[OOC Thread] Above the Fading Coals [The Silver Apples of the Moon, the Golden Apples o]

Hey Arynne, want to tie Worthy in with Dis and Magpie? Perhaps we were on the trail of your lolita Abyssal Mate (if I recall, isn't the Shoat of the Mire always a barely-pubescent girl because the Dowager has crazy mommy issues when she isn't creating horrible death diseases?) at some point and teamed up?
Either of those suggestions could work. If Worthy has connections with Fury and Melissa, then we're all tied in that way. If you hook up with Dis and Magpie, then it's a three and three split. Either way, there are connections throughout.
Jukashi, mole hound is A-OK.

Character connections are pre-game, just so I don't have to come up with some ridiculous reason for disparate characters to meet up at the start. Inter-character relationships will, of course, change over the course of the game.
So where is this supposed to go down?

Seems to me that it would make sense to have Team Manifest Destiny packed together somewhere, eh?

And I don't mean same-town-packed-together, more like... "All in the East" or something.
Lolita as an Abyssal...thank you for that mental image. :roll:

To reduce the 'squick' factor I'm going to assume this Shoat is a little more mature than her predecessor...either the Dowager chose an older girl, she's been Exalted for some time, or both.

Of course, consider Juliet's age... :shock:
Arynne said:
Lolita as an Abyssal...thank you for that mental image. :roll:
To reduce the 'squick' factor I'm going to assume this Shoat is a little more mature than her predecessor...either the Dowager chose an older girl, she's been Exalted for some time, or both.

Of course, consider Juliet's age... :shock:
Probably a good choice. That vibe is more than a little creepy.
I have an idea.

An awful idea.

I have a wonderful, awful idea.

Untamed Kethet of the Swarm only makes one deathknight at a time, always a female. Suppose the Exaltation she uses was her own?

Meaning the Lunar husband she still vaguely misses was... :twisted:
Arynne said:
I have an idea.
An awful idea.

I have a wonderful, awful idea.

Untamed Kethet of the Swarm only makes one deathknight at a time, always a female. Suppose the Exaltation she uses was her own?

Meaning the Lunar husband she still vaguely misses was... :twisted:
... Anja Silverclaws?

But let me get this straight, Team Manifest Destiny needs to be something of a Circle as of the start of play?

Also, as far as starting goes, are we all just piping up and setting ourselves somewhere in the Fort?
Well Braydz and I are currently discussing our previous associations, and I left a whole in my BG on purpose, when 2 fugitives from a ninja clan ran away and find protection travelling with a strong man (most likely Marius)... so I would probably know Marius and Coral too.

How does that sound ?
cyl said:
Well Braydz and I are currently discussing our previous associations, and I left a whole in my BG on purpose, when 2 fugitives from a ninja clan ran away and find protection travelling with a strong man (most likely Marius)... so I would probably know Marius and Coral too.
How does that sound ?
To that end, if the Mask of Winters is on the move again, we probably found ourselves defending a small village from a marauding contingent of ghosts and other nasties trying to re-join the Deathlord's greater force.

Having heard anything about the campaign from a traveling whoever on his way from the South, Rei would have rushed to the "front lines." On his way, he found himself in a town that was about to be raided by said contingent which Tsuki also just happened to be in.

At some point we heard about a gathering point for people involved in the River Province's defense but trying to stay away from the Immaculates, so Rei and Tsuki headed to Fort Weyland, where they've ended up making friends.

How's that sound?
I really couldn't think of any good way to connect Lotus to anyone, so he's sort of just there. He'll be making himself known shortly, though.
Braydz : so we met on that condition, read my background, I thought we had gone after a badass ghost together for the first bond.

I'll have to warn you all though, Tsuki is going to be a bit of a burden at first... the price to pay when you go after too many fields... but smile, if you can provide the materials, I should be able to forge some nice trinkets, amulets, bracers, daiklaves.

Sheet's giving me a hard time... too many fields, not enough points :roll:
cyl said:
Braydz : so we met on that condition, read my background, I thought we had gone after a badass ghost together for the first bond...
Sorry about that. Sounds good. So after that we traveled together and yeah. We're at Weyland.
Grah... and of course we got no healer... (next time you're supposed to build a group of exalts... think "group" people :roll: ) oh well, what's 2 charm slots to get to wound mending care technique...

I think I'm going to have to do my sheet again :roll:
Nah, I managed to integrate the Wound Mending Care Technique to my build.

Okay so: Exorcist, Ninja (thanks to the armor...), Healer, Crafter and (in the long run) sorcerer... I got that all I just need now to build a new CMA based on knives and sais and their artifact equivalent (with the ST's approval) to spend some in ass kickery cause right now I really suck at fighting...
Don't worry so much, cyl - and don't feel obligated to cover every perceived hole in the team's build.
Oh I don't :)

I'm not going to take spells outside of my area of focus / not actively helping my motivation.

But I reasoned this way for this character (inspired by Taki, who is also a ninja/exorcist/healer/crafter... yep all that...):

- protect the people from evil is the focus of the character

- you need tools to fight off the demons (craft / artifacts/ spells)

- and you also need tools to actively protect the well being of the people (medecine / craft -> talismans & ward), because if you don't care about the people, then you just made a character who have something to avenge...

Tsuki is actually kinda "selfless" in her dedication to fighting evil, she gains and do not intend to gain anything from it, not even the satisfaction of the hunt... very much like a Blade / Winchester brothers-type character, there are monsters out there preying on people, people need protection and evil must be contained, and that's the path she has chosen for herself.

It's not only because I want to fill in the gaps, it just happens to do so and preserve the coherency of the character... everybody wins :mrgreen:
WhiteKnight777 said:
You know what Dis calls a party with four women and only one other guy?
Awesome, that's what.
Yeah, I did kinda set that up. It'll be a learning experience for the guy!

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