[OOC Thread] Kingdom of Heaven [Princes of the Earth]

Omnipresent Overlord Technique is a War charm, which I intend to have as a Favored Ability.

Solar War Charms do not allow you to be away from the unit and still be its leader, though.
Put a Khemric spin on it then, tie religion to government. A dual monarchy of priest-general and artificer-seneschal, perhaps, who between them rule.
U know, Khantalas, you could play an Eclipse, and take the Omnipresent Overlord Technique, it's what Eclipses do. I'm sure Cyl can weave that into the story, though it would lively involve us facing such an opponent in battle, and we'll have to capture him.
Except I would have Caste abilities I'm not interested in having a discount on.

Zenith and Midnight give me four Caste abilities I am interested in, which is better than any other Caste.

EDIT: Also, being a Midnight gives me Unconquered Hero's Faith, which allows me to learn Solar charms as a Moonshadow would.

as long as you don't go for the whole: "I want to bring ruin to you all!!! Muahhahahahah! and turn you to CoD!" we might get along :mrgreen:
Not all of you will become Creatures of Darkness.

Just, say...

A couple of dragons.

((A more humane way of turning people into Creatures of Darkness is hiring Five Days Darkness to do it.))
Now that this has finnaly been solved, we have to gen characters. How much XP if any then ?
Speaking of these guys, we're gonna have to assume they'll be making problems for us, at least the bronze faction will.
I can be a good spy, but in addition to Diplomat it's a bit hard, requires too much Abilities, but will see what I come up with.
I can do that!

Except I may kill a few people while trying to convince that was the right thing to do. Killing Words Technique, y'know.

Look at the bright side, though: at least it'll teach mortals that our cause is so just and fair that those who disagree are struck with stigmatic wounds.
'In order to prove to you that joining our empire is the wisest decision, I have created and delivered unto you... A GIANT TOMATO, FILLED WITH LOVE.'

*Dons organic gas-mask*

'Love, and nerve gas.'
Wow... 2 pages in the night... people ARE motivated :lol:


- about the dominion: it will most likely be a large port town on the south east of Creation. Something along the Grey River, and located between the triangle Puyo - Varsi - Jades.

I will write the rules for MoH pretty soon: am still working on MC at the moment, just need to wrap up engagement and the tables for Heroic and Heroic Unit Actions.

- about a midnight priest king: there are going to be several problems to that:

1- being the figurehead of a dominion and being a renegade abyssal will get all of you and your people into a lot of troubles... not only your former deathlord, but also the others will try to undermine you and the dominion, frequently trying to get rid of you via various means... because you represent the reality of unpunished disobedience of a deathknight. If you could get free and emancipate yourself, so can other DK... and this is not the thought the DLs want their champions to have.

Being a public character exposes you and the dominion too much as a midnight IMHO.

2- your religious and administrative duties will make you gain resonnance at an incredible rate, which will undermine your social skills.

I would advise a more stealthy approach for the midnight. Either pure general, which totally fits and will not make you gain anything since... whatever you do is to generate death, or a secret police leader, tracking criminals and agents working against the dominion and killing a bunch of them.

3- the diplomat will be of course a key element of the development of the dominion. He will be responsible for every external interaction based on persuasion including: trade, military/social/economical alliances & treaties, but also corruption. He can totally be a spy if well chosen. The key abilities are obviously Integrity, Presence, Investigation, Larceny, Bureaucracy Linguistics and Socialize.

I haven't read the lunar social charms in a long time, but I don't remember them being as able to manipulate social units (we will call them Organizations) as the solars are.
cyl said:
1- being the figurehead of a dominion and being a renegade abyssal will get all of you and your people into a lot of troubles... not only your former deathlord, but also the others will try to undermine you and the dominion, frequently trying to get rid of you via various means... because you represent the reality of unpunished disobedience of a deathknight. If you could get free and emancipate yourself, so can other DK... and this is not the thought the DLs want their champions to have.
Being a public character exposes you and the dominion too much as a midnight IMHO.
Solar Impersonation Style, bitch. :P

It does require 4 dots in Larceny, of course. But if the starting dominion is small, I won't really immediately need it. If it is large, we better get a proportionate amount of XP.
Not too many Charms, but they have some nice ones, and am gonna try and look at the Hundredfold pdf to see for some more, if I can.

If not I'll just be an Eclipse, and take Perfect Symmetry and Appearance Excellency from a Lunar ;-)
Because you seriously thing this is the kind of things that would fool a deathlord you've worked for ?

My young padawan, know that there is only a few things that happen to a knight without his deathlord having a hand in this and pulling the strings behind the curtains.

Especially if you have served the Mask or the Walker...

And if they grow bored of you, they can always tell the other deathlord how you dared break your oath and that they need to correct you before other knights have thoughts of going awol.

SRC: be careful of your tell if you choose the lunar. Your edge as a shapeshifter in diplomacy is incomparable (1 person many faces... you can even correct your own screw ups :lol: ), but if you get blown... ouch
Here's an idea - Ebon 'CREED!' Dragon has somehow 'hired' a deathknight for this... experiment. By negotiating directly with the Neverborn, an authority superseding that of the Deathlords.

So, here is a chance to take down the Realm, win brownie points amongst the mortals for Abyssals by demonstrating the superior society they can build, and create a major thorn in Heaven's side which may provide potent cover for other tasks.

In which case, I should enjoy being the Yozi representative - just here to take down the Realm and build a pleasant slice of Hell on earth. SO MUCH CRAFT LIFE.
Guys, guys... we'll be playtesting interactions between characters / dominions & organizations and dominions & organizations / dominions & organizations.

No need to go totally unrealistic :lol:

I'm going to make 2 separate polls : 1 for the Lord / Vizier thing and the other for the type of political system you want to be in. Majority will decide... from there you will have more ideas where to go :)
I'm perfectly content to go all Solars/Lunars.

This is a playtest, afterall.
Now about the political system... we have maaaaaaany options.

But first let's see how we set things on the Lord / Vizier question.

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