[OOC thread]Hall of the Braves [Alliance of the Renewal]

cyl said:
Well the situation is actually pretty simple:
guys on the boat - wyld mutant hopped to the other boat to meet the new pc.

It's just a temporary split.

Now that brings us with one great question: do you want to do anything with Balsa, apart from erasing the shadowland I mean ?!

The city's in place, once it has been ridden of its taint, it will be inhabitable and already has some wealth in it, this could be yours... or the guild's. Freed slaves could be used to repopulate the city slowly but surely, and then you get a newly founded dominion... or we could go on on the road and see where it leads us next :wink:

I am not opposed to a split too should it be needed.
I'm not either. I'm with Brickwall to an extent; I'm not going to leave, but having lots of different things happening at once doesn't really suit me and certainly doesn't leave me itching to interact. I started playing this game (Exalted, that is) with small groups (3 exalts), so I guess I'm just a product of my environment. :/

I'm also with SRC here; Arelean would love to help, but he's not the type to want to settle down. That is his personal reason for leaving Metagalapa and all. :P
Crimson isn't terribly interested in actually ruling anything, though having a secure base of operations would appeal to her.

Considering the number of players at this point, splitting the party seems somewhat necessary.
As I said splitting ways is definitely not a problem, on the contrary, makes things somehow a little more interesting and more realistic (as exalt do not travel in packs of 10+ very often... too many egos and all...).


Team 1, keep on rolling: Arelean, White Lilly, Crimson Arroyo, Yuriso Idawa.

Team 2, settling down: Hiraeth, Triumphant Truth, Maressa.

yet unknown: Spider and Jonas.

I have enough imagination to keep things interesting for both groups, and rest assured that you will meet again frequently (kind of the point of having a nest to return to... you can fly on your own...) :)

A few questions now :

1) should I accelarate the split, letting Filipo deal with the slave situation, and letting Truth and Vargas take care of the shadowland or do you want to stick a little bit more together before parting ways ?

2) is team 1 going to follow the guild caravan as originally planned or are they going to go in a different direction ?

3) where are Spider and Jonas gonna go ? :)
As i said i'd probably stick around till the shadowland is lifted, and try to learn how to do it, so she can aspire to that route, and hopefully eventually achieve it.
As i said i'd probably stick around till the shadowland is lifted' date=' and try to learn how to do it, so she can aspire to that route, and hopefully eventually achieve it.[/quote']
Once you get solar circle sorcery, without problem :mrgreen:
well' date=' seems like i've got something to aspire to, just two more charms and 2 more Essence! nothing that 76 more XP can't fix ;-)[/quote']
and 7 months of meditation ;)
I've always seen going straight for Essence 5 to be kind of questionable, both IC and OOC. Essence isn't really raw power, it's fuel. Charms and Spells are power. By rushing Essence 5 and Solar Circle Sorcery or what have you, you always seem to end up lacking in other areas. For example, when compared to the Terrestrial and Celestial Circles, sure, the Solar Circle is far more powerful. But where it gains in power, it loses almost equally so in general applicability. The Terrestrial Circle, and even Celestial, offer a lot more options that are utilitarian. It also looks a little funny, in character, because usually you see Exalts grow in power on a more natural scale, increasing their Essence only when the situation deems it to be really necessary. Not that I'm not trying to discourage you from doing this (because I'm not; go for it if you want it!). These are just my personal observations and opinions on this, things I've gained after playing this game for a little while :P .

That being said, Arelean probably wouldn't mind sticking around to see the Shadowland lifted. He's young and curious about this power he's been blessed with, so it's natural that the chance to see such a miracle happen would grab his attention. ;)
So we have 3 "plots" going on:

- investigate what truly happened to the city.

- free the slaves.

- erase the shadowland.

While some players will take interest in all, others won't (especially the slave part), but I don't want the last scene to become too complex to follow with multiple actions, so split threads for a short time could be a good thing :)
Well, the Captain came to this side of creation with the idea of gathering an armada far from the reach of the Skullstone Archipelego and taking it back to wipe out that particular threat(His initial reason for seeking out the Guild, though now he's starting to see some potential in simply over welming might rather than numbers).

