4 minutes ago, Broncos said:

Ya, pretty much

I have an idea: How about Elissa goes up to Ameila to calm her down, Lilith blasts Elissa away, and then Avon goes apeshit on Lilith



im okay with that if @VoodooXOXO is.  

Edit: Although, Lilith wouldn't blast Elissa away. She'd use a spell to keep Elissa from getting close like wall or somthing.

Lilith is likely to prioritize Amelia's safety anyways.
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3 minutes ago, Chain of Memories (MCRP) said:

I'll go along with it, just beware it will scare the poor girl xD  

Ohhh that would be interesting



Then Lilith could use the same spell later to instantly appear in Amelia's location later so she could keep her promise of answering her questions.
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@Shura-Yoon so whats up? x3 i see you lurkin o-o lol

also note @JPax @FrostFire breaking Ao Meira's entrance into the world, does not break the darkspot, the two things are mostly unrelated :)  but they can think itll fix the darkspot ^^ <3

also @Sir Jake who specifically, are the people approaching our characters in that thread? :)
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@Shura-Yoon so whats up? x3 i see you lurkin o-o lol

also note @JPax @FrostFire breaking Ao Meira's entrance into the world, does not break the darkspot, the two things are mostly unrelated :)  but they can think itll fix the darkspot ^^ <3

Ofc because Xerena's an idiot she will put two random things together.

Xerena: "WELL THEY ARE RELATED! Just like Napoleon can fly because Iris doesn't talk!"

Emily: "N-Napoleon doesn't talk either..."

Xerena: "See? Now you're getting it!"

Iris: "..."

Napoleon: "..."
I'm pretty much always sketching and doing art studies. Just got into digital painting it this year, so I have a lot of catching up to do to get any good while I'm young!
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Um, do you know whats currently going on? Maybe you want to join the other rp thread? (i was actually thinking about starting a third lol, but i didnt really know where it would go)

No I don't. I tried to read the last few post's in the first one but did not really get it. I am gonna check the second right now

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