[OOC thread]Hall of the Braves [Alliance of the Renewal]

Sorry to hear that, work is a bitch and lack of sleep even more so. From recent personal experience :D

While we wait patiently I'm making little modifications here and there to my sheet. Please tell me when I should lock it definitely :P
one last thing, don't forget to spend some of your Ressources to buy some equipment if you need some, I've seen some sheets with and without.

Since you're on a caravan, and will travel a lot, things may be bought on the way, but it's better to have some before game starts.
I'm feeling epically lazy today... Can't I just write "Horse, bow, generic travel things and various stuff"? :-(

I know this doesn't really need to be said, but as we're Solars and all, I hope we'll be moving past the caravan and on to much bigger things soon. >_>

Anyways, I'll put down what Arelean will start with once you give me your words on my fanfic (which still has more coming!) and the artifact I posted in the Custom Items thread. :P

Aside from those little things, I am set to go. As lockepick has failed to post or say anything anywhere on the entire PbP forums here since he posted his character and was working out the custom Artifact, maybe we should get going without Royal Candela? She could always join us if and whenever lockepick decides to return to us...
Yup the Caravan is just a mean to tie the characters up, sort of an introductive chapter. Will be short, things will evolve very quickly.
Odin said:
Well, this is an old "It's evening and you all sit in a tavern..." trope :D
YAY for game start!
Kinda, but it had to start at one point, hopefully it will just be starting like this. No treasure hunting, or orks camps raiding...promise !
Ok, the stats for a Khopesh are: Spd 5, Acc +0, Dmg +4L, Def +2, Rate 2

As for the Artifact version, called a Scything Daiklaive I was thinking of something like: Spd 4, Acc +1, Dmg+7L (Possibly with O tag), Def +3, Rate 2

What do you think of that? Anyone else got any ideas on properly statting that thing? I used the Chopping Sword and it's Artifact version as a comparison, which has 6 points increased from standard to artifact form.
A khopesh is pretty much an axe made out of a single piece of metal instead of a head and handle, right? Could use the stats for an axe and a grimcleaver.
I certainly hope so, or else I might have to unleash my puppy eyes at cyl. No one wants that now, right?
Work is crazy lately.

Yes we keep it going on, with or without lockepick, I will post every evening til I can do better.
Oh, I figure he's a Chosen of Endings... But Honest Blossom doesn't necessarily know that - plus, she might be a conniving grifter bitch, she has her limits. And letting a caravan of folks die is one of them.
Just two days ago I was chatting with Parallax about the eventuality of being manipulated by Siddies :P

Then I said something like "Taste orichalcum rapier damn kung fu astrologer!"

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