[OOC Thread] Above the Fading Coals [The Silver Apples of the Moon, the Golden Apples o]

If people really want, I could go Night Caste. An assassin certainly would be handy, and if we already have one social monster... I'll leave it up to the ST and the the rest of the party though. But if you guys really need someone to do some murderising behind the scenes, I'm happy enough to do so. I can put a character together relatively quickly, so just say the word.
I'm just waiting on the green light of the ST over Necromancy/Sorcery and I go with the Spirit Hunter / Ninja / Sorcerer (boy those 15BPs will sure come in handy !)
Yeah me too, but I am not sure Braydz will feel the same way because Rei will loose many interest as a spirit hunter. I mean I plan on focusing on Occult big time (still considering taking Sorcerer's sight or leaving it for the future), and will also probably go for the Diagram.

We would form a pretty invincible team together though.

I can also do a plain old scavenger lord...
As much as I thought the former configuration made a nice, cohesive whole, our characters aren't coordinated at all so play whatever you like. I imagine that Trowizilla will be able to work it all out. Or in. Something.

If you go the way of the necro-ninja, Cyl, Rei will like having a source of more arcane training. I mean, being Zenith he's inclined to leadership roles but he has a bit of a scattered concept which includes Occult-savvy monster hunter. He'll also be inclined to treat another supernatural martial artist with respect and a sense of fraternity; even if he isn't a part of the "martial arts community" he's still have some of the classic ideas and behaviors such as friendly sparring to test skill and calling out another martial artist to prove something.

Plus they'll both be Solars. I mean, that counts for something in this setting. And if he ends up coming across as corrupt... Well, we'll deal with that when we get there.
Well I'm going to wait for Trowzilla then

So dear ST what's it gonna be:

Karate Kid ? Shadow Huntress of Demons ? Scavenger Lord ? :)
Your ST is currently making very good friends with the heating pad and a bottle of advil the size of a baby's head, and so may take longer than usual to reply to things.

cyl, if you want to go for sorcery, you may. However, I adjust the challenges to the characters, so don't feel like you have to plug in gaps or anything. There's going to be plenty for everyone to do!

Plus, any Lunar can stealth effectively. "Oh look, I'm a mousie" works pretty much always.

I'll try to build both, and see which one I feel the most comfortable with.

(but when you said I had access to sorcery, I take it that necromancy is a go too ?!)
cyl said:
I'll try to build both, and see which one I feel the most comfortable with.

(but when you said I had access to sorcery, I take it that necromancy is a go too ?!)
I think she'd prefer sorcery. (Certainly she nixed my Necro-king horrorcrafter Daybreak concept hard when I brought it up.)

Anyway, guys, I think we also ought to start making connections between the players in our respective groups. Who wants to be buddy-buddy with Magpie?
Magpie is totally a Night Caste ninja, though. (Admittedly, she probably thinks Dis is ten kinds of awesome.

"He just rocked that Wyld Hunt to death! With a weird super-sitar and everything! That's the coolest thing ever!")
Laundreu said:
Magpie is totally a Night Caste ninja, though. (Admittedly, she probably thinks Dis is ten kinds of awesome.
"He just rocked that Wyld Hunt to death! With a weird super-sitar and everything! That's the coolest thing ever!")
Really? My mistake. I just assumed she was because we have a bunch of Lunars in our group and because of the magpie theme.

Still, they could still be friends. I mean, what's better for a thief than a massive, noisy distraction?

Edit: Also? Pretty much the best song ever for an Exalted band. Or rather, for Solars/Lunars.
I don't know if Rei would know anyone else starting out, there aren't any intuitive connections that jump out at me, but if someone wanted to set up a Solar/Lunar bond-pair that might be fun. :)
Well maybe. Rei would be inclined to do Smiter-of-Darknessy things on his way to... wherever it is he's dreaming of. Could have made friends taking out some kind of nastiness or something, I suppose.

What are we thinking? Demon-cult? Death Knight bully? Dark-kin and their Shunned God master?
Well depends on the ST.

My focus would clearly be against Spirits of Darkness (not Creatures like Rei... Rei can kick FF's ass, I would be "powerless" against them).

So if I can get things like Bannish Ghost, Gentle Call of Lethe, Silent Maser's Pollen and Drawing Blind Edge (though that one could be a good artifact... yeah I'll probably use an artifact) into Sorcery, then ghosts and demons are fair game, and we probably have fought either accidentally or voluntarily the same battles, but indeed there would necessarilly be a mix between kind professional rivalry and friendship.

I'll try to build a draft of the sheet today, and then I'll see wether I'll be relying more on artifacts (I'm thinking celestial power armor with nice features, and two blades, most likely a short daiklave and a sai) than charms/spells...
Lin-Rei and Midnight Fury share a Solar Bond, recently rediscovered and given Lin's volatile state at the start, she's ironically being kept out of trouble by the big angry demon hunter dino guy. :P

So basically they're gonna start out as traveling companions and presumably Lin-Rei gets better to the point where she could have resumed being a performer on some lower level. If this causes her to meet anyone else before the game start, I'm not averse to it.
Yeah I'm up for it too. :)

Could be fun if some of us switched sides at some point or decided to stay apart ^^
Anyone who's operated in or around Nexus lately has probably run in to Onyx Lotus at some point. You'll all find him to be very friendly and helpful... :twisted:
Golden Thunder tends to get noticed, having a small army and preaching the Unconquered Sun etc., so if you pay attention or dig a little you could've heard of her. Other 'Anathema' will find her pretty aproachable, as long as they're going against the Empire.

So any Lunar or Solar who wants to already know her... Just tell me and we can work out the details together. Maybe Golden Thunder heard of you, maybe you heard of her, whatever.
Cyl, I'm not a huge fan of necromancy, but go for it if you really really want to. (And want to have the attending nuisances. Messing around with necromancy attracts the attention of some interesting personages, heh.)
Tsuki is going to be known as the antechrist for demons and the dead.

The kind of person every deathlord and yozi wants dead, in pieces and spread over the 5 poles... just to be sure.

Trowzilla : Well actually I kinda liked the Taki/Toki story (the master becomes too corrupted and the student has to put him down...) so this is going to be cool, but don't worry, my use of Necromancy will be extremely limited, and if I can build some interesting "evil spirit fighting" artifacts, I might not even go there.

A blade sending a soul to Lethe upon "death" for example is my kind of thing, that's the effect I am looking for. If I can think of some cool stuff and get it validated, I may not need to consider it.
cyl said:
Tsuki is going to be known as the antechrist for demons and the dead.
The kind of person every deathlord and yozi wants dead, in pieces and spread over the 5 poles... just to be sure.
So, what... an Anti-anti-Christ? I think we all know what that equals.
*raises hand, looks sheepish, or possibly cabbagey*

Do the pics I put up count, ST? Or do I also need to write some in-character poetry? :?

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