[OOC Thread] [The Resurgent]

In a completely unrelated topic...

Will those manacles actually prevent me from using my monkey charms, as they are, 'kind of' armor?
NoisyCricket said:
Will those manacles actually prevent me from using my monkey charms, as they are, 'kind of' armor?
The manacles do not count as armor for the purpose of Martial Arts Charms.

You're going to have to give the post above that another go. Are you advocating the Battle -> Debate no roll, Debate -> Battle do roll option?
Tikor said:
NoisyCricket said:
Will those manacles actually prevent me from using my monkey charms, as they are, 'kind of' armor?
The manacles do not count as armor for the purpose of Martial Arts Charms.

You're going to have to give the post above that another go. Are you advocating the Battle -> Debate no roll, Debate -> Battle do roll option?
Advocating Debate -> Battle, do roll.

I am advocating this on the basis of different tick types being in play.

Edit: Excellent on the Manacles, otherwise I was going to have to spontaneously learn "Shackled Idiot Style"
Speaking of Balthazar...

When I can perceive it, I want to run (Dash actions if needed) toward him, probably yelling 'Fire! We need buckets!'

I'm not sure what most houses are made out of here, but most places take fire pretty seriously in cities.

Well, so much for not falling into traps.
Thanks, Kal.

Duly noted, NC.

Does anybody else have views to share about Join Battle transitions? Noisy Cricket and I had a discussion about it (at work, in a hallway, for at least half an hour, lawls) and I think x -> Join Battle (where x is an arbitrary non-Battle time) will be manditory from here on out whereas Join Battle -> x or x -> y (where y is a different arbitrary non-Battle time) can be handwaved or rolled, depending on what makes sense at the time.

But I'd like to hear from the other three of you, if you have feelings one way or the other, before I go mod the houserules. We'll have a few weeks before it comes up again (I hope).
I agree with that particular assessment, the battle timing is far more picky than other timing scenarios
Amusingly, Tikor and I came up with a few scenarios where it would come up in non-battle time.

One of these involved throwing cans at a speaker, or tomatoes, depending on your aesthetic wants.
Because it may have gotten lost in the details. I'm now laying on my back partway into the square. The cloaked (DB) is standing a few yards/feet over met. We're both out of the alley.
I think Balthazar was trying to get out of the alley with his move (as a falling down action >.>)

Either way, if I can look and see them, I might be moving over to help, but I can't tell if I see that it's Balthazar or not.
NoisyCricket said:
Either way, if I can look and see them, I might be moving over to help, but I can't tell if I see that it's Balthazar or not.
Your awareness roll combined with Balthazar's move action allow you to clearly see the mortal ship captain Keiga who you also feel a supernatural tug of loyalty to. You also understand there was some trouble, but don't really know how much.

Rillard, Balthazar and Noisy Cricket are all supernaturally aware of each other's positions (as long as you're within 40 yards). Thanatos does not share this link.
It wasn't move action. It was a dodging stunt.

Also, how does the Fire MA get a move action? Didn't he just spend his turn attacking me?
kaliket said:
It wasn't move action. It was a dodging stunt.
Also, how does the Fire MA get a move action? Didn't he just spend his turn attacking me?
You can move and do anything else, as moving is a 0 speed -0DV penalty action
I'm not clear on results of the Perc+aware roll.

Do I know that fight is going on while I'm in the social combat I'm in? (is the social combat I'm in resolved?)
Tikor said:
All three of the rest of you are aware that there is a scuffle in the alley. If any of the NPCs notice, they ignore the spectacle. Everyone is in Battle time, but for this scene I am explicitly allowing social attacks in Battle time.
Sorry for the delay in posting again, got home from work today and sat down to do this. 6 day work weeks with OT most days the last few weeks. Not being able to look at this at work anymore blows. I'll make a much better effort for post speed following this.

Tik, have you heard of Agoria?
Sorry, that was the other stuff being mixed there, which wasn't bad, but I checked, actually meant Blümchen

Sounded like it was your kind of stuff :-p
Kalarix said:
Sounded like it was your kind of stuff :-p
I have a very selective memory when it comes to music. I.e. anything that's ever been in my computer playlist is practically memorized, and the greater wild world of music can't seem to stick in my head.
Dead Fantasy I

Dead Fantasy II

Dead Fantasy III

Dead Fantasy IV

Dead Fantasy V

Especially 5 I get an Exalted feel from. The Sidereal-lead Wyld hunt vs. Solar vibe.

Give me your guys' thoughts on Castes. Here are mine:

Cloud - Dawn (Welcome to Corenea)

Yuna - Zenith (Summoning, prayer)

Rena - Twilight (Sorcery, Artifacts)

Tifa - Night (More Athletics than Stealth)

Rikku - Eclipse (?)

Kasumi - Journeys (Teleportation Charms)

Hitomi - Serenity (Doing it all for the love of the Endings Caste)

Crazy girl with staff - Secrets (Mind-read what!)

Hirabusa - Battles (With Scarlet Patterned Battlefield style for the rescue Charm)

White ninja dude - Endings (Obviously a competent Sidereal Martial Artist)

Black ninjas - enlightened mortals with various styles

Also, I think I tend to cheer for the FF girls. Obviously I need to play more DOA.
Rolls added. Too bad on the elementals. Oh well, we'll punish them later for being cowards. I predict elemental crew members in my future.

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