[OOC] Team Anathema Discussion Thread [Clashing Waves]

But diplomatic immunity only works if you're going someplace on business, like a sanctum or malfeas or a fey court.. not for random encounters. Not unless, you're trying for "parley" as a legit use of 'business'.

EDIT - of course, it'd be an amusing use of diplomatic immunity. ^_^
Say "Parley" and we'll have to start quoting Pirates Of The Carribean.

...though I would allow something along those lines to trigger the diplomatic immunity.
We could always just trade some blood for the lives of the crew and ourselves, as well as the ship. *glances to Necromancer* >.> <.< >.>

Lane might not like that though, being Mr. Uber-Compassion and all.
If you got every member of the crew to give a little blood it'd probably be enough.

Alternatively, you could sacrifice the Necromancer... but I'm pretty sure all of you have at least Compassion 2.
Actually, I was thinking of initiating negotiation as a trigger for diplomatic immunity. After all, it's kind of parley. But if a small blood sacrifice will suffice, then so be it.

Oh, and Aleph has compassion 1. But he wouldn't really like sacrificing the poor guy. He has much to answer for yet.
Nice post Aleph :D . Perhaps mention something about an offering of blood from the entirety of the ship? >.>
Yeah, I thought of doing so, but I preferred to try first without any bloodshed. Anyway, unless he's got a MDV of 13+, I think he is pretty much convinced. Oh, and thank you.
Heh. Well, that attack is Natural Persuasion. Don't forget he can just spend 1 WP and ignore you outright. >.>
Damn good oratory there, Aleph! You got me convinced, and I'm on your side!
Yeah... you'd better either come up with something tempting to him, or else start exerting some sort of unnatural influence. I do hope you have a Charm for that.
Sherwood, you realize that it takes four hours to cast Summon Elemental, right? Plus, Tome may want to RP the Elemental himself. >.>
Tome said:
Yeah... you'd better either come up with something tempting to him, or else start exerting some sort of unnatural influence. I do hope you have a Charm for that.
Only Hypnotic Tongue (which is of little use, as he can just spend one willpower anyway) and Authority Radiating Stance, which... well, would be possible, but his MDV is one point greater than my presence. How does Infinite Presence Mastery works when improving the abilities with the 2nd excellence? Would it be possible to use it to have an effective presence of 6 or 7?

Edit: and another question: are the mindless undead immune to illusion effects (like Authority Radiating Stance)?
2nd excellency basically goes... you need a roll? Here, have a success. It's on the god what exalted you.

*points at the "mindless" part* ^_^ ;
Haku said:
*points at the "mindless" part* ^_^ ;
Yeah, I imagined so 8) . I just thought that maybe they could be affected by Illusion because they can be affected by Total Control.
Yes, I am aware of the 4 hour bit on the summoning. I was just feeling left out of the posting. If Tome wants to have the elemental say something different, I'll edit the post accordingly.
Aleph said:
Only Hypnotic Tongue (which is of little use, as he can just spend one willpower anyway) and Authority Radiating Stance, which... well, would be possible, but his MDV is one point greater than my presence. How does Infinite Presence Mastery works when improving the abilities with the 2nd excellence? Would it be possible to use it to have an effective presence of 6 or 7?
I'm gonna say that you can use it in the manner you intend, but you would need a Combo with ARS+2nd Presence Ex.

Also, I'm gonna revise my earlier statement and say that it's less than one Health level he needs. Just so long as someone has a few dots in Medicine.
Ok, gonna I've gotta get that combo as soon as possible. Extremely useful. Not too expansive, too. 5xp and 15 days.
Tome said:
Also, I'm gonna revise my earlier statement and say that it's less than one Health level he needs. Just so long as someone has a few dots in Medicine.
>.> <.< >.>

That'd be me.

Tome said:
Oh, and how was Lane able to understand the conversation? He doesn't speak Old Realm?
I was kinda wondering the same thing myself... :?

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