OOC Chat

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Added two random students and where to find them if you ever want to interact. Added more info to Grizzly's cs because it may be valuable further down the line and added one of the many hunters you may see down the line into the cs with Grizzly for they are really good with information and details but you would have to find them first.
well, anyway, i am gonna go to bed, y'all can keep posting in the dorm chat, say lilla is asleep...

night all.
Thats good XD. It is not super important right now but it may be later. I will reveal more about those two hunters when someone can catch and or talk to one of them in the distant future. Other then them there are a couple more hunters but they will only come along if missions go south and Varien needs help.
Thats good XD. It is not super important right now but it may be later. I will reveal more about those two hunters when someone can catch and or talk to one of them in the distant future. Other then them there are a couple more hunters but they will only come along if missions go south and Varien needs help.

Hehe okay <3 The npcs are pretty cool, maybe I should put up a little more info on Greta. (should she have a npc team?)

I've been tossing around the thought of having Joshua's eldest sister attending Beacon as an upperclassmen; with the occasional meet in the hallway when she teases him about living with three girls.
It's all up to you. You can be on the team with the two guys if you want but again it is all up to you.

That seems fine, but would it make sense?

I've been tossing around the thought of having Joshua's eldest sister attending Beacon as an upperclassmen; with the occasional meet in the hallway when she teases him about living with three girls.

That sounds great! lol
implement your idea (and thats sorta what i figured, like late afternoon), my post is up :)

also team INJL retrieved the golden pocketwatches right? thats what i assumed lol
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implement your idea (and thats sorta what i figured, like late afternoon), my post is up :)

also team INJL retrieved the golden pocketwatches right? thats what i assumed lol

Well I had an idea. but it wouldn't make sense with Nyx's behavior. so time for a shot post. 
what was your idea? lol

Welp, Nyx was gonna storm outta the room silently (and with a slight limp from her hurt ankle) because she wouldn't be able to relax with three strangers in a room with her. (child abuse tends to ruin your trust in people) and go off somewhere to hide for a bit and possible hum/sing to herself like her mother did to calm her down before her life went to hell.

But I don't think Nyx would actually act like that. if an thing she'd just walk out rather than storm out.
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