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Fandom [OOC] Companions

Same here!
Dont forget the whole "you killed me over and over again in a hellish time loop that you don't even remember, plus one time outside of the loop" shindig
Straw Straw Sorry for the late reply. Since your character is in place of Bill timewise. Only makes sense that mine would be in place of Clara. Though she is rather important.
Straw Straw Sorry for the late reply. Since your character is in place of Bill timewise. Only makes sense that mine would be in place of Clara. Though she is rather important.
So does that mean it'll have been six years for Grant or am I just ignoring time stuff haha And it's fine don't worry about it! Life is busy and all that!

Just asking as generally I'm confused about what we're doing for timing as everyone seems to have said one-three years but then wouldn't it depend on which Doctor we all have and when?
So does that mean it'll have been six years for Grant or am I just ignoring time stuff haha And it's fine don't worry about it! Life is busy and all that!

Just asking as generally I'm confused about what we're doing for timing as everyone seems to have said one-three years but then wouldn't it depend on which Doctor we all have and when?
Well, the only 'free' time the 11th Doctor has, is between Amy and Clara which is when, I presume, Epiphany's character and my character traveled with the Doctor.
Well, the only 'free' time the 11th Doctor has, is between Amy and Clara which is when, I presume, Epiphany's character and my character traveled with the Doctor.
Right, I was just trying to work out if I needed to change how long it's been for Georgie as if the Doctor travelled with a and b before regeneration and then d for 3 years after regeneration does that mean I need to make it so that the time for Georgie was shorter so that it doesn't become super long for d. Just using letters as mock-maths was the only way I could try to explain it.

Sorry! Just working on my post and getting caught up with if what I'm writing makes sense or not.
Right, I was just trying to work out if I needed to change how long it's been for Georgie as if the Doctor travelled with a and b before regeneration and then d for 3 years after regeneration does that mean I need to make it so that the time for Georgie was shorter so that it doesn't become super long for d. Just using letters as mock-maths was the only way I could try to explain it.

Sorry! Just working on my post and getting caught up with if what I'm writing makes sense or not.
I get what you are saying, but the show doesn't really show the whole timeline, it just includes the cool and important bits, so we don't really know how long each Doctor lived before he regenerated. However, I did some digging on the Doctor Who Wiki and some very dedicated fans made this:

  • 10: ~6 years
  • 11: ~1200 years
  • 12: ~174-194 years

Now, I did some math and timelining, and this is what I came up with:

The 10th Doctor:

Rose (1 year)
Donna (Special)​
Artemis (5 years)​
Martha (~2 years)
Donna (~2 years)

Summary: 10 (this is more than 6, I know, but it doesn't matter since the 10th Doctor is very inconsistent with his age and timeline + the time he spent between the Donna Christmas Special and traveling with Donna isn't clear)​


The 11th Doctor:​

Amy and Rory (10 years)
Vi (5 years)
Israel (5 years)​
Clara (~3 years+900 years [Trenzalore])

Summary: 923 (I am not sure about the timeline, and where every companion actually stands, so if I messed something up, just tell me)


The 12th Doctor:

Clara (Unkown)
Grant (3 years)
Georgia (3 years)​
[Bill (Unknown)]

Summary: 6 years + unknown (I don't know how long Clara or Bill traveled with the Doctor, so I left them blank. If somebody knows I can add it later. I also don't know if you wanted Georgia to replace Bill in a way or be before her or after, so I just put her there.
And I kinda just joined Artemis in with the cannon 10 adventures
And time travel years are different to normal years
But hat i really want to know is do the canon companions stay travelling consistently or is it an on-off thing (like Amy and Rory)?
Cos that is never really explained
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But hat i really ant to know is do the canon companions stay travelling consistently or is it an on-off thing (like Amy and Rory)?
Cos that is never really explained
Yeah, it's not explained, especially when it comes to Donna and Martha
It seems to be consistent with most barring Amy and Rory. They seemed to be the exceptions.
You can safely assume the Doctor in any of his regenerations has time unaccounted for, which could have lasted for many years for him.

I see no issues with anyone hooking their companion to the Doctor in any regeneration at any point in time, personally.
My guy
Just yells at the TARDIS instead of talking to the people around him
I went ahead and posted this short reply since I don't think I'll have time tomorrow.

Also, Israel probably thinks Artemis is crazy...
He kind of is...
I'd think the same thing
I'd laugh if everyone thought he is the doctor
Hed probably just start laughing like a crazy person, fall over and hit his head again
Hey guys, I'm on a trip at the moment so I'll post when I get home, probably some time around Tuesday...

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