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Fandom OOC Lounge

QuirkyAngel QuirkyAngel i need an opinion do you think Azani should use her normal name or the name she is spreading with her followers to name the new spirit she got? CheshireMitsu CheshireMitsu yout thoughts as well i am divided

Yato works even though his true name is Yaboku, so I don't think it matters too much. It's whatever name she identifies most with. Bisha also has multiple names.
likely odd but light maybe feel abit of the god enter you it seems to be painless
hm i think i might explain it as them getting warmer and feeling filled out for a moment, like they become alive again, just for a second
Takumi98 Takumi98 I didn't know if Hiroki would still be in the computer lab after school, so I wasn't sure if I should tag you in the post.

He likely would if no one told him to scram earlier in the day then at least he'd definitely come back to hang around and see what it's all about when the club members are around and maybe take another nap if they don't make him leave for it. Or, if Mirai didn't figure out where he ran off too sooner. Honestly, she likely wouldn't have right away.

Edit: I'm likely gonna be off work for the week so I might get my posting mojo back and finish some posts.
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is this rp still open? i wanna see if i can join in

Yes it is.

I apologize for the silence. Trying to get all the Kami_X responses out in one post is a probably a bit ambitious, but I'll try to churn something out tonight. Just letting ya'll know I'm still here and I have no intention of giving up on the rp just yet - especially when there are so many ideas in the works.
yeah as clan name is part of regalia names example Azani has the U clan so all her regalia end int he U letter ( it is a thing from the word feather)

so all hi=s regalis would be name Shōmei forowā
Your all beautiful! Have a meme!


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