OOC Chat

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I'm just glad I was able to join this before the RP got started. Joining a RP in the middle is excruciating since you are like 99% of the time excluded and you know no one.
I'm just glad I was able to join this before the RP got started. Joining a RP in the middle is excruciating since you are like 99% of the time excluded and you know no one.

i've had that exact problem so many times now. i think it happens to everyone sooner or later.
I'm just glad I was able to join this before the RP got started. Joining a RP in the middle is excruciating since you are like 99% of the time excluded and you know no one.

i've had that exact problem so many times now. i think it happens to everyone sooner or later.

Yuh, its why i was so eager to join this RWBY rp because ive been looking for a good RWBY rp for awhile, and most on this site are already going
Yuh, its why i was so eager to join this RWBY rp because ive been looking for a good RWBY rp for awhile, and most on this site are already going

Lmao the only reason I joined this site was for a RWBY RP, I had gone through RWBY forums and couldn't find anything. FINALLY, I found this RP site, and got here, it was great!
@Mossino Ive only been in like two other RWBY rps besides this one that I liked. (One that I started on another site). But ultimately those ended up dying out without a whole lot of progression. I hope this one goes farther :D

@BlackJack @SP3CT3R @Merkurial @theunderwolf These are the dudes that need to post XD. I may post again after like one or two more of them respond though.

" They all have little to no social skills and thus far have just fought everything they saw instead of focusing on an objective. It is like I just sent a bunch of reckless children into a construction zone."

That...that sums it up pretty well.
I know youre waiting on Merkurial, theunderwolf, but imma just post xD  i have it typed up already, and its just sitting there, might as well put it up
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