[OOC Thread] Kingdom of Heaven [Princes of the Earth]

Yeah, so clearly, both the DotFA and Codex are right.

Checking what the workshop can do, it is unbelievable that a 5dot artifact would only allow such thing.

Therefore, genesis lab is a 5 dot power for manses... period.

Artifact limitations are still applicable though... the only thing you can create is no more than artifact 3.

But considering the concept of this game and its special timeframe, you will surely have time to build some cool stuff.
Sidenote: it's still a WIP but I'd like to have a feedback on the mods for the MoH I'm building.


I've stopped working on the MC rules for now, since half the group is ready to play, I'd like the dominion system to be ready too.

And another question: do you feel that the Social Combat should be rewritten too ?
Well, if Sidereals are a viable option, I'd totally do that... But if not, I'm going Eclipse.
Siddies might add a different feel to the game, not sure exactly how though, but their celestial position will make it more likely to deal with the spiritual aspect of things.

Considering the social combat, I'm tempted to say less Combat and more Social... the way things are now, you force your will onto someone else, to obtain whatever results you want to.

I think things are a bit both more complicated and simple as that sometimes (context, result searched, mood etc etc). Plus I'd really get rid of that stupid tick system for debates.

If you got some ideas, fire at will.
Siddie is a go if you can make it work. There are many cool and bad things with siddies in the realm building department. They make excellent spies/guys behind curtains but really crappy social faces.

Study the charms that have an impact on a mass of people / that can be used in fields useful to a dominion, I don't remember there are plenty of them... they have another cool schtick for them though : Siddy MAs, which can be really awesome when properly used (see the Scarlet Battlefield Pattern, and other SMA not focusing on raw combat efficiency).
Yeah, I know. I was thinking about being a Chosen of Serenity to buff my Lord during public speaches. I'm going all-out Vizier with that. And, oh yes... Sidereal MA makes me happy. Though, it would be hard to have any Scarlet Battle Field charms, as those start at Essence 4. Quicksilver Hand of Dreams on the other hand...
In character wise, how are you going to explain your character's presence in the game ? (especialy to the other exalted who might have never even heard of siderals) Maybe some golden faction secretly infiltrated the court ?

Social combat wise it's a tough one. There is the brute force approach of "social combat" and there's the in character discussions as standard methods. What one would need is something in between. Maybe something like you get bonusses/penalties based on how good your arguments are/how they conflict with the other side's beliefs...
I'm thinking there are various factors for social interactions that are not included in the actual system:

- alignment: friendly/neutral/hostile

- type of approach

- context

- type of request (there is the unacceptable order but... really it's too "simple")

And all sorts of internal and external factors that can really affect an interaction.
As for siddy in a group of solars, depends, if you're a ronin/independant or a loyal servant of heaven working for the gold faction.
Oki so looking at the Qin and L5R systems there's those criterias:


Tick system / difficulty = MDV / results may vary / combat can be escaped / scene is the interval, but there are no indication as to how quick scenes can be chained.


Opposed rolls with a difficulty / number of suxx to be obtained with a collection of opposed roll / fixed interval between rolls


single opposed roll.

I do think Qin has the most interesting system.
Mei said:
Gold Faction. I've always like the Gold Faction...
Ack... wuz afraid you would say that... then you really have to come up with a more detailed background and to be coherent in your insertion into the group, as well as be aware that at one point, they might turn against you or you could loose their trust.
cyl said:
Opposed rolls with a difficulty / number of suxx to be obtained with a collection of opposed roll / fixed interval between rolls.
Qin: The Warring States? That's got to be one of the best wuxia RPGs out there.
Yep, played it a whole year before leaving France, was one of the greatest game I've ever played... mechanics a bit... well twistable (Tao of the Ying and Yang also called "Tao of the Cheat"), but rather stable and very exciting campaign and background.
cyl said:
Mei said:
Gold Faction. I've always like the Gold Faction...
Ack... wuz afraid you would say that... then you really have to come up with a more detailed background and to be coherent in your insertion into the group, as well as be aware that at one point, they might turn against you or you could loose their trust.
Well I can he this character fully well as the reason anathema are not killed at sight but recruited in the kingdom. It could be some secret long term project oft eh gold faction and Mei's character could be the one doing that job. Just suggesting.
Yes... WHEN things go wrong. *sigh* I need some good 'clean up duty' charms... Any good suggestions?

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