[OOC] Team Anathema Discussion Thread [Clashing Waves]

This combat will be a lesson for the two of us, Aleph. One of us, if not both of us, should learn Countermagic. >.<
Soaking is good, but Countermagic has wider uses.

I would love spell-shattering charms, but I don't think Tome is going to be giving us access to Siddy MA any time soon, if at all :P .
I plan on alternating Charms and Knacks with Spells until I learn my list. This time, it was a Charm, next time, a spell.
Tome said:
I'm gonna say two die stunt, unless you guys think it's worth three?.
The actions... well the Moriachos, the tentacle demon, has DV 7, Soak 15B/11L. The pullling the demon in thing is gonna be a contested Strength+Athletics roll, and the demon got 6 successes. If yours is lower however, it pulls you in.
Ok then, I'm using the Konkret dice roller. First of all, an attack with my wavecleaver. We start at 14 dice, add 2 from the stunt and 1 from Fury, and take away three for the flurry, leaving us back with 14. Result: 9 8 3 7 4 4 8 1 8 9 10 8 1 4 (9 successes)

A hit! Whoo. Then we have a damage pool of 13L + 1 from the Fury and +2 from the dice left after DV, for 16. After soak that leaves me with five and I add one from Undeniable Might. Thus, I roll 6 damage dice, result: 6 10 9 8 4 7.

4 health levels gone! Blood in the water! :D

Ok, now I'm up for the Str + Athletics. I double my Strength thanks to my anima, add 2 from the stunt and add one from the Fury since it's still combat-related. I take away 4 dice from the flurry. That's a total dice pool of 13. Result: 8 2 3 3 7 9 7 4 9 8 7 10 10 (11 successes 0.o)

So, I yank the demon out from its hidey-hole.

Finally I land the headbutt, which I'm going to assume (since I lack knowledge of a specific "headbutt" stat block) uses the same stats as a punch. That's a dice pool of 8, plus 2 from the stunt and one from the Fury, minus 5 from the flurry, for a total of 6. Result: 3 3 5 8 2 2 (1 success), which isn't enough to beat DV, so that one fails. Still, it looked cool, didn't it? Let's say it parried the blow. With its own head. :P

And I regain 4 motes.
11 successes! That's success by a legendary margin! Against an inhumanly strong demon that crushes ships for fun! I think everyone on the ship is going to have to roll to keep their balance due to your sheer force of awesome... actually, that'll be because you just capsised the ship, but what the hey. :P

I knew I should have given it more strength. Pity it rolled so badly. I mean, a result of 6 from a dice pool of 18 is rediculous. :evil:
Rowan's attacks both hit, due to onslaught penalty. Both Ping.

Want to roll those yourself?

Oh, and you'll need a Strength+Atheletics roll to yank Five Waves away. The Moriachos gets 9 Successes.
Hey Sherwood, you realize that Extra-Action penalties apply to your dice pools, not the successes you roll, right?
I probably mis-read the flurry rules. I thought it subtracted from the successes you got, not the number of dice you roll. It probably wouldn't have made a difference here, but I'll know for next roll.

BTW, Jukashi, make sure that FWF starts tearing at the right set of tenticals holding her, ok? :wink:
I posted an edit to my attack with the results of my Str + Athletics roll to pull FWF loose.

I am beginning to enjoy the choice of the squid as a form for this battle. Its doing well for me.
So, if I do a awesome backstory of my First Age self, can I whip out my Lunar Fury?

Hmmm, that doesn't sound quite right. I'm in the water with a shark-lady, I'm flashing tenticles all over, and I now want to 'whip out' my charm. Oy!

When did this game turn into hentai? :D
Sherwood said:
So, if I do a awesome backstory of my First Age self, can I whip out my Lunar Fury?
Hmmm, that doesn't sound quite right. I'm in the water with a shark-lady, I'm flashing tenticles all over, and I now want to 'whip out' my charm. Oy!

When did this game turn into hentai? :D
Around about when Jukashi jumped into the tentacle-filled water.

And yes, but it has to be awesome and relevant.
So I was thinking about nabbing a Medicine Charm or three and just realized the inevitable. Theran is probably going to become Team Anathema's Jack-of-all-Trades.
Sooo much stuff to get. A part of me wants to grab Summon 1st Circle Demon first, another wants Countermagic, and a third wants Banish 1st Circle Demon. Another part wants fun stuff like Flying Guillotine or Mast Shattering Bolt, since we are doing the ocean stuff.
fhgwdads05 said:
So I was thinking about nabbing a Medicine Charm or three and just realized the inevitable. Theran is probably going to become Team Anathema's Jack-of-all-Trades.
Not quite. I should imagine it'll just end up with you having to take dots in all of your Caste Abilities. I'm sure the others can handle whatever falls under their Castes, and we don't explicitly need stealth.
Well, not for Gulup. >.> Damn him and his cloaking fields.

Speaking of that.... Are you going to allow us to modify our Warstriders? Theran will definitely have the skill required to build them shortly (he already has the minimums needed for repairing), all we will need will be the raw materials. If so, do you know how you are going to work out the mechanics (Wonders gives us no real clue on how to do it >.>)?
fhgwdads05 said:
Well, not for Gulup. >.> Damn him and his cloaking fields.
Speaking of that.... Are you going to allow us to modify our Warstriders? Theran will definitely have the skill required to build them shortly (he already has the minimums needed for repairing), all we will need will be the raw materials. If so, do you know how you are going to work out the mechanics (Wonders gives us no real clue on how to do it >.>)?
Yes, modification will be fine, and if you feel like repairing a Factory Cathedral/establishing a special workshop then you'll be able to build one as well. Though I'd advise taking those nifty charms that allow you to shape the Wyld in order to supply your raw materials.

I'm not sure about the rules. I'll probably just tack on a something to the standard creation rules for Artifacts.
In my homegame I just combined all the craft skills into one skill. Then I'll make a special emphasis on special ingredients instead. I like it better because it takes the focus away from dice mechanics and puts it more into adventuring for a special rose that only grows in rich firedust areas in the far south and since firedust is frequently harvested the rose is now very very rare.

I've always hated melee covered any and all weapons, and archery covers everything from a bow to a ballista, yet craft is 7+ different skills all by itself.

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