OOC [Gardens of Oneiromancy]

By the way, I have spoken to Chaka and Yu Jie about their Fetches, could the rest of ye talk to me about yours whenever you get a chance? Have a look at the Fetches thread below here if you need some ideas of what sort of info I'm looking for, but of course feel free to ask questions here too, or send me a PM.
heh I should have gotten gluttonous regeneration lol. =D It's important to be able to pile down a few dozen pizzas. *nod* they should call it "high-school metabalism"
Lol, I dunno if I'd award you it for just that :P I'll get to work on Cliona's dreams. I'll have new threads for both you and Chaka on Wednesday, hopefully. If West still has anything to do, you can continue to post, but otherwise, you've achieved all I needed you to do this chapter!
Righteous. =D if its not too much id like to get some more interaction out of the world to sorta flesh mr. Westfield out a bit more.
I was thinking some element of conflict, maybe getting in trouble or perhaps a person with a beef against him. I was going to direct him to the shop he works at to get some time in. What if its something like a guy he works with wants to have it out with him for something... he's (west) an ass-hole most of the time so any sort of domestic struggle would work. Maybe West called his gf/wife something lol idk
Girlfriends mostly, he's not too serious about relationships but still tries. I can't say they'd be too successfull in all
He can have a girlfriend then if you want but you'll have to tell us about her if she's going to be an NPC. Speaking of which, remember we need to talk about your Fetch too.
Cool, cool. No rush - statting your fetch will be a little hard until your character himself is properly statted, after all.
About to post the first of our dream-tasked mortals' dreams - I'll basically be setting up a new thread for the first dreams of each mortal your characters pledge to - and I feel I should clarify something.

I posted a "Getting to Dreams" sub-section in the setting info a while back, which still stands, but here's the kicker. You must sleep in the Hedge to reach dreams of persons you cannot see/are in an unknown location. That's where the roll comes in. If you can see the person, you must keep your eyes upon them...and fall asleep. No roll needed.

The second clause of the Contracts of Dream allow you to look into anyone's dreams, I might add (i.e. no pledge needed!) but the same rules still apply.
I can't find if we ever resolved this, we share a hollow? I think it's a good idea =D so is the hedge a physical location I have to travel to or how can I get there?
I dunno, do you? :P You bring up a valid point which will either save or damn young Sam Lightfoot. I was actually waiting for one of ye to mention it again because it is very important for your group especially.

The answer is no, you did not agree upon a Hollow yet. At the very least, I'm going to need to know its stats.

And to answer your other question, it's both a physical location and not a physical location whilst remaining a very real "place"... if that makes any sense. Even if it doesn't, that's fine because the Thorns aren't supposed to make sense :P

The Hedge is the barrier between our world (i.e., where mortals live) and Arcadia (the land of the Fae). No one knows precisely how it came to be or what precise purpose it serves but it exists, all the same, indifferent to opinion (sort of). I once described the Hedge as a beach; think of our world as, well, land. Now think of Arcadia as the ocean, full of mystery and untamed, savage magic. Arcadia is lapping against the shore, and that shore is the Hedge. Beaches, as you know, are brimming with strange forms of life, halfway between water and land, sensitive to the tides. It's where all sorts of strange debris washes up, and wreckage... If this wasn't immediately obvious, I adore the Hedge.

Anyway. Getting there is desperately simple (a fact that distresses some changelings), and you don't even need to be a changeling to do it. Any doorway, arch or even reflective surface can be used to enter the Hedge; simply spend a point of Glamour, and ask to be let in (politely or otherwise). Walk into the Brambles. Hey presto.

There are many problems with this. The first - which isn't necessarily a problem but can become one - is that once a doorway/arch/whatever becomes a gateway to the Hedge, it remains a gateway to the Hedge. It will close, naturally (and quite quickly too) after it's opened, but re-opening only requires a changeling to request it to open again, and it will do so (provided there's a successful Wyrd roll; weaker changelings will have a hard time making that roll and will probably just spend the glamour instead). If used enough, gateways develop what are known as "Keys"; esoteric ways to open said gateway which anyone, be he vampire, mage or even something stranger, can use. They're usually very specific (like "only the second child of a certain family whistling a certain nursery rhyme under a harvest moon" or "falling into your shadow at the pinnacle of twilight with your eyes bound shut" specific) and yet people still manage to figure them out all the time, wanting to get a glimpse at the lands of Faerie...

