OOC Chat

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Sorry, I was waiting to see if teach wanted to test us in another way besides fighting (didn't want to just assume :P ) I'll get my post up tonight, sorry for the delay!
i had a pretty big plateful of food around noon-1, then again just a bit ago at like 10 pm lol xD

i dont usually eat that much, but i still didnt eat as much as a lot of people do on thanksgiving (we didnt even have turkey! :P )
Funny enough I ate two platefuls of food and 2 slices of pie at dinner. Its 12:38 am and I'm hungry again; should also mention I have a wicked fast metabolism.

Lol, I'm right there with ya Clock, fast metabolisms be a blessing and a curse! :P  

i had a pretty big plateful of food around noon-1, then again just a bit ago at like 10 pm lol xD

i dont usually eat that much, but i still didnt eat as much as a lot of people do on thanksgiving (we didnt even have turkey! :P )

I think we should allow each fighter 3 turns each, excluding their counters, and me and @BlackJack decide from there. 


what have I done...
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