OOC thread [Four Factions ]

From what I've read you can bind one to your will for a year or to a task indefinately.

You can summon one each day. There are something like 465 days in the Exalted year.

So just using the bind to your will method you could clear 400. If you bound them to a task 'destroy any invasion force entering Tyresö ' it would be limited only by the date you started, since there are more first circle demons in Malfeas than a Dragon-Blooded has days in his life.

Now, the kind of trouble 400+ demons could cause is quite substantial...

But the work they can do is also quite substantial.

This is from memory, if anyone has page references from RoGD II, please post them.
p. 253 in the Core Book, has the information about the demons bindings. Also the Followers, Retainers, Allies, and Command Backgrounds have no reflection as to demons. They are all humans for the most part with some issues towards celestials and Terrestrials, god-blooded, or gods. Command ratings all refer to elite soldiers.

At this point it is all up to the ST, though I would say not having anymore of one kind than War rating in magnitude or I guess bureaucracy rating could be used in certain circumstances or Craft even in the case of Firmen and Anhules. Minimum starting restriction, though that would need some thought also.
I had a look at the RoGD2.

If you want demons for a task, you can probably have many, but giving an order accurate enough so that they don't harm/terrorize/eat the townsfolk, merchants and travelers is tricky.

Binding them requires the Abscyssa Panels, that are around Resources 3.

Assuming an inclination towards Demonolgy of your sorcerer, I expect he'll have a maximum of three demons currently bound, of which only one good for combat and the other two more useful for more "civilian" tasks.

Since you have been knowing of the recent threat, the sorcerer may have summoned one more combat-oriented demon, and will be able to start summoning a third as soon as the game starts.

This also means that the sorcerer is likely to start the game with some expended willpower.
Now answer me this, how are we supposed to have a chance, if we can't react to their presence till after he is moving at mach two again?
Are you supposed to have a chance?

Honestly, you guys don't even have the slightest clue of how the Wall is supposed to work... What difference makes having the stone or not?

Remember that the Lunar doesn't know what YOU know, and viceversa.

Stop complaining and act as the proud Dynast you are.
There is a large difference between Pyrun and myself, but the fact that you make it sound as though we don't and shouldn't have a chance makes me wonder why you didn't post that when you contacted me. Difficult is one thing. And where did Tiku's Bonus points and exp come from? Did I miss something available?

I don't care too much about the Wall as much as I do about the theft from these people and a Lunar racing through the town.
No complaining here, xarvh. Keep on trucking.

Havok, I tried to clearly explain my bonus points on my sheet.

Bonus Points

 Used / Earned
   25  /   15+4(standard)+4(fanfic)+1(description)+1(picture)=25
Ahhh, thanks, no prob. just trying to find a way to edge the game any way I can. Feel stifled and short sheeted. I certainly hope you have a way of hitting that beast at range or slowing it dramatically. I hate bumping off a PC in the opening scene, but 4 DBs casteoffs of the Realm will have a hard enough time standing against 3 factions of Exalts.
My ranged ability is severely limited. My prediction is the Lunar will be off and we'll have to decide to follow him or not in-character.
Havok: this PC vs PC thing sent everyone in paranoia... Even the other factions are scared to hell. =)

You just almost incinerated a Lunar, and luckily for him Juu was out of Grand Goremaul range... I you are definitely not set that bad.

Especially because you DB got a big chargen boost.

Anyway, I'm a bit lost with your sheet.

Could you explicitly note, in your chargen, your favored/aspect abilities and how did you spend your BPs?
As a proud Dynast I saw a thief, but the thief was forgotten when I was the Lunar. I may be mistaken, but I have seen no negotiations opened. This was set up as a PvP game, and really, was I not expected to act offensively? I understand I wasn't expected to act effectively, but still. Also if the rabbit was slowed any at all, the anhule hunter demon may finish the job, and my Tomescu bodyguard should be coming into play this second round. I can't justify the firmen, or the neomah attacking him, much less having the option. I figured unloading with four demons and my attack would have been a bit much in the first round, though how he has not fallen down is beyond me. Can you check knockdown rules? I believe that there should be a stamina resistance roll for something now.

