OOC [Gardens of Oneiromancy]

You do it for the flexibility, and to represent some sort of inherent defecit of character implied in the backstory. Some people are naturally less stable than others. Besides, the whole point of gaining derangements is to represent the mental trauma of your mind quietly readjusting itself to allow abhorrent acts you wouldn't otherwise commit. This isn't always appropriate.

Regardless, unless you're houseruling it, characters don't gain derangements from dropping their morality-equivalent stat at chargen.
On a totally unrelated note, Ly, you need to specify which animal your Fang & Talon represents. Much like Elements, Fang & Talon can be purchased multiple times to represent different animals, with its specific powers changing somewhat based on what animal it emulates.
Much Much appreciated. I fixed that thank you. =) I also finished a character sheet (Thank you everyone for helping me build it!). If it's ok I'd like to hanng on the 50 exp, white wolf has this weird thing that happens after you start playing a character: you realize that the character thinks differently than you do and spends exp different. Since I don't really know what West would buy I'd like to just hang off on spending it for a moment or two...

Make sense?
Normally, I wouldn't allow it, but I've had the same thing happen to me on occasion so I know where you're coming from. I'll allow it, but I'm trusting you not to abuse it, like buying Toxin Resistance after finding out the next scene will involve poison, or something :P

Now, would you like me to set up a post for you, or do you want to just post and we can go from there? As I've said to the others, I'd like your first posts to be about waking up, if possible.

Also, Nightstorm: Cool first post, but what do you as the player want Jason as a character to do, short-term and (if you want) long-term, just so I know where to go from here?
Ill post something as an enterance and I promise I don't ever use exp to hide character flaws. I like flawed characters wich is why I don't really care if the flaws I listed grant exp lol. He has them anyway. :) I really appreciate you allowing me to learn the character. ^^
Whilst we're here lads and lassies I think we should talk about whether or not you are all motley mates. The original plan was that yes, ye all would be, but since you obviously don't know each other all that well, you might want to decide against this. I'm happy enough with this if ye so wish, we'll just retroactively change the plot a little.

I WOULD point out, however, that your characters must know each other. Ye're all nobles of a freehold and you're Wyrd 4 so you've been around the block. You're experienced. And changeling society is very closely quartered. There's no way on earth ye couldn't be on first name basis, for instance.
I'm not a Darkling but I am a lost puppy. lol. I'm assuming we're all in the same geographic location, aye? I'm not sure if it's normal but can we just stage a meeting? Say I run into the Darkling in the tree? *shrug*

I kinda picture the Fetch as this deranged looney-toon version of yourself that no one seems to notice... what are they really and do they just exist to cover up your dissapearance or are they malicious and scheeming... *rubs hands together plottingly*
Yes Ly, you are in the same geographical location. Read the setting info! Lol. And see here for more info on Fetches: viewtopic.php?f=284&t=2059. I'd be delighted to chat about them if you need more info, though: I'm quite fond of fetches.
Right. My bad ^_^ ; RUA. That answers a ton of questions I had previously, who'd have thought it would be so easy. Also gives me an awesome idea for a fetch, I'll send it to you if you have time =D
I can't imagine a very good one with a craft of 2 and intelligence of 1 but it's a hobby yeah =D if he was better at it the car may actually run...
Ly, just reading over your post makes me think you might not know who Aisling is. She's basically your...boss? Ish? so to speak, a higher ranked member of the Family than yourself, and one of the two people who recruited West to the Family in the first place, so he would know her. She's in the Setting info. But if I've misread, my bad.
no I know who she is. =D it's just how he thinks. ^^ I read her background info already.

she's his boss... she would only show up when he's done something wrong. He's always doing something wrong. As far as sizing her up that's natural. If the ferret was a little taller he would have looked him over too. He's your typical "I could take him" sort.
None taken! I'm very glad you're willing to work with me, I realize new rpers can often be frustrating.
Hi everyone!

Just spotted this topic, and feel a little bit dim for not noticing it before.

Many many apologies for not getting my ass in gear right away and posting, but I've not forum roleplayed for a while and had a little bit of trouble getting over the first hump/getting confident enough in my writing after so long.

Also, in a moment of strange synchronicity, two days after I sign up and have my character 95% finished, like a true Spring Courtier I fall for someone and can't completely focus on what I'm supposed to be doing. (I wonder if he'd be flattered he had an effect on me! :P )

But I'm back on form and ready to go.

Look forward to meeting you all (in and out of character)

Ryan xx
Dreams most certainly are your forte, you're a member of the Family of Silent Nights! :lol:

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