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Fantasy OOC for Down the Rabbit Hole

No. I'm just slow. And busy. And tired all the time. Sorry you guys have to wait a million years for me to post. I'd get one up right now if I could.
Ah no it's ok! I just got concerned because I posted and then everyone seemed to fall off the face of the Earth for a week! Just my anxiety.
I'm with Kry. We had a change to the employee pool. The bonus assistant got moved to another store, and with having lost two employees in a month, I only have one day off a week. That one day off I am exhausted and thats without trying to do house cleaning stuff. Hell I have 5 weeks worth of laundry to do. smh.
Yeah that's ok! Sorry. I have pretty bad anxiety and it's been pretty spiked out recently and a part of my brain decided I messed up somewhere lol
Oh I feel you on the anxiety. I'm about ready to say screw my vacation saving for christmas time with the step kids. -.- I need it now. New SM offers me the option to be bonused assistant, then when I say yea I'll take it, he turns around and says "Well....I don't have to actually pick and choose till September. I may not pick you." F*cking asshole. I gave up an interview to go back to Walt Disney with a hiring bonus of $1250 after I stay for 90-days.
Yea. I mean, I really do love working for the company, so I don't want to leave, but I feel like the only way to go would be to leave.

As it is, between work crap and home stress, my anxiety is getting so bad I'm nearly depressed like I was when I first met Kry Kry

But I am going to try and fix things. I am going to contact my boss' boss and talk to him about transferring out. I just have to word it and explain it just right. I do feel bad that I am going to be going behind a coworker who I am friends with and leave him in the shitty situation. And potentially make it worse. >.> The store I am wanting to transfer to, the current store manager hates his bonused assistant and wants to get rid of her. My current store needs a bonused. Unfortunately, there is a reason the bonused assistant is so hated. Even I hate her. And I don't hate people all that much. I don't even hate my relatives given how much they have screwed me over. Talking with the other store manager, he is willing to accept my transfer if I can get the ok from the Market Manager. Then he will "graciously" send my current store manager his bonused. Everything should be all happiness and sunshine. Except my coworker. He will be stuck with the evil lady.
Lol I like how Kry is all, "Sorry you guys have to wait a million years for me to post," and I'm over here like *lost in time*.

Hi cupcake! I saw your screen name and automatically thought of Hidden Cupcake. I'm so glad you're here!

As for me, I've settled on an island down south for a bit. I should be able to log on most days now. :) I'll get my Hemingway going and write up a post for y'all.
Okay wait, so we're starting in the same way we started on Mene? I just want to be sure because I thought I remember something about some prince and people being kidnapped or something, Aria's sister? I can't remember...
Yeah, those battles are tough. I've just been living, too. ^_^ Also not overly exciting stuff.
It only took forever because I'm lame, but I dids it! I finally posted yay.
also. 'Ello Poppet!
As for starting, just do whatever feels right? I dunno.
I just for some reason thought Amani wanted to start it some other way. So I didn't want to post and her be like, NO BAD POPPET!
Even if she is like, bad poppet, then you just edit and it's fine. Plus she wouldn't do it in a mean way so it's all good. probably. Just do what feels right, it'll probably be fine.
XD You're right. We do have an edit feature. I shall start a post now then. *nods excitedly*

I dunno how to start now that I should though. *sighs heavily*
Well....I have no idea how to help. Just start typing and maybe something will come to you? That's how I get posts done sometimes.
I think I'll go read my profile again and see if I can think up what I was going for, and go from there, lol. Maybe.
Sorry Guys, been busy with work, home, Dj in school, and then evil bad depression creeping in.

On the one hand, yes the start is similar yet the same. Same because she woke and opened her place.
different in some tiny details (Wearing Auris' ring, her magic being funky, it will foreshadow something.)
I was more having the idea that this would more or less take place after Zolton kidnapped Aleesia and Lilah, but for sanities sake, Auris or Aria did not kill Zolton.

Dj is in pre-k, he goes in the morning from 8am-11am for now. And he loves it, loves his teachers, has been making new friends at school.
I'm pretty sure Auris could kill Zoltan without losing sanity. Maybe.
Well, I never meant their sanity. Aria would've killed him for taking her sister, and messing with lilah. But I meant more for the sanity of the rp in that I kinda wanna keep him around to bully him some more, or let Auris do so.

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