[OOC Thread] Above the Fading Coals [The Silver Apples of the Moon, the Golden Apples o]

I don't think that you can tattoo mundane equipment with a tatoo artifact...

One other thing for our bug disgusted ST: can we safely assume that the BP awards for Fic / Background / Art is going to be 3 per feature ?
cyl said:
I don't think that you can tattoo mundane equipment with a tatoo artifact...
One other thing for our bug disgusted ST: can we safely assume that the BP awards for Fic / Background / Art is going to be 3 per feature ?
It has to be a daiklaive, then? it can't be like an enchanted version of a regular weapon?
Arynne said:
You still haven't said who-all is going to make the cut. :|
Yes she did. It's the list she posted back on page 4 of the recruitment thread.

TKmobile said:
It has to be a daiklaive, then? it can't be like an enchanted version of a regular weapon?
You can't Tattoo Artifact a daiklave, either. It has to be something you could reasonably work into a tattoo on your body. A huge sword does not qualify.

Tattoo artifacts cannot reproduce medium or heavier armor. They also may not create external weapons: A moonsilver design encompassing the Lunar’s entire hand might qualify for a smashï¬st' date=' [b']but there is no way to create a tattoo artifact daiklave[/b]. An artifact with no attunement cost may not be a tattoo artifact. A tattoo artifact cannot duplicate magitech items with a repair rating (such as those found in Books of Sorcery Volume 1: Wonders of the Lost Age). Storytellers should feel free to disallow tattoo versions of other artifacts, if they can’t see a simple way the artifact could be represented by a design on a person’s body.
Edit: Of course, storyteller's fiat applies, Our illustrious ST can easily change that if she wishes. I'm just pointing out that it's not legitimate under current rules.
cyl said:
I don't think that you can tattoo mundane equipment with a tatoo artifact...
One other thing for our bug disgusted ST: can we safely assume that the BP awards for Fic / Background / Art is going to be 3 per feature ?
She mentioned it was five points per kickass background, fic, or artistic endeavor, up to 10 points total.


trowizilla said:
Your ST has officially lost her mind. Two groups (aaaah) with six characters each (aaah), one group focused on nation-building adventures and one on wandering adventures.
Team Walkabout:







Team Manifest Destiny:







I'm sorry not to be able to take all of you!
Arynne that is who made it in. (You're on Team Awesome, I mean Walkabout.)
WhiteKnight777 said:
You can't Tattoo Artifact a daiklave, either. It has to be something you could reasonably work into a tattoo on your body. A huge sword does not qualify.

Tattoo artifacts cannot reproduce medium or heavier armor. They also may not create external weapons: A moonsilver design encompassing the Lunar’s entire hand might qualify for a smashï¬st' date=' [b']but there is no way to create a tattoo artifact daiklave[/b]. An artifact with no attunement cost may not be a tattoo artifact. A tattoo artifact cannot duplicate magitech items with a repair rating (such as those found in Books of Sorcery Volume 1: Wonders of the Lost Age). Storytellers should feel free to disallow tattoo versions of other artifacts, if they can’t see a simple way the artifact could be represented by a design on a person’s body.
Edit: Of course, storyteller's fiat applies, Our illustrious ST can easily change that if she wishes. I'm just pointing out that it's not legitimate under current rules.
Oh buggery. Well, then I'm in a pickle. That leaves the only means to take the Glorious Solar Saber and Summon the Loyal Steel charms. But--in order to be able to form a martial arts weapon from essence I need four points in a Melee ability to use two Melee charms when I would otherwise avoid needing Melee. Even though Melee, Throwing Weapons and Archery all have their own subsets to summon ye essence sword/knife/bow/whatever, MA doesn't.

So, I beseech the Storyteller, if there's a way to make an MA charm to summon up a set of hook swords or if I can get some killer sword tats, please lemme know. Otherwise I'm blowing a bunch of points.
I am a cabbage. :oops:

This probably another stupid question, but are we using standard chargen rules after all? Or alternate ones like I've heard mentioned?
TKmobile said:
WhiteKnight777 said:
You can't Tattoo Artifact a daiklave, either. It has to be something you could reasonably work into a tattoo on your body. A huge sword does not qualify.