So settling downs not an option, it doesn't help that as a realm born and raised navy man he's a little unnerved by the number of Solars gathering. I think he'll stick with the caravan though have a few discussions about building a navy before he leaves (humorous considering it seems to have access to only a river) as well as watching the shadowlands banishing thing, something certainly close to the heart of his own goals......
cyl said:
So we have 3 "plots" going on:
- investigate what truly happened to the city.

- free the slaves.

- erase the shadowland.

While some players will take interest in all, others won't (especially the slave part), but I don't want the last scene to become too complex to follow with multiple actions, so split threads for a short time could be a good thing :)
Well, unless you plan to send us somewhere far away on the heels of some clues, then investigating the city and erasing the Shadowland can be done by the same group. As the caravan was supposed to be staying at Balsa to wait for the Shadowland to be removed (right?), the slaves could also be taken care of by the same group.

I suppose I don't really understand the splitting up. If we were taking those three options, they're all going to be happening in the same place. You kind of made it seem as though we'd splitting up and separate ways for a bit (which I have to admit I really like the story prospects of) :/ .

If the slaves get freed, then the caravan is basically nixed, right? If not, with this new Solar organization I'm not really sure why any of us have a reason to follow the caravan still. I think we may be in need of another big plot hook (which I imagine makes this already-complicated game even more so for you cyl >_<)...
The caravan doesn't rely exclusively on slaves, it is one of its goods to sell, but definitely not the only one, so it will go on... if the caravan masters survive the encounter with the solar bunch and decide to go on.

Splitting ways right now was more a way to rp the freeing slave part from one hand and playing the investigation on the other hand, then erase the shadowland for the finale (with a rejoined group).

I have a lot of plot hooks that can be used wether you all stay in Balsa or some go with the caravan or simply leave Balsa, this is not a problem, I just don't want to press you into doing something your characters wouldn't do just because "it's the master plot" (because it's not, this is the first chapter of the game !). :)

Dunno if I was clear enough.
a point, if the caravan falls apart we won't be needed to gaurd it.....I kind of like that actually, giving me time to work on organizing a fleet without settling in. As it is, if the caravan sets off then we need to check with lonely crane to make sure it isn't still going to be destroyed. I guess the shadowland and deadites could have been the end we were trying to prevent, but it doesn't feel like it.....
I see. Won't removing the Shadowland be as simple as making use of a Solar Circle Spell? >_>

I mean, couldn't Vargas simply just cast Cleansing Solar Flames and be done with it? It takes, what, 10 minutes per 50 square miles haha.

If those are the only choices though, I suppose Arelean would be suited for the investigatory work, being an Awareness monkey and all.

EDIT: Good point Atrius. Maybe it'd be best to speak with the old man.
I think part of the splitting comes from the fact that some might be more inclined to stay in Balsa, and govern/guide it, as part of the Alliance, while others might not wish to settle down just yet, and would prefer to roam Creation some more.

If it comes to investigating the seeds of the events in Balsa or freeing the slaves, White Lilly would be happy to do both, but will probably go with investigating Balsa. She might not have Investigation charms, but she does have good Intelligence and Investigation to help uncover evidence, and the ability to know when a CoD approaches, though if needed, she can help convince the Guild merchants to free the slaves, using her Presence Excellency, though i'd assume others have a better chance at it.
fhgwdads05 said:
EDIT: Good point Atrius. Maybe it'd be best to speak with the old man.
Aye, once the current scene puts us into contact with the guild and it's clear our griffon rider isn't going to start slaying the entire lot of them.....The Captain will be looking for him.....
Sorry for my unannounced absence, will probably be another week or so before I can get back to posting here. I am abnormally busy.
A thousand apologies everyone, things are just getting crazier and crazier at work, dunno when I will have a normal rythm back... soon for the delay.

Edit: though I was hoping someone from the first Balsa scene would answer the question asked :wink:

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