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Fantasy OOC for Shifting Shadows

Cool Fenris! I'd be happy at this point if the thing moved by a single post a day. xD

*laughs to keep from crying*
I'd like to stay. Was enjoying it until my character was left in Limbo waiting for a reply.
Cant really leave their character either. If they decide to come back, they will be in limbo if my char just leaves.
Phayne said:
Cant really leave their character either. If they decide to come back, they will be in limbo if my char just leaves.
Given that there was a rule that they needed to post or at least let us know they'd be gone or they'd be left behind, I think you can do whatever you want. They can find our characters later, too, IF they ever return. If you'd prefer to drop out it's totally your choice. At this rate I'm just going to restart it anyway unless it gets moving again.
Dont want to drop out. :3. Will be a bit awkward, Eldris kind of has Hana in a "checkmate" position,
Phayne said:
Dont want to drop out. :3. Will be a bit awkward, Eldris kind of has Hana in a "checkmate" position,
I totally agree it's one of those weird positions. But it's also unfair of those who promised to post often to hold up those of us waiting for so long because they didn't keep their promise. So just consider it. It's up to you either way. ^_^
I figured you were dude! No worries! I myself am waiting for Alistair and Zamani. We may have to move on as well.
Oh, Kry's been on? Hmm. This isn't really like Kry, especially not to say anything. I was actually worried.
Could I possibly kill her(hana) off for Eldris's amusement, or should I wait more and see if she comes back to the RP
Phayne said:
Could I possibly kill her(hana) off for Eldris's amusement, or should I wait more and see if she comes back to the RP
I've messaged her profile for the second time now. If she doesn't reply by the end of the day, kill her off. Rob's been on loads, and at this point is just choosing not to post.
Just realized the post is going to basically be a reactionary post. I am thinking it may be better to wait for someone to directly interact with Fia before I post so i contribute a bit more
I agree! Someone should make sure Abigail's player is still playing. Or I will when I get back to my laptop later.
i hope i'm not too late to join the party, am i? and if i can join, which types of characters out of the two available are you currently lacking in? :)
Dominaiscna said:
i hope i'm not too late to join the party, am i? and if i can join, which types of characters out of the two available are you currently lacking in? :)
We've actually made some cuts recently, so we're open for vampire hunters and vampires alike. ^_^

More specifically we could use a male witch, a vampire who's at the lowest of the vampire chain and verging on crazy because of it, a female hunter, a male human.... That may be it? I'd have to go back and look. Are you interested in any of those roles, and have you read both sections of rules? Because we're currently having a hard time with people not reading them, or upkeeping them, and it's causing a giant lag in the play. Another reason we had to make cuts yesterday.
poppet said:
We've actually made some cuts recently, so we're open for vampire hunters and vampires alike. ^_^
More specifically we could use a male witch, a vampire who's at the lowest of the vampire chain and verging on crazy because of it, a female hunter, a male human.... That may be it? I'd have to go back and look. Are you interested in any of those roles, and have you read both sections of rules? Because we're currently having a hard time with people not reading them, or upkeeping them, and it's causing a giant lag in the play. Another reason we had to make cuts yesterday.
Okay then, which one wiuld you prefer i make? Coz i don't mind any. Due to all the different types, i'll make according to what is needed :)

Also, i have just read them now, phew!

About my writing, is this enough? This is one of my longest and most-put-in-effort posts

It was only once they're left the castle far behind, did Corin set Talon free. He just couldnt wait to fly and the falcon soared into the swirling clouds, playing catch with the wind across the sunset sky. He left Corin far below, watching his friend reclaim his freedom and his home where the stars were just twinkling into existence as if in greeting.

Closing his eyes, Corin felt a sort of peace fall over him as he listened to the shrill, joyous cries of Talon and felt the kiss of the night wind on his face as it seemed to brush away his crumbling facade with its gentle touches that held the first chills of Autumn.

The world around him seemed to fade into nothing. There was no castle, no people, no family and no Corin Triche. No bonds to tie him down, no joy or pains to define him and no time to give him meaning. It was only him. He simply existed. And lived.

He saw through the eyes of a falcon, born to roam as one with the sky with only freedom as its friend, as well as the wind, the sun and the stars who guide it farther than the naked eye could see, beyond the reaches of human mind and the taint of magic. Spiralling through an endless expance of empyrean with the horizon as its goal and no-


His eyes flew open as he turned to the source of the sound. A mask of genteel and mirth materializing almost instantaneously - only to fall as he found the source to be a small kitten having fallen out of a nearby tree. It now stood, watching him with scared and cautious eyes. Approaching it, he sat down at the foot of the tree so that the lost little creature could tentatively clamber into his arms.

"I ought to thank you," Corin murmured after a light chuckle, his fingers gently scratching the kitten behind the ear, "you woke me up from a dream that will never come true." It purred and mewed in response, which brought a slight smile to his face. A small one, but a real one.

Leaning back with the kitten rested on his chest, his eyes searched the stars till they found the silhouette of Talon, barely discernible against the darkening skies while his thoughts wandered. It would've been nice, to be free like a bird, to wander aimlessly but never lost and without end. But, for Corin, he knew his life was already set in stone. There was no changing it.

Shaking his head, he let his eyes closed, and let the night wind sing its lullaby to him with Talon adding his own harmonies to the song. At least, in these moments, he could forget himself and just. Be. Free

I post frequently and i will try not to make a hundred posts a day xD
I know it's a lot! Lol I've been creating plays for years, and it never fails to fall apart if I don't say exactly what I want. Of course, it fails anyway because people join and don't abide by the rules they promised to.

Your writing is definitely what we're looking for. ^_^ Even more so.

But I can't really decide what would be best at this point. I'd say someone more neutral than good or bad. Either the witch or hunter. If you search through the character page, towards the end of the pages there's a character called Hanna. She was a great concept. But the player only posted for like two days and poofed, and was removed. So a character similar to that (that would add something to the story) or the witch, I'd think. It's really up to you though. You've got to play what you want or you'll get bored, too!
I haven't been on. I leave my computer on and website tabs open constantly, so if the website says I'm on, it doesn't mean that I'm actually on. Just to clarify things. Other things shall be clarified to Poppet via private messaging. Suffice to say, I've been an ass by not getting on and letting anyone know what's going on, and I'm not making excuses for my behavior but stuff has been happening. This is my way of apologizing.

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