OOC [Gardens of Oneiromancy]

X_X sorry to also drop off the radar, I went away unexpectedly on sunday morning and didn't get back till the early am on wednesday.

Haven't been sure how to continue Gareth and Nalani's talk, now that Jason Black isn't going to be in the game!

I've got some ideas, so I'll be back a little later tonight to post, but I have some errands right this moment.
Take your time, I'll likely be away much myself this weekend (see the Echoes of Absence thread) but I'll try and get to posting a little if time allows.
Provided everyone agrees, you can just retroactively change your mind, or whatever.

Edit: Sorry about the lapse in posting myself, I'm rectifying that as we speak!
Ly, just chatting to Chaka here, what sort of NPCs (i.e., potential pledge-ees) would you like me to sling ye're way?
Hadn't thought too much on it, obviously a girl would be nice but I think it'd be funny if he went out looking for a hot chick and ended up with an rper dude lol... idk, ill roll it around and try to throw a few ideas against the wall and see what sticks
I'd prefer you to be a leeetle more specific if possible, and sooner rather than later as I'm impatient to get going, lol. But if you can't think of anything I have a few ideas in mind so no worries.
So do you want to skip ahead to your pledge Yu Jie? It'll be a little odd juggling time - I think I remember you saying you'd planned on doing yours in the evening - but since this chapter is over apart from these pledges, it doesn't really matter because it won't interfere with the other characters.
Gareth's best hope for a pledge is probably Lisa, the girl he was studying with, who I intentionally left as a blank canvas in every respect.

He's going to go back this evening, and say something about forgetting his pen, etc, and hope he can talk her into some kind of Dream-watching arrangement.

I meant to get this down sooner, but here are a few ideas about what Gareth does: Gareth's study sessions are usually pretty ordinary - he helps them with their notes, quizzes them on things etc, and if he's feeling generous he'll make them a really refreshing cup of green tea (and invoke Eternal Spring 1, The Gift of Warm Breath!) when they get sleepy during an all-nighter, to help perk them up.

Sometimes he'll swear a Pledge with one of his 'students', giving them the Blessing of the eidetic memory merit, or just Adroitness in a particular mental skill, in exchange for receiving glamour from them.

At present, he's got noone Pledge-bound in this way.
*bow* I thank you very much ^_^

Edit:: I roll my presence (4) + persuation (0) so 4d10 and count all above 6 aye?

{0 7 5 8} I tried reading back for examples but I couldn't follow after the first line.
I'm afraid nWoD is a great deal more unforgiving than that. 8s, 9s, and 10 all count as successes. However, you can roll 10s again, as is the case here (i.e. the 10 counts as one success, but you get one other die to roll again to potentially accrue another success; indeed, if you get a 10 again, you can in turn roll that 10 again etc, etc.).

Since this is potentially an extended roll, I should remind you that the Beast blessing applies to this sort of roll, for future reference :)
Seduction rolls are interesting; you only have to get successes equal to twice her Resolve, which as an ordinary mortal is 2. She on the other hand, has to get twice your Presence just to stop listening.

So you only need one more success, to put it succinctly. Roll again!
I read it but I don't understand the actual game mechanics. Not really sure what a personal emblem is xD anywho...
They've always been a bit vague on the personal emblem bit - literally, as it's something they never really clear up in the Core book, if memory serves. Basically it's something you swear the pledge on. For other sorts of pledges, it's much more obvious; for instance, pledges that call for a Court Emblem, that's straight-forward enough.

I've deliberately waived this part of the pledge because - as I understand it - personal emblems are used to enact the Sanction on pledges. So if you swear a pledge (any pledge) over the keys of your Mustang, and then break that pledge, chances are you'll crash. That isn't a terrific example, though - frankly because sanctions tend to be a bit more severe than that. But long story short, the Pledge of Horn and Bone doesn't actually come with a sanction. It's practically a one-sided pledge in that regard, the only thing you'll lose if you break the pledge is access to that sweet, sweet steady stream of glamour.
Errr, making the pledge isn't going to be that easy, by the way :P You've seduced her, true, but you haven't said anything about watching over her dreams etc.

...in fact, right now I think you just pledged yourself to carrying her books... :lol:
Basically, you have to verbally tell her what you're going to do, and she has to verbally agree to it, or at the least make an obvious sign that she understands and accepts the agreement.

Now, by 'understand' I don't mean 'gets the full implications', but I do mean 'comprehends your words.' Unwitting pledges are still binding.

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