[OOC] Team Anathema Discussion Thread [Clashing Waves]

In my homegame I just combined all the craft skills into one skill. Then I'll make a special emphasis on special ingredients instead. I like it better because it takes the focus away from dice mechanics and puts it more into adventuring for a special rose that only grows in rich firedust areas in the far south and since firedust is frequently harvested the rose is now very very rare.
I've always hated melee covered any and all weapons, and archery covers everything from a bow to a ballista, yet craft is 7+ different skills all by itself.
As both an artist and and a martial artist, I can attest that weapons skill is relatively easy to generalise, but craft based ability is not. For instance, while I can wield a spear and a sword with roughly equal facility, using the same general skill set, my artistic talents grant me no insight into blacksmithing. Put simply, most fighting follows the same general principles, while making things does not. Also, it'd be stupid for a master blacksmith to automatically be a decent painter. Sort of like Lore. A master swordsman on the other hand, probably doesn't do too badly with a spear.
I got a shogunate level magitech workshop, a NPC ally AND a work force of automata... I think I'm kind of set for kitting up an army with magitech weaponary... :twisted:
I am just talking about game balance. Not realism.
Oh, well if it's game balance then yeah, it should be one skill. 'Cept for Magitech, Genesis, Glamour and Fate. Those should remain firmly seperate. But I't not too bad how it is now, so I don't feel the need to change it.
Plus you're giving us mad XP. Getting Craft abilities to decent levels is pretty cheap when its favored (3XP to get the Ability, 1XP for 2nd dot, 3XP for 3rd, 5XP for 4th, 7XP for 5th, grand total of 19XP to go from nothing to a 5-dot ability isn't too bad especially when you consider there aren't many Craft charms you really need to get >.>).

My manse is a First-Age era Workshop focusing on Magitech. I almost considered having it be a Factory Cathedral, but then common sense came in (You don't find too many Factory Cathedrals on the bottom of the Ocean :P , and there's always that nasty Power Failure to worry about >.<. And also I'm not sure you'd want me to start with something so crazy like that >.>.).

Yes, I will be getting those Wyld-Shaping Charms :D .
Aleph said:
fhgwdads05 said:
Yes, I will be getting those Wyld-Shaping Charms :D .
Those I can call cool.
Yeah, now if only Lunars got them as well... and that nifty Charm that lets you make Artifacts quicker. Seriously, the Lunar crafting Charms suck for making Artifacts. You'd think being able to change a Daiklaive into a set of Hearthstone Bracers with a reflexive action would let them have a charm for crafting Artifacts in less than a season. But noooooo, they have to suck donkey balls when it comes time to make their precious Moonsilver weapons.

*Angry Lunar Ranting Technique*
I think a neat custom lunar charm would be to spend a few motes and the raw moonsilver just flows into the shape of what you want and then solidifies. Do it like that super quick sidereal charm.
fhgwdads05 said:
Heh. Well, Solars are supposed to be the best at everything :wink:.
Especially being assholes. They're really, really good at being assholes.

And they're not the best at everything. I've yet to see a Solar who could beat even a starting Lunar in a shapeshifting contest, and DB teamwork is generally considered superior. Abyssals can probably outdo them in terms of raw destruction, and Sidereals... well they get Sidereal Astrology, Sidereal Martial Arts and Arcane Fate. Solars don't do so good at those.

Still, Solar Circle Sorcery and being huge assholes is a powerful combo to beat...

*Angry Lunar Ranting Technique*
Solars can be just as destructive as Abyssals. Shapeshifting is kind of a moot point, same with Teamwork and Arcane Fate (which is kinda of bullshit, it was created by the stupid Sidereals breaking their own Loom of Fate. God, every time I read about that it really makes me hate them), since those are kind of specific to the type of Exalt. As far as Siddy MA, then Sidereals themselves find it impossibly hard. And at the same time, Solars can still learn it :D .

