OOC thread [Four Factions ]

xarvh said:
More informations will be available when you have finalized your PCs and can start the appropriate rolls.
I'm wondering if I can get these appropriate rolls now?
It's mostly about the Wall.

You can give a deeper inspection in the Wall Manse (the underground hall that contains the Wall machinery).

Two dramatic (Intelligence + Lore) and (Intelligence + Investigation).

The access to the Wall Manse is in a small manhole trapdoor close to the city well, you can see it in the map, east to the main square.

Tikor, you can start the chargen of your second PC.
Rolls as needed

22/05/2009 17:03:18 - Pyrun Durne

Rolled Dice: 2

Target Number: 7

Number of Successes: 0

Name of the roll: Int + Investigation

22/05/2009 17:02:46 - Pyrun durne

Rolled Dice: 4

Target Number: 7

Number of Successes: 3

Name of the roll: Int + Lore
I'm about half done with my other char. He's an Investigation/Bureaucracy focused graduate of the Spiral Academy.
I can have a Wood Dragon contortionist martial artist, ready to rock by Sunday if that is optional. He is a bit odd in that he fires his bow with his feet and is a contortion martial artist of the Wood Dragon Style. As an Immaculate monk, he has strong views about dealing with Anathema, and has been slated to this side of Creation due to his nonconformity, he is a mystery among the mysterious.
Havok: I assume that you went down in the manhole and spent the remainder of the day studying the machinery.

I'm opening a Scene 3: thread in Tyresö, just for you.
I will gladly head there after the short conversation with Juu, and the meeting with the diplomat, in otherwords I need someone else to figure it out, and thought we had a lore and investigation hoss coming in. Also since I followed the Lunar from the hearthstone seat in my opening paragraph, can we say I was studying it to find out why it wasn't working beforehand?
Complete the scene in the Tyresö thread.

We can make Scene 3 a flashback, so that you can try to operate the wall with the Stone still in position.
Tag Juu, I have entered the hearthseat, if you want to open the conversation.

I have begun the flashback scene then. Even to the point of leaving the hearthstone unsecured, though I think I will try to activate the Wall and then remove the hearthstone again, so it is unsecured when the theft happens.
Can you explain the timeline with regards to Tyresö Scene 2: Havok_Harbinger, Tikor?

Is this the flashback or post-theft?
I understand that the Scene 2 was made to be the flashback, and the Scene 1 continuation is where our after theft conversation inside the hearthstone seat is supposed to take place.
Scene 2 had wrong number, so has been renamed as scene 3.

Yes, it is a flashback.

Tikor, you can access the thread, but it's up to you whether to have Juu there or not.
Juu, you are welcome to walk in, we can treat this as you were notified that I intended to attempt to activate the wall defenses today. After all thiswill help your army dramatically if I succeed. Of course, we all know this is unsuccessful, but that is ok too.
Juu would be interested in the military ramafications. I'll have him poke his head in at some appropriate time, probably when the action is over, and make those rolls we mentioned earlier.
I know I may be pushing here, but has the fight started? Can I get an update or a peek, or even know if the fight is over?

I just love seeing fight scenes. I know if i really wanted to see it all, I should have followed it, but that just doesn't make any sense what so ever.
Your Anuhle will be back, with mixed results, as soon as you decide to close Scene 3.
Ok, let's get this going, I need to find out how it all turned out haha. Juu come on in, I think I know how it works but there seems to be an obstruction on the machine that I am looking for, but with limited knowledge have little chance of finding before the incident that we opened the game with.
I think that I could tweak the character I had in mind to be a full social character, or a mix of social and sneak, instead of a mix of social and warrior.

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