Tattoo artifacts cannot reproduce medium or heavier armor. They also may not create external weapons: A moonsilver design encompassing the Lunar’s entire hand might qualify for a smashï¬st' date=' [b']but there is no way to create a tattoo artifact daiklave[/b]. An artifact with no attunement cost may not be a tattoo artifact. A tattoo artifact cannot duplicate magitech items with a repair rating (such as those found in Books of Sorcery Volume 1: Wonders of the Lost Age). Storytellers should feel free to disallow tattoo versions of other artifacts, if they can’t see a simple way the artifact could be represented by a design on a person’s body.
Edit: Of course, storyteller's fiat applies, Our illustrious ST can easily change that if she wishes. I'm just pointing out that it's not legitimate under current rules.
Oh buggery. Well, then I'm in a pickle. That leaves the only means to take the Glorious Solar Saber and Summon the Loyal Steel charms. But--in order to be able to form a martial arts weapon from essence I need four points in a Melee ability to use two Melee charms when I would otherwise avoid needing Melee. Even though Melee, Throwing Weapons and Archery all have their own subsets to summon ye essence sword/knife/bow/whatever, MA doesn't.

So, I beseech the Storyteller, if there's a way to make an MA charm to summon up a set of hook swords or if I can get some killer sword tats, please lemme know. Otherwise I'm blowing a bunch of points.
Erm, am I missing something? You're a Lunar, right? Kick ass Martial Arts compatible weaponry can be had very low on the charm tree with either Claws of the Silver Moon, or even the mundane Warform. You seem to be trying to replicate, deep into the melee tree, something that's very easily accomplished with an out of the box Lunar.
Arynne said:
I am a cabbage. :oops:
This probably another stupid question, but are we using standard chargen rules after all? Or alternate ones like I've heard mentioned?
For Lunars, she linked to alternate chargen rules.
CrazyIvan said:
Erm, am I missing something? You're a Lunar, right? Kick ass Martial Arts compatible weaponry can be had very low on the charm tree with either Claws of the Silver Moon, or even the mundane Warform. You seem to be trying to replicate, deep into the melee tree, something that's very easily accomplished with an out of the box Lunar.
No, I'm a Night Caste. I'm using the Snake Style Martial arts and I wanna be able to pull some hook swords out of essence, my body, hammerspace-- whatever,whereever and however. But the charms to make essence weapons are only given for Melee, Archery and Throwing weapons.
Clarification: The Tattoo Artifact Background cannot be used to purchase daiklaives. However, the normal Artifact Background could be used to purchase a unique custom weapon, or weapons, that happen to be able to transform into tattoos, bracers or the like; most likely for a mere one dot extra to their rating.
TKmobile, this seems like a job for a custom artifact! I think Laundreu already has one that he can easily adapt for you, so if he'll be nice and post it (*puts up the BatLaundreu-signal*), you can see if that's what you had in mind.
Jukashi said:
Clarification: The Tattoo Artifact Background cannot be used to purchase daiklaives. However, the normal Artifact Background could be used to purchase a unique custom weapon, or weapons, that happen to be able to transform into tattoos, bracers or the like; most likely for a mere one dot extra to their rating.
Hmm... Have any EXPERIENCE with this idea, do you? :roll:

TKmobile, this seems like a job for a custom artifact! I think Laundreu already has one that he can easily adapt for you, so if he'll be nice and post it (*puts up the BatLaundreu-signal*), you can see if that's what you had in mind.
Thanks guys. I don't need a giant set of hooks, nor super magical swordians, just a useful for concealing enchantment that won't bugger my character building points.
trowizilla said:
TKmobile, this seems like a job for a custom artifact! I think Laundreu already has one that he can easily adapt for you, so if he'll be nice and post it (*puts up the BatLaundreu-signal*), you can see if that's what you had in mind.
Speaking of custom artifacts, can those of us who've listed them get some ST approval? Also, if you have a minute, I'd be obliged if you took a gander at my extra content.

Seems there's a lot of special artifacts going around. Or out of the ordinary artifacts. Which makes the game very cool, IMO.
Here's an option for you, TKMobile.

Luminous Storage Apparatus, Artifact 2

Usually taking the form of simple but tasteful jewelry decorated with a fine tracery of arcane sigils in the appropriate magical material, the Luminious Storage Apparatus provides a simple way of flawlessly hiding unliving objects - usually weapons or the like - when the bearer would rather they stay out of sight. Attuning to this artifact costs two motes. When attuned, the owner can commit one mote to banish one item (or pair of items, at the Storyteller's fiat) to Elsewhere. The owner may have up to (Essence) motes committed at any given time. Releasing this commitment causes the items to reappear in the owner's hands. Should the character cancel his attunement to the Luminous Storage Apparatus, any stored weapons appear next to the character.
cyl said:
I was going for a wrackstaff too, but what the hell, Mantresher are fine.
Come to think about it, maybe our estimated storyteller would so kind as to indicate me wether the 2dot and the commitment cost are for a single artifact or a pair...

