[OOC Thread] Above the Fading Coals [The Silver Apples of the Moon, the Golden Apples o]

I didn't know if my stuff was up to snuff or what. I haven't even heard if I get any. Maybe I'm being picky but I like to know that I'm playing by the rules.
Oh! Braydz, you hadn't posted yet when I was counting bonus points. You get 10 bp.

Actually, it looks like everyone got the full 10 except Cyl, who needs to decide on his character!
I'm going with Tsuki, she has a better potential with bonding with other characters and seems more fun than the karate kid :wink:

Don't worry the BG / sheet will be done by Monday morning. Though I'd need some feedback on the armor ^^
OK, so Magpie's connections to the rest of Team Awesome - er, Wanderers.

Harmonious Discord - She's a big fan! "He's invented this whole new kind of music! It's like, um - it's pretty hard! Like rocks. Music with rocks in!"

Lin-Rei - Magpie probably considers Lin-Rei something of a project, trying to get the other Night Caste to lighten up some - at least when she's not offering martial arts tips or bugging her to go on sneakabouts for shits, giggles, and shiny things. Odds are that Lin-Rei may have talked her into aiding in a few assassinations, as well.

Jessamine Worthy-To-Be-Beloved - Hmmm. I can't say for sure, but Magpie probably looks up to Jessamine as a mother or big-sister figure. Certainly she's more socially adept than Magpie.

Midnight's Fury - She respects the hell out of the giant lizard man. He's a giant dude with a giant-er ax and he hunts spirits. For someone with almost no occult knowledge, that's pretty hardcore - gods are supreme, aren't they?

Melissa Muzen-Cab - Melissa fascinates her on some level. She's an avatar of responsibility, something kind of anathematic to the flighty Night Caste, and also her spear is incredibly cool.
Cry: Yep.

cyl: I'll read up on the armor when I wake up. I'm all bruised up from the pit and also covered with sweat (mostly not mine).
Laundreu said:
OK, so Magpie's connections to the rest of Team Awesome - er, Wanderers.
Harmonious Discord - She's a big fan! "He's invented this whole new kind of music! It's like, um - it's pretty hard! Like rocks. Music with rocks in!"
Heh - fun fact. The original instrument of the character upon whom this character was based was, itself based on that guitar
vanman said:
trowizilla said:
cyl: I'll read up on the armor when I wake up. I'm all bruised up from the pit and also covered with sweat (mostly not mine).
Who'd you see?
World Inferno Friendship Society!

(My feet are all purple. Note to self: no more canvas sneakers at shows.)
Okay, I'm working on opening posts now! If you haven't figured out who your character is connected to (and I mean really connected, not just "someone might have heard of him"), I suggest you hop to it! The less time I have to spend getting the parties together, the sooner we can get going!

(That was a lot of exclamation points.)
Coral's views on her companions

Golden Thunder - She would be a good leader because of her hands-on approach. Unfortunately, she is unreliable at best and a threat to Creation at worst due to her Raksha ties. I do not want to think of how much damage she could cause if the latter is realized.

Rei Sunwise - He is one of the few I can count on in the long term. The Realm is my immediate foe but only a fool disregards the other threats out there. He's fought them before so he knows their evil. Whatever we build, whatever we create, he is the shining beacon that guards us.

Volgans Marius - If Rei is our shield, then he will be the sword. He is the one that will succeed where my songs and stories cannot, and his tales will be the ones I will tell in the future. He is the one that can deal with the Realm the most, because he knows the true face of the Realm. However, I fear that he may not see the Dead or the demons as enemies but unlikely allies. Perhaps I will have to have a word with him about that. There is something between us that drives me to aid him. I feel my gaze being drawn towards him on occasion, but I do not think it is his doing. This has not been disruptive yet, but I fear it may be one day.

Onyx Lotus - I think he has the foundation of what we need. He is the leader that I am looking for, one that can and will lead. It will be different having a home for once, but I look forward to it. I would rather him be a kinder, gentler person but that is not for me to decide. Perhaps my songs could do that, but it is not my mission. If he will build a nation, then I will inspire it to greatness.
Well so far Rei only knows Cyl's shadow-hunter to start. I have such a strong conception of him being "the new kid on the block" that I just don't know how much of the Circle-to-be he'd know already.

Alternately, it won't be hard to get him involved in Badness. He's rather looking for it. And the place of his dreams...
I'm not sure what connection to make. Melissa may have sought out one or more of her fellow Lunars in case they knew where Errant Flight was. Or perhaps she'd look for Errant's Solar mate, and would go to Worthy to Be Beloved, thinking she'd know more about what Solars are running around? I'm not sure. Any suggestions?
Did Melissa get training from the Silver Pact? If so, where? It's possible she and Fury may have met whilst training together before getting their tattoos. I suppose it depends on which part of Creation Melissa grew up in/frequented before she Exalted. Right now, Fury's located primarily in the South, but I could possibly adjust this if you're near.

The same thing for any other of the Lunars in the group. Training could have brought us together, if it fits your background.....
Umm... I really can't think of anything.

*hands GM the 'I leave it up to you' baton, otherwise known as the 'stick you're gonig to beat my fool-ass with.'*
I'll try to figure out what to blow my bonus points on tomorrow. Generally, Marius's feelings on his fellow travelers was summed up in the recruitment thread.
vanman said:
Did Melissa get training from the Silver Pact? If so, where? It's possible she and Fury may have met whilst training together before getting their tattoos. I suppose it depends on which part of Creation Melissa grew up in/frequented before she Exalted. Right now, Fury's located primarily in the South, but I could possibly adjust this if you're near.
Melissa's pretty big in the South as well. Training buddies?

