[OOC Thread] Above the Fading Coals [The Silver Apples of the Moon, the Golden Apples o]

Hey, All! [Does happy Solar dance, the husband-seducing one...]

Sheet'll be up in a tick here.
Actually, considering the BP / XP cost, you'd loose more buying ess 3 with BPs than with xp.
Ok so Rei's up.

What I want out of this game... Hmmm...

Rei is a martial artist so it'd be nice to have room for some really solid wire-fu rock'em-sock'em scenes (namely involving Creatures of Darkness). But he has social aspirations as well (see below). I also really dig the 'holy warrior' theme he has going and want to play that up some. And if there aren't some kung-fu movie cliches inflicting themselves on him for comic relief and dramatic 'negative space' I might be sad.

One thing that I want to explore with Rei is the nature of the Great Curse as it pertains to Solars. He's my first really good example of a Solar who's Curse is present pretty-much from the start and insidious, rather than something that happens to him mostly as bouts of crazy that later get rationalized. Being a Solar means being SO much more than human, which also means inhuman. He's got this idea. He's going to save the world. He's going to do it by Enlightening an army of mortals and teaching them Golden Janissary style. An army under his "guidance." He is a zealot incapable of compromising. (I don't know if I want him to always be incapable of compromise to the point of being Rorschack-esque, or if I want his Pride to ultimately justify subjugating the Darkness of the world instead of just destroying it.) His focus and confidence may be problematic but it's his DRIVE that will, in the end, make him scary. Kind of like the originator of Righteous Devil Style, but less ascetic. So the whole "army building" thing will be a while in coming, but I really want to get into the unnerving quality of the Great Curse. Am I explaining myself adequately?
*ahem* Also, if anyone's interested, I've cleaned up Rei's fiction some to make it more game-appropriate. I also just cleaned it up some.
Okay, Golden Thunder is up and pending approval... I guess I was the last one, sorry to keep you guys waiting.
Yeesh, 1str/sta... I mean you became a strategist... but you were raised a barbarian... no one would have taken you seriously before you exalted, and sincerely you might not even have survived...

Plus you got TWTT from the start... so it will be quick for you to increase your physical stats (but starting from 1 for both STR and STA is really pushing it IMHO).
Well, barbarian in that instance basically means not subject to the realm or another major kingdom... But you might be right. Seems munchkin'ish. I was kinda sticking to what I know since I'm still not that familiar with the 2nd Ed. versions of charms.

She's a short thin woman, though, so 1 str/sta seems... Not so far-fetched.

Might wait for our glorious ST to talk that stuff over, consider it a first draft so far, the high Followers background might be another topic alltogether, so I guess it ain't that final.

As for TWTT: Built for a purpose! ;)
cyl said:
Actually, considering the BP / XP cost, you'd loose more buying ess 3 with BPs than with xp.
I understand. But, like I said, there were several charms that are kind of central to my character concept that I couldn't get without Essence 3. So that's why I have it.....
Hrmmm guys from the world conquering/realm building game:

You do realize we have 6 characters.

2 super charismatic zeniths, 2 warlords (might be a bit of redundancy here...), 2 dawns (well that's usually a good thing), 2 martial artists (I was going for that slot too originally), and 2 social monsters...

But no ninja/spy/investigator, no craftsman but above all... no sorcerer... :|
cyl said:
Hrmmm guys from the world conquering/realm building game:
You do realize we have 6 characters.

2 super charismatic zeniths, 2 warlords (might be a bit of redundancy here...), 2 dawns (well that's usually a good thing), 2 martial artists (I was going for that slot too originally), and 2 social monsters...

But no ninja/spy/investigator, no craftsman but above all... no sorcerer... :|
We're Exalted!
Then let's raid an arcane library. Don't we have a couple thousand minions between us?
Yeah, but we're not the only ones in this world to be exalted, and considering our level, definitely not the most powerful...

A sorcerer is sometimes more useful on a battlefield than a strategist or a combat monster...
Cry said:
Then let's raid an arcane library. Don't we have a couple thousand minions between us?
Yeah but he can feed, equip and pay them... you just give them faith (no ressources huh ?!) :mrgreen:
Well, maybe we can rearrange ourselves a bit. Let's wait for our ST for a sec to trash some of our stats or something, maybe some of us have to revisit their characters anyway... So maybe someone feels a call to sorcery now.

Or we'll just have to learn it intime, my character's got some dots in occult, so let's just wait and see. I guess if nobody's a sorcerer, the ST won't exactly bombard us with enemy sorcerers who just blow us apart, eh.

But I guess my character could be a brilliant strategist and sorcerer, instead of brilliant strategist and military instructor. So yeah, if you guys would feel a lot more comfortable that way, I'd kick the TWTT and go for sorcery charms and a couple spells.

Edit: And yeah, the resources thing was a retarded mistake on my part. I fixed that. Should've taken a little more time for the stats part of the character.
While it'll certainly be a detriment to not have sorcerers or ninjas, it just means we'll have to try harder.
cyl said:
You do realize we have 6 characters.
2 super charismatic zeniths, 2 warlords (might be a bit of redundancy here...), 2 dawns (well that's usually a good thing), 2 martial artists (I was going for that slot too originally), and 2 social monsters...

But no ninja/spy/investigator, no craftsman but above all... no sorcerer... :|
You do realize that you've listed 10 characters.....

And the Walkabout team has no sorcerers, either.

Though we do have ninjas.....
Nah I haven't checked past my group...

But 10 players and not a single sorcerer... that would be a first :lol:
Well that's what we got this thread for. ;)

Also: I've seen many rounds without sorcerers... Especially since the first circle doesn't give you much utility that charms don't.
Lin-Rei is a ninja murder machine but I was also going to give her a ton of presence and appearance on top of performing skills....

But for the sake of clarity, who's doing what, on which team? I'm still getting a little confused as to who's want and people from one team talking about characters on the other.
Especially since the first circle doesn't give you much utility that charms don't.
Ooooh I strongly disagree with that, there are features 1st circle allow you can't find anywhere else even in charms.
Ooookay so, I might go with the ninja/investigator/caster, but I'd need permission from the ST for access to Necromancy (why fight ghosts when you can banish them or kick their asses with Blind Edge or a Spriti Sword) as well as Sorcery as I plan to got with a Taki-like character spirit hunter.


May I suggest we create 2 topics, one for each group ?
Well, for the "World building" group, it would be nice if we had at least one Sorcerer for Demon and Countermagic abilities.

I'd *really* prefer it not be me however - I'm playing sorcerers in two other games right now, and I'd really like to get a feel for Exalted playing someone who cares about charms ;)
While a sorcerer would be great, and ninja would be cool, just because we don't have dots in Stealth doesn't mean we can't try and Sorcery is an insta-fix to a handful of particular problems (such as travel time) that aren't insurmountable anyway, and Sorcery can even cheapen a game because you're just not trying as hard.

So I think we're good. We have our schtick: nation-building through political and martial means. Now let's go for it!
I will wait on the ST to determine wether I follow the path of the bandit prince or the path of the spirit hunter :mrgreen:

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