As far as unique stuff, one thing that I do see is that Solars have really cheap, efficient access to Perfects and Scenelongs, as well as loads more Charms with the Holy-keyword.

Solars are just as much assholes as everyone else. Look at the Sidereals. Look at the Realm and the DBs. Even the Lunars nowadays have crossed into semi-assholery. Their Limit Breaks are nearly as bad as that of the Solars, plus they can go Chimera. >.>

Its just the fact that the Solars were in charge of Creation, and they are the most well known for their assholery. :P If I was to call anyone an asshole, it'd be those damn lazy Incarnae.
Solars are not incredibly good at anything, they are just excellent at everything.

And more, we are the Princes of the Earth, you coward shape shifted doggies. :wink:
Not really.

The Lunars are incredibly good at physical battle, the dbs are great at teamwork, the sids are unmatched martial artists. The Solars, on the other side, don't have any particular area they are unmatched at (exept for sorcery, ok...), but they are good at MA, at Teamwork, at physical combat, at sailing, at crafting, at social-fu, at music, at archery, etc.
I consider Solars to beat Lunars in Combat in the long run at a High Essence level. Cheaper perfects and other Charms are what make it so, and plus the Solar version of Infinite (Ability) Master is far superior.

Where Lunars truly beat Solars out is in ease of flexibility. The Lunar Excellencies are supremely more utilitarian.
Yeah, I think the Lunar gimmick, aside from the whole turn into things deal, is their flexibility. That is, Solars ar more versatile as a group, as a single Solar has a wide variety of things they can be good at, but they still specialise somewhat individually. An individual Lunar, on the other hand, is more versatile personally.

For example, it's feasible that even a very young Lunar could have an Excellency for every single Attribute.
Most players in my home game have about 4-6 excellencies and they're not totally focused. Appearance is the odd man out typically. And with no no-moons in the party nobody has a ton of mental ones except for wits.

I think a Solar can beat a Lunar in combat, but he has to be very very smart about it as a player, and mental errors by the player are going to make the biggest difference. In a casual game environment a Lunar will likely be more versatile with his abilities and slightly easier to play because if you make a mistake you can have soak and regen to back you up. So it caters to an easier style of play.

But mechanically the Solars have a slight edge, they just can't make errors because soak, health levels, and regen are harder to come by.
Is the demon out of the action? Since I'm the only one in the water with it, I do have a bit of an interest in the answer... :)
Sherwood said:
Is the demon out of the action? Since I'm the only one in the water with it, I do have a bit of an interest in the answer... :)
No. You've managed to break through his -0 Health Levels, but he still has plenty to go.

EDIT Actually, he's down a fair bit more than I thought.
Are you throwing out the revision from the reduced flurry? 'Cos with the move action not part of it, the first attack hits. If you are, that's ok, it's your call. I just want to know.

Also, the point of the move action being mistakenly flurried was so that Fury could take advantage of her anima power to move out of the demon's range. Was that just not taken into account, or are the demon's limbs long enough that she's still not fast enough to do hit-and-run?
Jukashi said:
Are you throwing out the revision from the reduced flurry? 'Cos with the move action not part of it, the first attack hits. If you are, that's ok, it's your call. I just want to know.
Also, the point of the move action being mistakenly flurried was so that Fury could take advantage of her anima power to move out of the demon's range. Was that just not taken into account, or are the demon's limbs long enough that she's still not fast enough to do hit-and-run?
Ah, I'll correct it. And no, she's still not fast enough to hit and run. This thing has a reach in excess of 50 meters.

Oh, and it's Theran's turn.
Yeah, I know. Getting on that. Though before I post...

Aleph, would you like to post something about you moving outside of the area of effect of this spell? >.>
Rowan will try to clear the mist with his wind hearthstone. The last time I tried, the demon was active and the necromancer still awake. With them down and out, it may work.
Tome, I'm going to supplement a roll with a Charm to try and determine the exact source of the mist. Was it Lore or Occult that was used for that check?

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