OOC thread [Four Factions ]


One Thousand Club
Greater OOC scheming, FTW. For great Justice!

As I said in the PM, I'm thinking Mass Combat. What're you thinking?
Indeed, I'll have to re-read that section on what happens when I put on my suit of soldiers. I doubt it's going to help us much against our enemy's perfect defenses, especially while trying to defend our poor little city against attack 24/7.

Right now I'm leaning towards an air immaculate unless we need an investigator/tracker in which case I'll probably be an earth dynast.

I haven't thought up backstories yet, but I have no objection to being blood bonded. If so, I would submit that our first meeting could be when we all first arrived at this city 2 years ago and together fought off a young upstart lunar who was trying to raise an army.

I would also suggest that we have a combined "arsenal" background that represents the limited resources that the dynasty was willing to allow us to keep for defense of the city.
Yes, although it's probably not worth it since I'll only have 5 charms and have to spend 2 of them to initiate, but the concept could be fun.
The ST just gave us an additional Charm above published chargen. Find out just where you can end up with respect to your style (i.e. what enlightenment Charms count as).
Enlightenment charms count as non-aspected martial arts charms, so with 6 charms I'll have the first 4 from the air dragon style and my next charm will be the form. Shrouding the Body and Mind's about the best charm I'll have, so I have to consider what tactics I would focus on with it.

Alternatively, I could just use three charms so I have the first air dragon charm and spend my last three on excellencies or charms from other skills.

Last I heard, IdyllicSilence was thinking about a fire aspected dynast, focusing on sword and speech, what were you looking at, Tikor?
I hope the situation with the Charms is cleared.

If anyone of you goes Melee, I will consider pumping up Portentous Comet Deflection Mode:

- Costs only 4 motes for non-enhanced attacks.

- Costs normally for charm-powered attacks, but is a perfect Parry, same effect as Heavenly Guardian Defense.
xarvh said:
If anyone of you goes Melee, I will consider pumping up Portentous Comet Deflection Mode:
- Costs only 4 motes for non-enhanced attacks.

- Costs normally for charm-powered attacks, but is a perfect Parry, same effect as Heavenly Guardian Defense.
I would be very interested in this.
Ok, if you're both going to be melee combat oriented I might just go with the investigator/tracker instead. That way I could take melee and we could all benefit from the group excellency.

While combat can't be completely overlooked, trying to compete in the arms race in this game will mean swift death. I think we should put a great effort into finding the person or thing that can turn our imminent defeat into a chance for victory.

What are both of your opinions on the blood bond and shared arsenal?
I have no plans on getting Terrestrial Melee Reinforcement or a blood bond.

I haven't thought through shared arsenal yet.
The more we can pool our resources, the better off we can be. Shared Arsenal, at least, might be for the best. Also, we're going to have to find some way to call in more resources from the Realm, or at least somewhere more powerful. Cherak might be a good choice if the Realm won't listen.
Ships are only resources 4, so we could potentially start with our own fleet and just sail everyone back to the Blessed Isle. That's my best plan for success, does anyone else have other ideas?

The Realm is not going to help us, it seems. Cherak is about 1000 miles away, where the Blessed Isle is only about 500. I think our best bet for aid would be to gather a wyld hunt from the Isle, but even that would take a long time and be likely to fail.
Per your request, I slapped together a map of the town.


There is a narrow path to the North, towards the Howling Hill (where the Barbarians have camped) and Marama's Fell and a larger one to the East, towards the Chasm.

Both paths would allow with some difficulty access to an invading army, the northern being the most impervious one.

The city Hall is in the central square.

It's both the town city hall and your residence, but organize it as it suits you, that building is entirely up to you.

The Wall is currently retracted, its huge metal pillars barely surfacing from the ground.

Access to the wall control system is from a metal manhole cover next to the the well behind the central square.

Underneath, a huge round hall, 60m in diameter, the floor covered with huge cables (from 10 to 20cm in diameter) covered in a thick layer of mildew.

At the very center of the hall, a 1m tall pillar of some strange seemingly hydraulic machinery with an hearthstone socket at its top.

At East, the hall's wall has several low tunnels: the cables exit from the base of the pillar and run in serpentine paths, ending eventually at groups of two or three in one of tunnels.

The tunnels are very dark, thin, and barely high enough for a person to enter, crawling on the cables.

More informations will be available when you have finalized your PCs and can start the appropriate rolls.
I think we can do better than just running away with our tails between our legs. The evacuation might be good as our last resort, and it is something we must plan for, but it shouldn't be our first choice. The ships might be used to establish trade with a few other cities so that we give them a reason to be interested in us and to fight for us.

Also, we must be prepared against any other exalts attempting to proselytize the people of the city. Just saying, especially with the way Solar social charms are.
Thanks for the map, I'll try to come up with some ideas for our building.

Don't think about it as running away with our tails between our legs, think of it as sailing to glorious victory with all of the good people who would have died but for our extraordinary compassion for their well being.
Hello all, I am your friendly everyday DB with a general idea, but needing to hash out a bit, Would you prefer a social, combat mage type demonologist, or would you prefer a compassionate medic/spirit negotiator/assassin Wood Dragon Immaculate? These are endgame concepts mind you and may take a bit of work to get there. Though will have decent start on these paths. Also I agree with the group arsenal, it has much more impact when you share arsenal than when you work off your own power.
Having just finished reading the Rule of Law, I really want to push for the Fire aspected Sorceror, with the White Treatise to pull my spell list from and hold with core for the remainder of the char equipment and Charms.
It looks like we might need some sorcery at our backs, though pure combat magic might not be the best idea. Demonology would be good though.
Cool, anyone look down the Awareness tree at that nasty little charm on the end there? That is going to be just a mean little trick to rip one of those solars with.

Kk, so Socialize, Awareness, , and Dodge, or should I go with Melee, there are no perfect defenses in Dodge are there?

I will have a charcter sheet ready for approval soon.

Where are the chargen adds for DBs again?
By the way, if we are going to try to stand alone against all of the other factions, we won't even be a speedbump, what we need to do is manipulate, and make treaties, work with at least one other faction, preferably many against each other. If they are smart they will be doing the same. Also, if you haven't noticed, we are decidedly in the low count for players. Even with mortal support, our PC count will be crushed fast. Now, if we are support for say a Lunar assault on the Solars, them the Lunars are the bigger threat. Or an abyssal assault that will draw the asttention of the beatsticks. Remember, we have no advantages here, one Eclipse or Moonshadow and we are exposed to our own charms as well as theirs.
Welcome Havok, did someone drop out or are we up to four players on team conviction?

Good suggestions, though! I doubt that spirits will be very helpful, but I completely forgot about the option of using 1st circle demon armies. I put it out of my mind since it's so looked down on in the Realm, but we're shunned rejects anyway so let the summoning begin!

We can keep an army of a few hundred near the city for defense and then each have a tactical squad to take combat to the enemy. Brilliant!
We are expected to maintain this as a semi-profitable satrapy are we not, by any means necessary. As such we need low maintenance defenses and not suck all of the resources of the area up with imported manpower. Plus a bit of spellpower on the field will cover alot of distance with the difference in power from Celestials and terrestrials. I just need to find out if I need to take command for my summons or not. After all they are pulled in by spell. Also how many will the ST allow me to start with.

Can anyone direct me to the DB chargen changes? I still can't find them for god or money.
xarvh PMs the Char Gen background and rules, give him a yell and he should fill you in.

Our ultimate goal is not to be profitable. It would good to know how many demons we can start the game with.

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