I was about to say.. LOL Xerena just blatantly ignored Letitia and recklessly attacked a Demon that has the capacity to kill Letitia.. the rank Four of the coven xD
LOL Broncos

@JPax I dont normally do this, but since you did something so hilariously terrible, Im gunna have to ask, do I have permission to lightly powerplay Xerena? xD

Right she can teleport, so she should be fine in the end.. xD
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LOL Broncos

@JPax I dont normally do this, but since you did something so hilariously terrible, Im gunna have to ask, do I have permission to lightly powerplay Xerena? xD

No :P

I don't care how stupid my characters actions are, it's still my character and mine alone. I take it very seriously if someone is to do that so I am not allowing you to do so.
Hahaha, okay xD it wasn't really gunna be anything, it was just gunna be a light attack from him :P  it wasn't even gunna be pp haha
Question..... Is there any way in which my character could find the portal thingy?

I don't want to make up anything outrageous lol...

Or should I just sort of loiter around? X3
Yah, I expected you and Xerena to find it, and fight some lesser demons xD

then Xerena stupidly attacked the demon.. lols
yush, i know, i was mostly joking lol because of how astounded i was at Xerena's stupidity lol

in fact Im just gunna say what i was gunna put. 

"He sent a wave of energy out at her, which knocked her off her feet, onto her back."

that more or less was the extent of the pp lol
yush, i know, i was mostly joking lol because of how astounded i was at Xerena's stupidity lol

in fact Im just gunna say what i was gunna put. 

"He sent a wave of energy out at her, which knocked her off her feet, onto her back."

that more or less was the extent of the pp lol

Well, again, she has time in the air to react to that xD though I'd do it more dramatic 

Kind of an off topic question..... (And a very spoiler)


What sort of demon would Djinzal be? I kinda based him off of the old, middle eastern mythology about Djinns (or genies), although I wasn't aware of the whole "demon lord" thing when I made my CS.... What do you think I should do with him? I do kinda want him to be different to most demons, considering the kinda good relationship himself and Morrigan have, and if I can go with the whole "genie" thing, I do have a bit of a cool backstory planned.... But I just wanted to get your opinion...
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Well, again, she has time in the air to react to that xD though I'd do it more dramatic 

yah, but that was more or less gunna be it, lol i mean I was gunna have her hit the ground on her back lol, but it wasnt going to be any life-threatening attack for your character, but it doesnt matter, i have another idea anyway lol


um well, theres nothing saying he cant be Djinn, or genie like. Hes just a demon like that. Probably a Demon Lord, honestly
Oki dokey!

My flashback is go! (Yay!)

And I thought he might be... I didn't want to assume something I wasn't 100% on.

And, I promise I have a super duper good reason for their good-ish relationship! :3
Thats good :)  I mean demons come in all shapes and sizes, so if hes like some wispy djinn thing thats not an issue xD

@Mew why does your witch miss Vesanius?
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@Thalia_Neko he raised her for eight years after all, he's like a father. He's been in the metaphysical, though he still exists and is still her contracted demon, he's not always physically with her and she's a crybaby. xD

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