OOC Chat

Hey everyone I'm going to drop out of this one. I'm sorry, there are a few aspects in this that are good but I just tend to go for more structured roleplays and I can just see myself getting a little behind in this one when I get busy with work soon. Please feel free to give my characters any story whatsoever as to why they left the school or died or whatever you want to do. Just thought I'd let you know rather than leaving it to chance

Thanks for having me

Hey everyone I'm going to drop out of this one. I'm sorry, there are a few aspects in this that are good but I just tend to go for more structured roleplays and I can just see myself getting a little behind in this one when I get busy with work soon. Please feel free to give my characters any story whatsoever as to why they left the school or died or whatever you want to do. Just thought I'd let you know rather than leaving it to chance

Thanks for having me


Np!!~ :3 :D X3 xD  
Hey everyone I'm going to drop out of this one. I'm sorry, there are a few aspects in this that are good but I just tend to go for more structured roleplays and I can just see myself getting a little behind in this one when I get busy with work soon. Please feel free to give my characters any story whatsoever as to why they left the school or died or whatever you want to do. Just thought I'd let you know rather than leaving it to chance

Thanks for having me


Aww that sucks :(  Sorry to see you go but I totally understand
Is there a way I could get a summary about what's going on in the RP? I don't think I would have enough time to read all of the posts right now. Also, I will post soon as possible (probably in the evening, it's 9:12 AM where I am)
Is there a way I could get a summary about what's going on in the RP? I don't think I would have enough time to read all of the posts right now. Also, I will post soon as possible (probably in the evening, it's 9:12 AM where I am)

Um, most students have gone to class and it's started, other than that read the current page and you should be up to date!!~ :3 :D
1. No one tagged me

2. From what I could read, nobody even blinked at someone barging into the room...

My character isn't going to react to the late ones. He's got other things to take care of. But your character did address his and he responded in kind.
its just some people hating on my awesomeness and I never got used to seeing my face on peoples body so its still a little weird. Pretty much some IRL shit

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