P.S, a question for our ST. Heart's Blood 1 generally provides up to three shapes. If I take just one, can it be one of the eight-tailed mole hounds from Wonders of the Lost Age? They're groovy.
I'm not sure who Worthy would be connected to, since the Sun King Seneschals tend to keep themselves aloof from other Lunars. :|

She'd be looking for anybody who has had run-ins with deathknights, though, and information on the Deathlords, especially the Dowager.
Jukashi said:
vanman said:
Did Melissa get training from the Silver Pact? If so, where? It's possible she and Fury may have met whilst training together before getting their tattoos. I suppose it depends on which part of Creation Melissa grew up in/frequented before she Exalted. Right now, Fury's located primarily in the South, but I could possibly adjust this if you're near.
Melissa's pretty big in the South as well. Training buddies?
This is a good time to bring up my takes on character relations with Lin-Rei and Team Wanderer. Fury and Lin-Rei have their own deal with the Solar Bond, so they pretty much come as a pair at the start. I've been wondering though Van, what's their cover story? A married couple? Performer and bodyguard? In any case, ironically, the demon hunter acts as the voice of reason in this violent pairing of demon and oppressor slayers. Lin Rei is still kind of volatile in all directions. Oh sure, she can land a role with a performing troupe, is the most polite, pleasant sounding speaker and singer until she excuses herself to go kill a slum lord for choking the life out of his tenants, or bigger game.

In essence? She needs a little muzzling.

But down to relationships, if Melissa and Fury have a connection, Lin-Rei would possibly be on excellent terms with her, and probably would default to heeding her if Fury's not around. The two of them have a similar pleasant facade in public. Maybe the three of us should be starting out on the road together.

Grinning Magpie, on the other hand, I'm not so sure about. This is mostly supposition but Lin-Rei is something of an entirely different Night caste, just as physically appearing, the two are very different. On one hand, it'd be easy for Magpie to tempt her into rascally assassination, but getting her to cooperate on a stealth run may be otherwise difficult. If we're playing with guerrilla tactics, on the other hand, these two could be devastatingly bitchin'. Personality wise, you have a pleasant seeming girl next to a loud type. This may not mesh all that well.

And then there's Harmonious Discord. If he treated her like a groupie or woman to woo, things could get pretty violent before Fury even finds out. Otherwise, assuming he doesn't view her as such an 'asset' he plays music, she sings. She doesn't sing with super magic powers (yet), but cooperation could at least ensure we can pull off some paying gigs. She'd be eager at least, to have competent "co-workers" and I can see them getting along or jovially with him using her polite passiveness. It may clash a little with his rocker image, but still...

Jessamine, I'm not sure. Both are attractive, both are performers, depending on first impressions, this could either lead them to be friendly or competitive or even less than cordial as Lin-Rei's performing instincts are to outshine others to create a more impressive presence. What's your take on this Arynne?

Also included, I threw together this image of Lin-Rei's hooksword(s) while watching some Highlander episodes. Whatcha think?
Well, I can't see too much competition. Worthy has theatrical training, and now the confidence to use it, but she's more likely to try and establish herself as the group's diplomat, the one who does most of the talking, negotiating, and, when necessary, arguing.
Background & pics should be up by tonight... if I can resist the urge to kill mercs and genetic abominations (me iz revisiting Farcry) after a loooong succession of client meetings during the week end. :)
Jukashi said:
vanman said:
Did Melissa get training from the Silver Pact? If so, where? It's possible she and Fury may have met whilst training together before getting their tattoos. I suppose it depends on which part of Creation Melissa grew up in/frequented before she Exalted. Right now, Fury's located primarily in the South, but I could possibly adjust this if you're near.
Melissa's pretty big in the South as well. Training buddies?
Indeed. Training buddies. I'll PM you with particulars. TK, I'm not sure if we're traveling with Melissa or not. If we're not, then I doubt you'll have met Melissa. Just because we trained together doesn't mean we've been traveling together. Any attachments you may or may not have can be developed in play.

As for the rest of our group, I can't really say what our relationship will be until we all meet. Unless, of course, we've all met before the game actually begins. Then it's a different story. But until we meet, I can't say what Fury's reaction will be. I can say I get along with this character, but if that character rubs Fury the wrong way? Then it's a different matter. And I won't know that until we actually meet. So I'm reserving judgment until we meet.

So, Trowizilla, Lin-Rei and I have the Solar bond, and Melissa and I know each other from training. I'm not sure about either Worthy or Harmonious Dischord. If they trained in the South, then we could do the same thing as Melissa and I are doing, but it seems to me they got their training in the East. If either of you are amenable to having been trained in the South, then let me know. Otherwise, that's where Fury stands....
hammercro said:
Coral's views on her companions
Golden Thunder - She would be a good leader because of her hands-on approach. Unfortunately, she is unreliable at best and a threat to Creation at worst due to her Raksha ties. I do not want to think of how much damage she could cause if the latter is realized.
Lucky for her she doesn't go around advertising the Raksha thing. ;)

On her views... Any Anathema is a potential ally and any Solar is to be protected and helped out, unless they prove themselves to be enemies of the Unconquered Sun.
Well, Worthy is from Halta...but there's no reason her Mentor couldn't live elsewhere. The Southeast, maybe?

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