OOC Chatter

Everyone so far will be paired with who they just suggested. Maybe I'll have Cleo paired with Yoona and Athena. There can be up to four people in a dorm since there's four rooms in each dorm
Everyone is arriving at the school. Also, phones do not work in the Bermuda Triangle where the school is

 They'll be given a tablet that can though once they get to the school later
What's going on in the RP right now and how might I jump in?
I read something about a boat...

Started on a boat that transported the students to the school where they rode carriages up to a huge mansion/castle that will serve as the school

You could have your character arriving with the rest of us and jump right in
Started on a boat that transported the students to the school where they rode carriages up to a huge mansion/castle that will serve as the school

You could have your character arriving with the rest of us and jump right in

This awesome stuff is what happened also includes Alex being a hero and saving Cleo from a rogue shadow tendril
oh gezz well one thing for sure is two different types of jocks makes it interesting because you get the awkward close moments

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