[OOC] Team Anathema Discussion Thread [Clashing Waves]

Well, now you know :P . For future reference, all spirits/demons/gods/elementals speak Old Realm as their primary language. Fae might as well, but I'm not 100% sure.
fhgwdads05 said:
Well, now you know :P . For future reference, all spirits/demons/gods/elementals speak Old Realm as their primary language. Fae might as well, but I'm not 100% sure.
As do very old ghosts (including deathlords) and barely everything related to Sorcery.

Edit: I'm kind of confused, fhgwdads05, have you accepted to perform the blood sacrifice?
We can always sacrifice the necromancer :twisted:
My Compassion is a 2, so I don't have a problem with it. He attacked us first, after all.
True that. I guess I'll just fast-forward my summoning spell, or all of the debate and argueing with the demon took four hours. Hey, that works for me.
Yes, I'm going to perform the blood sacrifice. Everyone on the ship is giving a small bit of blood, not simply the necromancer or anything. Whenever I get around to posting, that'll happen. >.>

Rowan, a few things.

1) I don't think you should fast forward with your summoning. Neither the debate taking for 4 hours or any of that makes sense. If I were you, I'd go back, delete the summoning post, and repost it after we get this mess taken care of. Of course, it's your call in the end. Or Tome's. But I think taking the easy way is not the right way, at least in this situation.

2) Compassion 1 means you would'nt have a problem with sacrificing the Necromancer. Compassion 2 means you would. While its not like if you had Compassion 3, outright sacrificing this Necromancer who was obviously not in the right mind is not something the average person (Compassion 2 is about average, remember) would do.
Virtues are approximations of the outlook and values your character has. Not shackles to bind your RP. Personally I think up a personality I want to play and then assign virtues that best fit the personality. It works best that way for me than to assign virtues and let them dictate my play.
I agree with that 100%. Design the personality first, then assign the virtues. But you should follow that after you've made it.
Tome said:
fhgwdads05 said:
Agreed :D . So as for my roll, I basically know everything that we need to know about this Demon?
Yep, pretty much.
I'd like to point out if you know everything you need to know that you'd also be aware that pissing it off causes to get out of mist form. And that something like a torch put to the mist does 1L per turn also.
Heck, why didn't anyone say that before? Why give in to the foul creature from Malfeas when we can destroy its form here? Torch the bastard! Kill it with fire!
Because I'm just the dumb fighter jock. I didn't want to ruin their surrendering to the 1st circle demon RP... lol.

Seriously though, I just dislike giving out most ideas and telling people what to do. I enjoy the occasional mistakes that lead to interesting situations IG.
Ya know, that would be a really, really, bad thing to do, considering the current state of our group. I believe half of us are seriously injured. I'm halfway through my Essence. >.>

Plus, I don't think a torch to the mist would harm the demon. It'd probably soak it with Stamina and laugh at you, and then send you into a comatose state filled with horrific nightmares. :twisted:

On a final note, do you really want to fight another tentacle demon that badly? Cause that's what this thing's other form is. >.<
If you're nearly out of essence I feel much safer since I've taken more damage from you than anything else! :)

But yeah, flames do 1L to the mist.
Oh that's right, I see it now. Though now how would you propose actually getting to the mist? Last I recalled it moved away from the ship, giving us a little fresh air.
Well, we arm ourselves with torches and start sailing. If it wants to turn us into madmen it has to make a touch attack I think.

Not that the flames do much, but it's better than surrender says my pride. The "if angry it turns into a tentacle monster" effect doesn't have a mechanic. But you could simply start taunting it or something.
Not to mention that the last demon was taken on by only two of us. If this demon takes on a physical form, it will be facing all of us. Even considering that some characters have less of a combat focus than others, we still outgun it bigtime!
Yeah, but even if it goes down it would probably take the wounded down with it *says eying Aleph and Five Waves.* Don't forget the power of Principle of Motion :twisted: .
Bah, if you're worried about 1 demon of the 1st circle defeating several Exalts we might as well surrender to the wyld hunt now. It'll take them weeks to heal up.
I never said I was worried, I was simply stating what will probably happen. It doesn't take much to realize that even First Circle Demons aren't the easiest thing, especially when an ST plays them intelligently.
Well, a truely intelligent demon would probably leave rather than face us. Even if it kills one of us it can't hope to survive.

Regardless, we can't expect to kill a group of Dragon-Bloods, Sid's, and a renegade solar inside of Warstriders if we're going to back down against a 1st circle demon.
Well, we'd never actually kill the Demon... We'd simply destroy its materialized body... >.>

And you should note that the Demon was already frightened by us and is only staying here on the grounds of its agreement with the sorceror who summoned it.

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