[OOC Thread] [The Resurgent]

kaliket said:
Can I use the First Presence Excellency on both attacks?
You can use anything you have in your Charm slot for all valid actions that happen when it's in your Charms slot which lasts until your next DV refresh. For that matter you can use it when it's not in your Charm slot as long as the Charm slot is open (and thus putting it in your Charm slot).

So the answer is yes. You can use it to defend (with PMDV) too.
Oops, forgot to cover where my motes were coming from. Why are there only 2 motes spent each? Why not run all four through the First Excellency (from peripheral) and achieve the same effect?
kaliket said:
Why are there only 2 motes spent each? Why not run all four through the First Excellency (from peripheral) and achieve the same effect?
You spent 4 peripheral motes on the First Excellency. 2 per attack. (Excellencies are spent on a per-attack basis. This makes Infinite (Ability) Mastery amazing.) Oh, forgot the flurry minus. Edited those in.
Why 2 extra dice per attack? Am I capped? I was thinking I'd drop 4 each. Of course that would make my anima flare a lot.
kaliket said:
Why 2 extra dice per attack? Am I capped? I was thinking I'd drop 4 each. Of course that would make my anima flare a lot.
Kaliket, you asked me to put in some numbers for you so I put in some numbers. If you want to get specific, specify your specifics yourself the first time.
Thanks for the heads up, Kaliket. But in the future could you please post such notices here? That way any games your in can see when you are gone with just one notice.
Just as a note to my social attack and pointed comment to Balthazar.

That was completely in-character. I realize it's harsh, so I wanted to make sure I was clear. I liked the glowy effect personally, but somehow I don't think the monkey wants his mind magically altered. :)

Alternatively, I could have gone with:

"Get out of my head Charles!"

Tikor said:
Professor Xavier is the awesome.
I'm torn between him being a Zenith or a Twilight. On the one hand, he is a teacher, and on the other, he's preaching about cohabitation of mutants and humans...

...and yes, he is awesome enough to Exalt without the use of his legs.

Also, after some consideration, Wolverine is a Lunar, the kind that makes Wyld Hunts unable to sleep.
Performance: I want to know if they agree or not to not using charms against one another. This is not a 'force them into agreeing to not use charms against one another. NC wants to know their honest answer, not coercion into giving him the answer he wants.
Without trying to persuade someone and just asking a question, I think this is investigation?

You want to know if they agree?

You want them to agree?

Never mind that it sounds like a subtle threat i.e. if you keep using social charms I'll beat you up.

In either case, I thought that using charms like 1st excellency was still natural persuasion, not unnatural. You're convinced by the argument, plea, appeal, etc.
Kalarix said:
Without trying to persuade someone and just asking a question, I think this is investigation?

You want to know if they agree?

You want them to agree?
A case could be made for both - he's also addressing the room (aoe) like an actor would the audience. I agree that phrasing makes it sound more Investigationy.

Kalarix said:
Never mind that it sounds like a subtle threat i.e. if you keep using social charms I'll beat you up.
I think Rillard would have something to say about that, wouldn't he?

Kalarix said:
In either case, I thought that using charms like 1st excellency was still natural persuasion, not unnatural. You're convinced by the argument, plea, appeal, etc.
I made clear to Noisy Cricket the player that this is the case - Balthazar's attack is still NMI. However, Noisy Cricket the character has a combat-centric view of things - to him an Excellency powered attack is still quite lethal on the mortal scale - the scale he's at in Social Combat when his Form Charm isn't up.

From a player's eye view, yes, it's NMI and not a truly different beast. In character it can go either way (for their knowledge is imperfect) and thus I did not intervene, though I did clarify the mechanics to Noisy Cricket. I'll be sure relay the heart of those discussion to OOC in the future.

In the meanntime, everyone declare step 2!
I'd like to declare step two, but I need to consult my book, and it's not here :-p

I think I'm going to sneak the .pdfs to work.
Kalarix said:
I'd like to declare step two, but I need to consult my book, and it's not here :-p
I think I'm going to sneak the .pdfs to work.
I approve of this plan. I once tried to ST without the Core book at work. It was a mess.

I do have the firm policy of not putting anything I haven't read on the harddrive - that way leads madness. I only use them for reference when I'm already goofing off...
Kalarix said:
Without trying to persuade someone and just asking a question, I think this is investigation?

You want to know if they agree?

You want them to agree?
I want to know if they agree, I thought I said that in the ooc part below the post. If not I apologize.

If required, I can flurry this as an investigation attack. I do understand that it is a fine line, though I was basically addressing the room.

If it helps, I contemplated not making it an actual 'attack' and did not because I wasn't sure how that would or wouldn't work mechanically.

Kalarix said:
Never mind that it sounds like a subtle threat i.e. if you keep using social charms I'll beat you up.
My intent was to point out that he is attacking me with his essence, which, to me, is akin to me attacking him with mine, or attacking him at all.

Noisy Cricket has no intention of attacking any of you at the moment, and you're free to use an investigation roll to verify that. :D

Kalarix said:
In either case, I thought that using charms like 1st excellency was still natural persuasion, not unnatural. You're convinced by the argument, plea, appeal, etc.
Semi-natural. Strictly by the book it is natural mental influence (NMI), but it's not natural in the sense that it uses essence as fuel to boost his argument.

This is actually an interesting problem that comes up with controlling effects in games, and doing so player versus player. I'll have to look up some arguments about it when I get home.
Annotated bits of an IM conversation with Noisy Cricket (re-ordered for clarity):

On NMI/UMI, Obvious/Non-Obvious:

NC: I just meant that NML is a specific term within the game mechanics.

NC: *natural* means, to me, not using essence.

Me: Noisy Cricket seems to be taking a stand on [Charm-powered NMI as unnatural] - a position I can't fault him on as a character.

but I do expect you as a player to understand what NMI is and isn't.

NC: [NMI] is anything that is not UMI [which includes Charm-powered NMI]

Commentary - see Core page 180-181 on NMI and UMI.

On the previous post:

NC: The question was, could I have asked that as a non-attack?

Me: Core page 131 - if they expressed their opinion about the subject (Charm usage) then you could suspect it as a lie and check if they were lying in a non-attack fashion.

But you would have to get them to express their opinion on the subject - the easiest way to do this is a compulsion attack.

But not the only way - people say things for a myrad of reasons.

On Morality:

NC: I felt a little dirty doing a social attack to ask people if they agreed or not to do a different type of social attack on me. >.>

Me: You can do a social attack demanding whatever you damn well please. The characters will provide any consequences of your choices, if any, not me.

And if you're slightly contradictory or hypocritical in your request then you're playing a good character in my eyes - people rarely make perfect sense.

Me: persuasion of others is inherently an ethical question, no matter what type of system or lack of one. I'm inclined to go by the book and make the distinctions of Obvious/Non-Obvious Charms and NMI/UMI and leave the ethics to the characters.

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