The second problem is that when using a gateway, you've no idea where it'll end up. The example I've used before is say a changeling wants to make a quick getaway from a paddywagon. He spends a point of glamour and jumps for "freedom" as soon as the doors open... only to find that his new gateway open up on a tiny patch of bare ground, surrounded by the Thorns on every side, not a path in sight. Woe betide him should the paddywagon - and his gateway - drive off. That's why most changelings will use established, well-known gateways to get into the Hedge, with well-beaten trods. There's one underneath the Hospice, and a few others, but I'll reveal those in time.
It's worth noting, actually, that some Freeholds try to restrict the creation of gateways, with good reason. They can be opened both ways, after all... but it's next-nigh-impossible to police, and changelings looking to make a quick getaway from mundane problems like police chases and the like often use the Hedge to vanish.
Much obliged, I hope we can come to agree on a hollow. If not, I can describe my one dot aye? I was about to make a bunch up about it what it looks like and how I usually get there but I figured id ask if there were any rules... lol. That and id like to note that if I do such a thing I will do so with the intent of everyone else adding on if possible?
The Hollow Merit follows an unusual set of rules, actually, so I'm glad you asked.

Basically, a Hollow has four...uhhh... settings? traits? which define its make-up. These are: Size, Amenities, Wards, and Doors. You put dots of Hollow into one of these four.

Size is fairly self explanatory, it defines how big the Hollow is. A Hollow with no dots in Size is just barely big enough for two changelings to stand up in comfortably. Size 1 is a small apartment, one or two rooms. Size 3 is about as big as a warehouse or church, and Size 5 is a sprawling mansion.

Amenities describes just what you have in your Hollow, its facilities, the "homey" touches. Material comforts. This is a bit harder to explain, but fortunately Rites of Spring really expanded on examples of things you can get with Amenities, and I'll willingly post those if ye want. There are a lot of impossible things available in the Hedge.

Wards stands for the security of your Hollow. The Hedge is, after all, a very dangerous place, and your typical changeling is more paranoid than a schizophrenic conspiracy theorist on meth. Players are encouraged to roleplay their Wards, be it as "simple" as hiding the entrance in a maze of dead ends and twisting passages hacked out of the Brambles, or perhaps a motley has convinced a pack of briarwolves to guard the Hollow from would-be intruders by feeding them scraps. In a game I ran, I had the Hollow belonging to a group of NPCs guarded by a living river/amoeba dragon, and you had to cross a field of coma-inducing Arcadian Bluebells to get there. Provided you got past all that, you still stood a chance of being deafened by some of the creatures living in the cabin's doorframe. In another game I'm playing in with Yu Jie, we've got ourselves a moat ^^

Doors is a bit special. Basically, with no dots in Doors, your Hollow still comes with two entrances. One in "reality", the mortal world, and another in the Hedge. The one in the Hedge is easily explained away; you just hack it out. The one in reality is a bit weirder. You have to hack a door out of a gateway, drag it to your Hollow, and then knock on it, asking for an exit. The Hedge (or Fate) decides where the door opens, though. It might open up in the local library, the alley behind the local Chinese takeaway, or in the dungeon of the Autumn Court's executioner. And it stays there. No take backs (it doesn't stay open, you just can't move it). If you spend more dots in Doors, you get one more entrance, in the Hedge or in reality. You'll have to think about where you want your doors, and I'll have a bit of say in where they come out myself... :P

As you can see, it's kind of hard (but by no means impossible) for a single changeling to make a decent Hollow on his own. That's why the Hollow merit is a shared merit; you can pool dots together to make a better whole. This gets interesting if a changeling ever falls out with his motley and leaves :P Say you put dots in Size, and then left in a huff. The Hollow would more or less immediately collapse, partially. Funtiems. It's worth noting you can buy more than 5 dots in Hollow - if you can afford it - but all the different Hollow "traits" only go up to five apiece, typically.
Oh, and Ly, I'll leave off on replying to your post until the Hollow is sorted, if that's ok with you? Unless you want to go in another direction in-character while we sort things OOC?
Perhaps we should make a thread/setting for our hollow? Either way I motion that my dot goes into a doorway, I figure it's important for our crew to be able to get in and out at a place we can all get to easily.

So I have 1 for doorway

Nalani adds 1 to size?

Gareth maybe 1 for amenities and 1 for wards?

Sam maybe upgrade wards to 2?

Not my decision but it's a start eh?


And yeah I don't mind if we hold there, I was just farting around seeing if I could inspire some trouble/inpromptu diologue lol =D nothing of any importance
i have no problem pooling in, and it makes sense. We can iron the details out more clearly once we know exactly how many dots we have to play with.
I find it a little funny you're casually insulting/not really insulting the Freehold's executioner, by the way Ly :P

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