OOC [Gardens of Oneiromancy]

It's fine, I just had to laugh :P Needless to say your character can obviously be more concerned with physical or social pursuits, but he's got to know about dreams. It's a nice contrast.
Chaka said:
Yay Petronius.
Yay for noticing ^_^ I worried it was a little bit pretentious to put in my signature, but back when I was in university I had the quote pinned to my door, so I think the pretentiousness line was crossed some time ago!!

Aloha Ryan! =D good to see all's well both in and out of character!
Thank you =) I've been really looking forward to playing here, and was annoyed with myself about letting things get in the way!
xD ! ok, I had a few questions before I post. how does one go about entering the dreamscape? I read the ritual but I'm not sure if I'd have to be in the same location as the person or if the person has to agree..?
Hi to all the new people!

I'm glad Nalani's got a fellow darkling now. They're going to be the ones in the corner wearing sunglasses and whatnot.
Getting to Dreams: A changeling can always access his personal dreams, it's a simple process. All changelings are lucid dreamers. With the expenditure of a Willpower point, you can plague your fetch, though this can eventually come with a price. With the expenditure of a glamour point, you can access the dreams of anyone you're dream-tasked to.

I'm house-ruling that you can access your fetches' dreams and those of your motley mates from the comfort of your bed, but for accessing anyone elses' you will have to meditate/sleep in the Hedge. This means you'll have to maintain a Hollow, or simply risk taking a nap in the Thorns, if you're feeling that brave...

Furthermore, I'm house-ruling that accessing personal dreams should be automatic, but accessing Fetch-dreams still requires 8 successes on a meditation roll (in this case, Composure+Wits+equipment+Wyrd) and a slightly steeper 12 successes to access a dream-tasked dream.

So, no, you don't have to be in the same location. You must, in fact, be in the Hedge. As to whether they must agree, the answer is a simple yes - in this case at least. Exceptions to this rule exist but those will only come up later, they don't concern you yet. You need to make a pledge - unwitting or otherwise - with a mortal.
Speaking of sleeping in the Hedge, you guys are going to need to sit down and talk about your Hollow really soon - if, indeed, you all agree to share one.
lol this is going to be fun. =D 'social graces for the unsmooth'. don't kill me but... what's a hollow and how does one go about maintaining one? Does it have anything to do with the "den" contract?

<edit> ah, there we go. =D
A Hollow is little hard to pin down. It's like a home you can carve out in the Hedge, essentially, a safe(ish) haven amongst the Thorns. Any location of merit in the Hedge is probably going to be a Hollow, be it just a clear patch of grass with a couple of chairs gathered round a cooling campfire, or a Gothic mansion with a dragon casually sleeping out front. They're more common than you think, as changelings, Hobs, hobgoblins and stranger creatures still carve out (often quite literally) little (or not so little) homes for themselves.
morethanadream said:
Chaka said:
Yay Petronius.
Yay for noticing ^_^ I worried it was a little bit pretentious to put in my signature, but back when I was in university I had the quote pinned to my door, so I think the pretentiousness line was crossed some time ago!
I'm a Classics and English student. You're safe enough with me. :P
sweeeeeet. I call top bunk.
Ly - I was checking out your character sheet. You have 7 dots of merits, but 1 dot of mantle is actually free (because Hyrune said so :wink: ), so that means you have a dot to put into the Hollow merit if you wish.

Do we all want to live in the same Hollow? If so, we'd potentially have a 7 dot Hollow (assuming that Westfield puts 1 dot into it, Nalani has 1, Sam has 1, Gareth has 2 and Jason has 2).

Are we all motley mates here?
Chaka said:
I'm a Classics and English student. You're safe enough with me. :P
Ahhhh, very nice :) I'm an English and Film Studies student who's been on hiatus for... well, some time. So my studies have been a little bit freeform lately :P

Do we all want to live in the same Hollow? If so, we'd potentially have a 7 dot Hollow (assuming that Westfield puts 1 dot into it, Nalani has 1, Sam has 1, Gareth has 2 and Jason has 2).
Are we all motley mates here?
I'd be fine with sharing a Hollow, and as for being in a Motley, well we're all part of the Family, and because of Changeling society we all know each other, so perhaps we're all fairly close but haven't taken the final step to becoming a bonded Motley? Of course, on the other hand Aisling and Al could always have advised us towards forming a Motley right from the start?
morethanadream said:
I'd be fine with sharing a Hollow, and as for being in a Motley, well we're all part of the Family, and because of Changeling society we all know each other, so perhaps we're all fairly close but haven't taken the final step to becoming a bonded Motley? Of course, on the other hand Aisling and Al could always have advised us towards forming a Motley right from the start?
Originally, the latter was the plan, when there was originally only three players. I envisaged the "students" becoming close and things progressing naturally until they formed a motley.

Obviously, the game has changed, and I won't force a motley pledge on ye if you don't want it. It would make thing potentially easier (not even just for the plot, but also mechanically speaking for ye, via Boons), but it's by no means a necessity.
Also, Nightstorm: Aloysius is asking you to do the same thing that Aisling has been asking everyone else to do so far; pick a mortal, any mortal, and make the pledge of Horn and Bone with them. I just didn't want to have to repeat it five times :lol:

So when he (and, by extension, I) say anyone you want within Ivyvale, that's exactly what I mean. I can't really think of any clearer way to say it, to be honest.
It'll be a week tomorrow since Nightstorm's last post - I'm going to PM him but if I get no response do ye all feel comfortable moving on without him?
If I don't hear anything back from him tomorrow I think we'll progress without him, no offence meant to the person in question or anything, obviously.
Hyrune said:
Also, Nightstorm: Aloysius is asking you to do the same thing that Aisling has been asking everyone else to do so far; pick a mortal, any mortal, and make the pledge of Horn and Bone with them. I just didn't want to have to repeat it five times :lol:
So when he (and, by extension, I) say anyone you want within Ivyvale, that's exactly what I mean. I can't really think of any clearer way to say it, to be honest.
Edit: Re-posting for Nightstorm's benefit.
Ly, I can just serendipitously make it so West conveniently walks into Sam on his way out of the Drop-Inn or something, unless you have any more interesting ideas on how you'd like to find him?
That would work but I don't mind him making an ass of himself first by wandering around campus asking people to let him see their dreams... =D wichever you prefer really. That and I was waiting to see if Sam wanted to bite on the idea before I threw him involved...

What do you think?

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