OOC Thread [The Darkening]

I'll award backgrounds now.

And yes, other people can hear them if they so choose.

They might, too, the arrogant bastards.
Oh, this is going to be fun...

How likely am I to be burned at the stake by the Inquisition?

On a completely unrelated note, is "Stopping these flames burning me" an appropriate Logos 2 Conflagrant spell? :roll:
In this version of the setting, they'll probably fine you at worst.

And yes, that is an acceptable effect.
Speaking of which, just what are my capabilities with Caroforma? I know at 4 I can actually do combat/physical enhancement stuff. Just not sure what I'm actually allowed to do and what limits there are, etc.
Aesthetic changes are easy enough, for one. You can happily disguise yourself as almost anyone, given the time and resources.

As for Combat, you can spend Blood to enhance physical Attributes, to grow additional limbs, to cover yourself in bone armour or spikes, extrude biological weapons... Basically, run anything by me, and I'll likely allow it. It's a powerful, versatile sorcery outmatched only by Communers.
So how long do these changes last once they're made? Or are they a permanent feature that requires the spending of more blood to remove?
Attributes adjustments only last for a Turn at a time, or you can pay double to make them last for what we'll call a scene, out of expediency.

Weapon-morphs are permanent until dismissed - the Vampiric form is something of a universal constant.

Actually, I think I neglected to mention, but your hands look like those of this chap here:

So then the next question just occurred to me. How long do aesthetic changes last? Just curious since they seem much easier to carry out.
More or less indefinately, although the stress of injury or combat can cause them to revert - but you can roll against that if it comes up.
'fraid so, Risa. It's a point that goes way back into genesis of the people. If you really want, I can bend the rule a little - this is a weird version of the setting, after all.

Oh, and Agni is the dagger.
Oi, Grey, was thinking of maybe joining the game, if there's a place for me. Also, been having some fun thoughts about magi.

Is that thing about Spiritseers only being men fully detailed in the hunter core?
It is.

Laman women sometimes become Dreamchasers, and are born with conscious control of their ovulation.

Lamen men are sometimes born with a caul and pure white eyes, able to see and interact with the Spirits whether the Spirits like it or not.

Both traits are supposedly the result of gifts by powerful Spirits in ancient times.

And there's a place for you, Fuzz, just hit me with a character.



That can be done, albeit as a relatively high level Stormlord who has made it his hat.
Not actually what I had in mind, although the Stormlord bit is in there. What I was thinking was, well does the ship have a cabin girl? I was considering playing a mage in her teens who shipped out to be onboard, some skinny girl with ropes in her hands and lightning crashing in her eyes.

Also, I have a wee idea about magi and the growing coils, would like to chat with you about it at some point.
Starting at Coil of Invocation? I think I'd actually quite prefer to start out rather weak. Otherwise, will send you my character tomorrow.
Was thinking of maybe the only known female Spiritseer, more details to come if thats okay. Also, what kind of ship is this? Like, pirate, merchant, courier?
It's whatever the captain feels like, so courier today, pirate tomorrow, merchant the next...

Only female Spiritseer is a bit special snowflake, so I'm just going to lift the gender restriction for this setting.

Coil of Invocation is just fine, Fuzz.
I no longer have any real idea what's going on.

That's probably fine though. Pietr shall soldier on.

*May be slightly inebriated
It'll all make sense when you sober up, fear not. Pietr is still just enjoying the view on deck - it's just the deck has recently become crowded.

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