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Fandom OOC for Earth 17371

Wasn't Ganthet like... committing treason or something lol, I don't remember which arc this was in
Wasn't Ganthet like... committing treason or something lol, I don't remember which arc this was in
No and yes all he did was form a new lantern corps aka blues. He built Kyle a new ring of power. He often spoke out against the guardians hiding knowledge and other things they done.
the guardians are jerks who generally only make things worse
Exactly they create more issues then fix. Manhunters anyone? Their solution instead of helping the victims was to hide it. Which gave birth to atrocitus and the red lanterns
the guardians are jerks who generally only make things worse

I'm into my Green Lantern comics and I can 100% confirm this. So many of the events are due to something the Guardians do or something they did a long time ago coming back to bite the Lantern Corps (and sometimes the entire universe) in the ass.
Btw the rp is becoming as confusing as the maximum clone arc of Spider-Man. I might just let the other super hero freaks at it
I don't know. I thought there was 12 guardians. New guardians comic wasn't about the guardians of the universe. It just where kyle figures out the lobo ganthnet
Who wanted to make a wrestling character hero dude?
Being metal you would have tobappky enough force to crush the metal she which would kill everyone else so Sol should still be standing

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