I told you the character sheet was a rush job and would need changing. I haven't seen any big chargen bonus, over the basic creation package, I am not sure what you are talking about with that statement. I realized that I am one Charm over chargen, so will peal off the Martial Arts Charm. Also was heavy one Temperance, which had adjusted my willpower. I have made the corrections. Though know that is what is coming. It comes from being this close to demons, feels he needs a way to see them when they are dematerialized and be able to admonish them. If necessary. I have to finish him. Bonus points include Essence 3, Awareness 4, Specialty in occult, and Conviction 4. Favored include Fire Aspect Athletics, Dodge, Melee, Presence, Socialize, Occult, Martial Arts, Awareness, I have marked them with a "*".
You acted very sensibly and completely according the circumstances.

As a ST, I have to try and forecast what's going to happen.

So, yeah, I 'expected' you two guys to be unable to stop him.

It was just my informed forecast, and no more.

You stop him?

His problem, not mine.

If I had *needed* you NOT to stop him, I would have asked you directly.

But I prefer fix the story rather than preventing the players from using the full potential of their PCs.

Yes, I know your PC is not complete in fact I didn't lock the thread.

The chargen bonuses are, as detailed in the Team Convinction Intro PM:

*) writing a very short fanfic of the events that lead to your House gracefully getting rid of you and be sent to Tyresö (max 5 years ago) will earn you 4BPs.

*) one bonus dot in Compassion, as well as....

*) ...4 more BPs on the top of the creative bonuses.

*) 1 BP for a nice description of what the others see when they see and interact with your PC, and another BP for providing a small image of your PC that you will be welcome to append to each of your posts, 2 BPs if it's originally composed.

*) be welcome to create PCs considered 'inept' by Dynast standards (ie, without the minimum skills)
So that is where the extra dot in virtues came from. So i still have 8 BPs to push through, won't take long.

The one in Compassion should be in Temperance and the bonus compassion will take me to two. raising my WP by 1 (to 7 total).

Will raise temperance to 4 with 3 BP,

Will raise WP to 9 with 2

Will raise Athletics to 4 with 2

Will raise ally Captain to 2 with one,

Raise artifact to 1 and will carry a Yasal crystal, and an empty hearthstone amulet.
Must ... not be wordy! Juu is much less cultured than the characters I usually roleplay. He'll be a challenge to keep in character.

By the way, who is in charge of the Army? Some NPC DB?
Tikor said:
By the way, who is in charge of the Army? Some NPC DB?
As long as Juu has the highest War rating, I'd say he's definitely the general and highest in command, at least non-officially.

No problem if he appointed a mortal officers to handle the paperwork. =)

Anyway, it's ultimately up to you guys to decide.

Tyreso is yours to command.
Now, I have no problem looking to Juu as far as the leadership of our troops. I was wondering, what information do we have anyways, that the others do not have. You mentioned that each group has a limited understanding of the situation.
The problem is that your team is missing two PCs.

While I can add some deus ex at the right moment to give you guys some edge, there are obviously many areas that your team has left uncovered.

Juu is quite a great shot for mass combat, it would be the natural choice to put him in charge of the local army.

Then again, Tyreso is quite a forgotten place, you have great freedom from the realm.

Indeed, you get almost no messages from the Realm, the letter you received was quite an exception.

You orders are just to keep ready a couple of bags of food and a few other primary goods, you have prepared everything already.

More in general, you have just been 'assigned' to Tyreso, in that the city is your responsibility to govern, organize, develop and protect.

Inside the city, you have almost absolute powers.
What happened to the other two? should I make another character to fit the holes? Or are we just waiting for the bodies of the two missing characters to show up. Also I suggest that if the DBs kill someone then the deceased has an opportunity to return as a DB from the Realm. This would represent added assistance from the Realm due to the added prestige and support for the Realm's guidelines. Just a thought, and I found what happened in the combat. His four lethal soak dropped the damage all the way to 6 damage, making him at -4 with one level left.
Yes, he was at -4.

I'm contacting the other two, but i don't have too much hope.

I'm considering Tikor's suggestion having you lead 2 PC each, tell me if you like the idea.

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