OOC thread [Four Factions ]

IdyllicSilence said:
Okay-Sneak as in mainly for espionage and scouting- i.e. non-combat, or sneak as in assassination?
I'd be favorable to sneak as in assassination. If you just strike the ones you think won't have a PD available due to other Charm usage then re-establish Stealth, that would be awesome and all that's required of you in combat.

Socially we're much more lacking, Vilas can do a little mojo and Juu is just a stubborn bastard. We really can't sway masses, spread propaganda easily or do many offensive social tricks.

Vilas should have the tracking aspect down with being able to sense fire, know home locations, and know close associates.
Sorry connected the Third scene flashback with the first scene, it just made sense, btw the added heat was coming from an extra body in the room wasn't it? My cloak, the hearthseat, one demon, Two dragon blooded, and the Lunar?
There is a small inconsistency, that is the theft happened at morning, while your narration would make it at night.

Anyway, none will notice, shit happens.

The room is huge and, to a lesser extent, ventilated.

The temperature increase was small, but the sheer volume heated is out of the possibility of four bodies.

Maybe Pyrun's anima at 10 motes for a couple of minutes would do.
Ok, hate to be pushy, but what happened with the Lunar and the demon and dog. Help me out I am dying with anticipation. I have so been tempted to look even to the point to see if I was added as a viewer of the Howling Hills Thread several times.
Copy and paste private message, or something, I don't knoooow!!! It is driving me nuts!! As far as success a general outline would work haha. Just quit dragging me along on my knees begging. I just want to see the fight haha. I don't need to know any pertinient information, dialogue it like he hit here, this hit there, dog was smacked, and please describe any stunting the demon or the dog did. I don't want to know aything more than I need to. If there was another Lunar or Solar involved don't give specifics that I can't tell by the anhule. But I really like the Stunting of Combat.
What do we know of the situation, is it just the two Lunars that we know about? Or are we aware of the 7 Lunars, 5 Solars and 3 Abyssals? I am trying to remember the counts when I saw them in the roster so may be off a small bit.
The spider told you what he saw.

At the Howling Hill there are two Lunars.

One is the Rabbit, the other is big and ugly and bad.
Alright, social assassin it is. I won't be able to be as effective as I would like, with charms going into socialize, presence, dodge, sneak, and melee, but I'll try to make do.
Pyrun has no problem being the man in City Hall. Pyrun will be there in any case, his adoring public needs to be able to find him when they need him.
Just post a description then.

Shadow Red Claws has been told to wait for it before posting.
Last night summoned another anhule.

Conviction roll for last night had four successes, with the one WP from cult am finally back to full WP.

Pyrun Durne rolled the following in his 4 dice:

6, 10, 3, 10

Using 7 as the target number, the roll resulted in 4 successes.
Damn, losing another. That means two DBs versus 13 Celestial Exalts?

Where is the manse to the hearthstone of the Wall?

How many troops in garrison?

What can the pirates offer?

How long in game do you see this game running?

A week? A month?

Are you enforcing training times?

Are we going to try to pull in another player?
> That means two DBs versus 13 Celestial Exalts?

No, 24 Celestial Exalted.

17 Members have secretly joined since the start.

They are all Infernals, but I let them also pick Solar/Abyssal charms.

They are all bent on the enslavement of Tyresö.

Oh, and one of them controls a Holy Satellite Railgun.

> Where is the manse to the hearthstone of the Wall?

The Hall housing the Wall's System is the Manse.

> How many troops in garrison?

600, including the officers.

> What can the pirates offer?

Depends what you ask.

Definitely a safe ride from Tyresö to Wallport for Vilas' emissaries.

> How long in game do you see this game running?

> A week? A month?

All depends on the players.

So fa I haven't seen many bold moves, so it may be a month.

Then again, the first party that gains sufficient intel may want to make it's move.

> Are you enforcing training times?

Yes, but you can overcome them with a stunt.

> Are we going to try to pull in another player?


You two have three PCs already.
So with the wall as the manse, am I attuned to the manse, or just the stone pillar. If not I wish to attempt to attune. Is there anything keeping me from doing so?
No problem, you can attempt to attune. Don't worry about the lunars, but their players haven't been available for a few days.

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