and posted it in your character thread. I thought this was a good time to remind you.
I've decided to declare modified DVs in step 2 instead of unmodified for the purpose of attack rerolls in step 3 having as much info as possible and to stop confusion about multiple DV values.

Obviously you won't know all the modifiers to your DVs when you declare step 2, just give me as much info as you can.
The town hating us may be a significant boon. You guys could "subdue" me and we could all abscond on The Lady. The mob drives us out of town, which may give the Wyld Hunt reason to spare Gateway.
Our characters are all smarter, faster, and better looking than any of us will ever be. I'm sure Rillard has thought about how to get out of Gateway with the city intact, but never considered attacking a mob to get everyone angry.

Tikor will attest that we discussed someting very similar a few weeks back.
I disagree with your first statement, Rillard's int is only a 3 ;)

Yes, Rillard is thinking about how to get out of gateway with the city intact

No, he did not consider attacking a mob.


Hey guys, we should do this, out of character, in anything but the generic sense of "The game should go this way" is meta-gaming.

I'm not totally averse to discussion about what's going on in the game, but formulating plans for our group of characters to follow out of game (a plan and cooperative effort which our characters would not have knowledge of in game) is not the way I roll.

In any case, Rillard will react the way Rillard reacts. I step into my idea of who and what Rillard is and write what I think he'd do.
Speaking of meta-gaming...

To an extent, it's unavoidable, and can be handwaved because in most situations:

a) We are playing together, thus, our characters might actually discuss things. If you don't believe stuff like this happens, Seped and I have coordinated our Zombie Invasion Survival plan a few times...and it's not too shabby. It helps that one of us favors melee and the other favors ranged. ;)

b) Kaliket has a great point. We are not our characters. I have not personally broken any tables with my hands. Rillard has not, as far as I am aware of, commanded a boat, and I don't think Rob has killed anyone...I hope.

This is actually one of the reasons I tend to frown on GMs severely limiting thinking time during games. Yes, I realize that it's unavoidable to a certain extent (we don't want to wait 4 hours for one person's turn in combat), but if you are playing a tactical genius Solar with 1000 years under his belt, with 6 int, 6 war, and an amazing war charm combo, you, as a person who is in his 20's, has not been to war, and has certainly never led an army of mixed mortals, Exalts, Gods, and Elementals, might need a bit to think out strategy. :)

Really, I guess what I'm saying is that, meta-gaming, by Rillard's definition, is not always bad. For an example:

Night Caste Silent Shadow and his Lunar Mate Cat's Grace grew up together on the streets of Nexus, learned to distract and steal from merchants together, and ultimately, Exalted together. The two frequently finish one another's sentences, and both begin moving in for the kill at the same moment, syncronizing breaths and strikes with practiced grace.

The players of those two characters would probably meta-game a lot with what they would do next.

Granted, this is with your definition. Most meta-gaming I've heard of focuses on out of character knowledge that would influence character decisions specifically. If that's what you meant, then I agree with you.

And really, for me it's a moot point, see The Uprising for details. >.>
I'm in agreement on metagaming, there are multiple definitions of the word and several aren't bad. Having long term plans and goals for your character and what you want to happen in the world are often meta gaming but they development attachments to the character and better flesh out how he should be played. The only actually negative metagaming is things like looking up opponent statistics, broken combo's, doing something completely out of character because you know out of character it will provide a benefit (I'm looking at you ben in our L5R game.)

Also I've been around for awhile, just for the longest time I was ahead of you guys chronologically and I would have stalled at town waiting on act 5 anyways, act 5 has started and thus I stir :P
NoisyCricket said:
This is actually one of the reasons I tend to frown on GMs severely limiting thinking time during games. Yes, I realize that it's unavoidable to a certain extent (we don't want to wait 4 hours for one person's turn in combat), but if you are playing a tactical genius Solar with 1000 years under his belt, with 6 int, 6 war, and an amazing war charm combo, you, as a person who is in his 20's, has not been to war, and has certainly never led an army of mixed mortals, Exalts, Gods, and Elementals, might need a bit to think out strategy. :)
This is faulty logic. Rationality (the essence of a good tactician) is poorly correlated with Intelligence, and there is no rationality stat in Exalted. See What Intelligence Tests Miss for a thorough argument on the matter. Anecdotally you all know smart people who 'act dumb' and have heard of examples where 'if he had twice the brain he'd be twice as stupid'.

Besides, simply knowing the rules of the 10 steps of combat and being able to concieve of your army in the mass-combat rules puts you at an eerilly prescient state in the first place from the views of anyone in Creation or even Yu-Shan. Anyone who'd read Core in Creation would be Lore 7 at least. You know "Close-Combat Rating =3" in 2 seconds where it would take a commander hours of inspecting troops to come to the same conclusion.

In short I am in favor of GMs limiting thinking time during face to face games. It speeds up play and does not detract from accurately playing your character.
Regarding metagaming and communication, see the Houserules thread where I discuss communication explicitly in the first post:

Tikor said:
PMing each other without my knowledge is encouraged. However, at least write in the in-character thread that your character whispers such and such to the other character before an in-character action is taken on any agreement reached. For all intents and purposes I am the Loom, so I do hear you, though the NPCs may or may not depending on circumstance. You are not allowed to telepathically set up ambushes and the like. Actually speaking to the other characters does not require a roll, but may be overheard. [Example below]

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