[OOC Thread] Kingdom of Heaven [Princes of the Earth]

cyl said:
I'll need your precise roles in the dominion to determine just how much the dominion will give you as free BP and what duties will be yours. A simple soldier will not have the same advantages than a diplomat.
Builder and Bureaucrat here.
I have no problems with Linguistics excellencies, I've seen some cases in which Linguistics was used as an active skill (decyphering a secret code, finding some hidden meaning behind a text, encrypting a letter etc etc).

Integrity excellencies will be usable (unlike I told you by PM SRC) with DMDV check out p.185... willpower is considered an attribute.
Andrensath said:
cyl said:
I'll need your precise roles in the dominion to determine just how much the dominion will give you as free BP and what duties will be yours. A simple soldier will not have the same advantages than a diplomat.
Builder and Bureaucrat here.
So I can take it that you're in the urbanization department like a grand architect ?
Midboss, check out this hearthstone:


That and the Crystal of Legendary Leadership can prove useful for you as a leader of troops, though not to your own fighting ability.

Any of our Sorcerers, if any one of you invests in Lore and Craft as well as Occult, and later in the game takes Celestial Circle Sorcery, try and pick up the spell that cuts down the building of a Manse to weeks. Might prove useful to us all. :mrgreen:

Also, if any of our sorcerers has battle spells, and feels he might need a bit more essence in combat, I'd be willing to serve as a battery. Not sure if I took it already, but am gonna have Essence Lending Technique. My character isn't gonna much of a fighter, but she can help others, and she's gonna dominate Social Combat.

Am considering which MA style she should learn.

Cool about the Integrity Excellency. Will get the 3rd one, so I can have Dodge MDV of 10, if I need. :mrgreen:
That sort of heartsone would indeed be very usefull. I'm suddenly thinking of real time battlefiled control, RTS Style.
Glad to be of use.

Also, Midboss, you don't have to take Lore, since between me and the Twilights I think we'll be able to pick up the Training Charms. Unless you want to.
Lets say Lore fits my character concept/background. It's more for fleshing out the character than real utility that I'm taking it. He also happens to be good at cooking. It's a hobby of his.
I think my precise role would be Grand Seneschal - Responsible for harvests, healthcare, and public welfare.
Duely noted.

I'll start writing the background for the dominion in the next days, but basically it's a small kingdom founded 400 years ago by the same king that still rules it.

The king inherited the heavy sense of duties from his elders who remembered the days of the shogunate, when exalts were leading mankind justly, and though he has made clear that his decision shall not be contested on several occasions, he has done nothing but place his people before his personal interests, and so the people loves its king.

As in every kingdom, there is a court as the king doesn't pretend to be omniscient, and there are of course power plays here... but the king is no fool, he has never taken any advice that would result in causing the end of his realm. Yet there have been some wars in the past decades.

The king now grows old, but his body and mind are still strong. His successive wives have given him no exalted child and he despairs to see his mortal children, though he deeply cares for them, placed at the head of the kingdom, knowing too well that it is only through personal power that you can lead and protect a country.

He has personnally recruited each and every one of you (and you can write the way you entered his service into your character background), and trust you to do what's in the best interests of his kingdom.

Since your arrival, though rumors of anathemas corrupting the mind of the king have been heard through the lands, your presence and deeds have comforted the people that you are true allies of the kingdom.
Am considering which MA style she should learn.
Well depends on her style, but if you're going unarmed, I strongly suggest Mantis for its very effective defense & grappling charms and its versatility (you can use it with whatever MA weapons).
She's not gonna be very good at grappling, and it doesn't feel suited for her.

I was thinking on the obvious Dreaming Pearl Courteasan, but that'd be too cliche. And none of the spy/assassin like styles feel right either. Will have to think it some more, but might be taking Silver-Voiced Nightinggale instead. It also has it's two entrance charm useful in war, when leading a Magnitude 1 or 2 unit, and fighting against such units.
The name of the kingdom is Balursa, it is composed of the capital city of Balursa and a few small villages and fiefs close to the city, Balursa itself is a large port town probably the most civilized after Jades before entering the jungles.

- Itchim, Revilo, Gemah to the north

- Kamino, Tawanti, Kuhela to the south

- Nemu, Choraku to the west (past the Grey river)

- Ringu and White Lord's Path (a small village relay on the road to get to the republic of Chaya) to the east.

I'll put out a map with some spots, and other close dominions for you to get a better grasp of your surroundings. :mrgreen:
I see many people taking manses... do they have the codex and feel the need to detail them or is it unnecessary for you ?
Now that's a badass looking king we got here. Why do I get the feeling that with our characters antics, he's going to end up like this guy ?

Half French half british. I get comedy culture from both sides of the Channel. Speaking of which, new season out soon.
Heh, and here I was, thinking "what can I watch now ?" :)

I'm going to need a little bit more time to write down the whole Mandate of Heaven core rules, but once all pcs are done, we can start playing, and we will playtest the MC and MoH.
Check out the DotFA then you got the 5pts power for genesis lab (similar to factory cathedral in the codex).
So I see, remarkably cheap. Might as well use those Artifact points to buff the Manse up a few dots for more Creation Points. Might also add a hospital wing or something.

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