OOC Chat

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Well if you want to speed things up just have us start in the arena so we do not have to post filler as we head over or sit down. We can just start and such. I mean if you guys want to post go for it but I myself see no reason till we get to the arena and begin training to really post. 
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Hey guys, sorry for the silence over the weekend, will be catching up a bit later today, waifu and I gotta run some errands!

Also just got our first snowfall! =D *excitement*
oh... did i get that wrong? LOL 

edit: fixed it :P  i assumed Eiole was a female xD  (for some reason that made more sense to me)
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oh... did i get that wrong? LOL 

edit: fixed it :P  i assumed Eiole was a female xD  (for some reason that made more sense to me)

Tbh, I tole Iole (Female) and slapped an e on the beginning and called it male xD

i couldnt find any male names that began with E meaning purple...
4 minutes ago, Thalia_Neko said:

"Hand's off," Skye muttered sourly under her breath, watching the interaction closely. How many did she have to share Allie with??


nearly everyone. xD  
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