Considering the extreme proximity with the Short Klave stats, I'd have to say I am inclined to think they are for a pair, but would like a confirmation.

Also, beware, I might become a 13yo living arsenal...
The stat-block is for one manthresher, so it'd be 4 dots for a pair.

CrazyIvan said:
*ponder* Is there anything between the rather unimpressive (and overcosted) Artifact armors in the Core book, and the "First Age Starship Troopers" powered armor from Wonders of the First Age that I'm missing?
Armor selections from the books are kinda limited, yep. Go ahead and make custom gear if you like, especially if you want to cherry-pick cool powers from the Starship Troopers armor.

Arynne said:
I am a cabbage. :oops:
This probably another stupid question, but are we using standard chargen rules after all? Or alternate ones like I've heard mentioned?
Hello, cabbage!

Here's the Lunars chargen: http://fixalted.bazzalisk.org/index.php ... rgen_Rules

WhiteKnight777 said:
Speaking of custom artifacts, can those of us who've listed them get some ST approval? Also, if you have a minute, I'd be obliged if you took a gander at my extra content.

I'ma goin', I'ma goin'.
Laundreu said:
Here's an option for you, TKMobile.
Luminous Storage Apparatus, Artifact 2

Usually taking the form of simple but tasteful jewelry decorated with a fine tracery of arcane sigils in the appropriate magical material, the Luminious Storage Apparatus provides a simple way of flawlessly hiding unliving objects - usually weapons or the like - when the bearer would rather they stay out of sight. Attuning to this artifact costs two motes. When attuned, the owner can commit one mote to banish one item (or pair of items, at the Storyteller's fiat) to Elsewhere. The owner may have up to (Essence) motes committed at any given time. Releasing this commitment causes the items to reappear in the owner's hands. Should the character cancel his attunement to the Luminous Storage Apparatus, any stored weapons appear next to the character.
...Perfect! Do I need two artifacts for each, oh Storyteller?
TKmobile said:
Laundreu said:
Here's an option for you, TKMobile.
Luminous Storage Apparatus, Artifact 2

Usually taking the form of simple but tasteful jewelry decorated with a fine tracery of arcane sigils in the appropriate magical material, the Luminious Storage Apparatus provides a simple way of flawlessly hiding unliving objects - usually weapons or the like - when the bearer would rather they stay out of sight. Attuning to this artifact costs two motes. When attuned, the owner can commit one mote to banish one item (or pair of items, at the Storyteller's fiat) to Elsewhere. The owner may have up to (Essence) motes committed at any given time. Releasing this commitment causes the items to reappear in the owner's hands. Should the character cancel his attunement to the Luminous Storage Apparatus, any stored weapons appear next to the character.
...Perfect! Do I need two artifacts for each, oh Storyteller?
Nah, just one.
Ugh... it has an HS slot, I missed that one... oh well, that's not a very good weapon then, but what the hell... style over stats :mrgreen:
TKmobile said:
Laundreu said:
Here's an option for you, TKMobile.
Luminous Storage Apparatus, Artifact 2

Usually taking the form of simple but tasteful jewelry decorated with a fine tracery of arcane sigils in the appropriate magical material, the Luminious Storage Apparatus provides a simple way of flawlessly hiding unliving objects - usually weapons or the like - when the bearer would rather they stay out of sight. Attuning to this artifact costs two motes. When attuned, the owner can commit one mote to banish one item (or pair of items, at the Storyteller's fiat) to Elsewhere. The owner may have up to (Essence) motes committed at any given time. Releasing this commitment causes the items to reappear in the owner's hands. Should the character cancel his attunement to the Luminous Storage Apparatus, any stored weapons appear next to the character.
...Perfect! Do I need two artifacts for each, oh Storyteller?
As written, you'd need only one of these - the question is whether the swords would be storable as a pair or individually. Either way, you could do so (You start at Essence 2, you have two swords...), but the first way would give you a little more room to store something else.
I may give her a whole jewelry set of a few weapons, if I get super-duper cheesy, but I just really need it for the swords. Lin-Rei's arsenal is consisting of these swords, her martial arts, and maybe a rope dart and some needles. Aside from a bracelet that turns into the rope dart, she's got what she needs.

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