OOC Thread [The Darkening]

Happy St. Patrick's Day to you as well. Expect to see my character sheet a few days after the rulebook goes up, I am having a bit of writers block on his backstory, and usually poking around the system helps me get over that.
Working on the bg, should be done by this evening. Promised myself I won't play Dragon Age: Awekening until its done.
Current status=Virus. expect sporadic posting from me for a bit. Have a laptop but is a craptop.
I've got a houseguest until the 13th, and so I am unlikely to post much at all. Game will hopefully kick off around the 13th if everyone has their characters ready.
Once the bulk of the characters are done, we can start. I just need to double check who is ready, and who we're waiting for. We can start without some and let them in easily enough in time.
On closer inspection, yours is one of the only characters done.

I can postpone launch until exams are over for people, I'd just like those character sheets near-ready. Preferably background over stats.
Grey said:
On closer inspection, yours is one of the only characters done.
I can postpone launch until exams are over for people, I'd just like those character sheets near-ready. Preferably background over stats.
I'm back and still willing to play :P
Just FYI, I'm having a bit of a RL problem that will keep me occupied for a couple of weeks. Nothing serious, but it requires my attention. So don't wait on my account.
A couple of questions regarding character creation. Do you start with one bar in all your stats, or are the 12 you're given the totality of what you can give your starting character? Also, if you are playing a member of an Infernal House, are the attributes and skills given the major attributes for your character, or do you get some sort of price break when buying those stats?
You start with one in each Attribute, representing the baseline of your species.

As to the Infernal Scion, the Attributes are your Majors, and you receive cost reductions when buying up the listed skills with XP.
Groovy. One more question - what are class perks? Are those the ones you give us for backgrounds? Or do we use those bars to purchase said backgrounds?
Backgrounds are awarded free based on the character bio you provide.

Perks are connected to the appropriate 'classes.'

For example, an Infernal Scion cannot take points in the Perk Eotran Martial Arts unless they are also a Monk.

You can feel free to take any 'class' compatiable with Scions, and you start with four points of Perks divided as you like, with one or two exceptions.

Why, what are you considering?
Like I said before, I'm going with a Face. Someone who is good with words. The pdf I have has no classes, though. Is that in another pdf? Or did I miss it somewhere on the forum? And where are the perks listed?

Also, right now, I'm going with Dellebron, but I could easily change to Lybar if having two Dellebrons in the party is problematic.....
Well, there are some listed here, and some unlisted ones that were added in the most recent .PDF

The most recent PDF being the raw manuscript for Hunters of Imeria: Dark Age, which is for playing Inquisitors and suchlike in the vanilla setting. It's about a week behind the release date. ><

But most choices are incompatible with and unecessary for your chosen character, anyway.

And two Dellebron is fine - you'll most likely end up rivals, and having you both around will lead to Infernal Resonance. Which is to say, you'll both be more powerful for being near each other.
Speaking of backgrounds and perks, I just realized that I had forgotten to put my perks up, so that's done now. As for background, it might have slipped peoples notice, but I posted up my character's history about a week ago, and was wondering if that had slipped your eye? And yes, I haven't dropped, sorry for taking so long to post. The previously mentioned hospital trouble flared up again and kind of delayed me a week. They don't have internet access there, you see.
I had not noticed, but I'll check it out now.

No worries at all about the delays. Everyone is a bit behind.

Oh, and shortly there will be a handy .PDF with those Perks covered in detail.
Hello? Is anyone there? Are we not playing any longer? Has the captain abandoned the ship? It's kind of hard to play by yourself.


On another note, I will be out of town this weekend, so I will not have access to the internet. As such, I will be unable to respond to any posts. I will be returning on Sunday, but I'm not sure what time. I wanted to tell you so you are aware.
Thank goodness. I'm glad someone is still around.

I've been half-tempted to cull the active players from my various games and just start a new one.
Not sure yet. I'll let these ones run a little longer until I know who is still playing, and then either run The Shroud properly because people will be more enthusiastic about nWoD, or consider this a winnowing down to those who would help test out the Hunters a little more.

I'd like to actually finish a bloody game of the game I wrote one of these days.
Ok, what system game is the Shroud? And I don't know Hunter, so I would need to consider playing in that game, honestly. I start a new job in a couple of weeks and, unfortunately, I won't have the time to read and familiarize myself with a new system. If it's a vampire game, though, I'm down.
The Shroud would be using vanilla NWoD.

The Hunters of Imeria game would be using the same system as for this, except better balanced and defined, and a bit more low-power grimdark.

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