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Fandom OOC for Earth 17371

The Mad Queen The Mad Queen Didn't Stilt-Man go to Citizen V and Weaver? So why aren't either of them mentioned in your post??

They're not named, per say, but I mentioned that Spitfire was close to the other heroes as well as the guys that get mentioned. She works with SHIELD, and rebuked Armoury's comment about her being a rookie, she knows about Stilt-Man (mentioned Skrull stuff in regards to him) and the dog-boy being mentioned rather than V or Weaver is due to Jill's affinity with dogs, which was established in her opening post.

Edit- Also, correct me if I'm wrong but didn't dog-boy just arrive on the scene? You could chalk it up to her noticing him arriving to the fight.
Karcen Karcen Ehhhhh you don't necessarily need to crush metal to make a joint bend...
She made of liquid metal that becomes soild you can't crush a joint. Especial since she vibration at the moment it still be unlikely to crush from gravity alone.
She's solid and liquid at the same time...?


EDIT- Someone beat me to it, but yeah.
She kind of makes no sense from that stand point but yeah she wouldn't kneel you would have to apply enough to crush solid vibranium
I mean, we have such thing as bullet proof custard that hardens immediately when force is applied to it, but that still gets deformed with enough force. I don't think gravity would make her kneel since it's compressive force and not impact, but just a thing to file away for the future.
Captain America's shield, which is made of vibranium, is affected by gravity all the time.

All solids are affected by gravity. Does the vibranium just float away?

If you use liquids as an argument, water is affected by gravity. Everything is affected by gravity; in her liquid form she would just a puddle on the ground.

The Mad Queen The Mad Queen Dog-Man isn't with the other heroes though
She can make herself solid and she has she currently follows the rules if solid metal not liquid she can't move but she is still standing
Vsland Vsland Yes, but solid vibranium has a pretty high compressive force ratio from what I understand. Not as much as adamantium (it would bend long before adamantium ever does), but I don't think the compressive force of gravity that's being used on street levelers would get close.
Captain America's shield, which is made of vibranium, is affected by gravity all the time.

All solids are affected by gravity. Does the vibranium just float away?

If you use liquids as an argument, water is affected by gravity. Everything is affected by gravity; in her liquid form she would just a puddle on the ground.

The Mad Queen The Mad Queen Dog-Man isn't with the other heroes though
Cap shield is also not 100% vibrainiam. It like 20% I think

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