OOC Chat

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gotta admit Danchou

i have no idea what Nats Semblance is :P


Okay, so basically, it's like this stronger version of using pressure points.

She can numb and paralyze parts of people in combat, though depending on the situation, she sometimes does it to herself to numb pain and continue fighting (at the cost of not being able to use the limb she numbed and such).

However, it requires precision, and it doesn't last for too long (this is so that Natsuki is not OP and just paralyzing EVERYTHING forever, then going back to shank it or whatever). Additionally, Natsuki's able to use up her aura to make the paralysis more potent and increase the amount of time it lasts, and sometimes she gives up some of her aura early just to give her semblance an extra kick, though this makes the already fragile speedster a bit more easy to defeat, so she needs to act faster if this is the case.

I guess Ty Lee would be a good example of what I'm trying to explain?
lol wow Ty Lee was op af xD but cool Semblance :)

Semblance does require Aura btw, so if you use your Semblance it drains your Aura, and if you have no Aura you cant use your Semblance :O
You can decide whether you want skye to remember someone near her after the explosion by the way. Though no one saw how you got on top the building.

kk ^^

Don't doubt the power of the pup! xD

Lol, that actually sounds nice,I think everyone will need to recuperate from this for a bit!

i dun doubt her dancing skills.. but power.. lol

You all want to go back and attack the Rust though right?

oh hell no, Skye wants out of this miserable place haaha
Uh...Flint misclicked.


Oh, since Kel Vas is no longer with us and never actually made a post for her character, what is Lilith's team status going to be before/during this event. Team of 1 until a spot opened? Seems like something Flint would let happen, and Lilith is skilled enough handle being by herself.
lol wow Ty Lee was op af xD but cool Semblance :)

Semblance does require Aura btw, so if you use your Semblance it drains your Aura, and if you have no Aura you cant use your Semblance :O

Maybe that was not a good example if she seems OP, ahhh...

I'm not so sure about that, however. Me, being the nerd I am, read a lot on the wiki, and it implies semblance can still be used despite aura depeting due to Weiss using her semblance in the White trailer after getting hit and having her eye bleed, but...

It could also be a bit inaccurate to base off of that, as a lot of concepts were in beta during the trailers, so it's not necessarily canon. 

:^/ I'll read more upon that later.

Uh...Flint misclicked.


Sounds like a lawsuit... :^PPP
You all agreed to the mission. He said don't do it. Also I will figure that out. And also I meant go back and fight Rust later, not now. Because if not I will have something happen.
Well I know there are attacks that simply attack through Aura, because of their strength. Hence when Adam cut Yang's arm off. Yang still had her Aura after that, which was why she was glowing yellow on her severed arm.

Semblance is stated to be an extension of Aura in a more tangible form. If thats the case, then Aura cant 'extend' if Aura is depleted, no?

But I'm sure its a bit shaky on all of it lol
Well I know there are attacks that simply attack through Aura, because of their strength. Hence when Adam cut Yang's arm off. Yang still had her Aura after that, which was why she was glowing yellow on her severed arm.

Semblance is stated to be an extension of Aura in a more tangible form. If thats the case, then Aura cant 'extend' if Aura is depleted, no?

But I'm sure its a bit shaky on all of it lol

The thing is, I don't really know the rules of Aura very well, as I rely on the wiki and the World of Remnant episodes (which I haven't been able to see much of, heh.)

But that makes sense to me, just...the Weiss eye scar thing seems a bit plot-hole-y to me, lol. I know that overuse of Semblance can lead to exhaustion, like when Glynda was repairing Vale and got tired.
Same thing with Weiss after spamming her Semblance.

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ The main thing I focus on is having fun and staying balanced, so as long as I manage to do both, I think things should be alright, heh.
Well I know there are attacks that simply attack through Aura, because of their strength. Hence when Adam cut Yang's arm off. Yang still had her Aura after that, which was why she was glowing yellow on her severed arm.

Semblance is stated to be an extension of Aura in a more tangible form. If thats the case, then Aura cant 'extend' if Aura is depleted, no?

But I'm sure its a bit shaky on all of it lol

Pretty sure Adam used his own semblance to do that actually. 

I honestly don't know about the Aura-Semblance relationship. Semblance is an extension of Aura, but the World of Remnant suggested that it useful when a Huntsmen's Aura has been depleted. So...
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Pretty sure Adam used his own semblance to do that actually. 

I honestly don't know about the Aura-Semblance relationship. Semblance is an extension of Aura, the World of Remnant suggested that it useful when a Huntsmen's Aura has been depleted. So...

Apparently that was just him swinging "very hard", according to someone working on the show, but I don't quite recall all of that quote so I am likely incorrect.

All I can say about the Aura-Semblance thing is...



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I just go by the whole "Semblance is Aura in more tangible form" thing x3

but yuh, as long as its balanced and fun, i dont see a problem with it lol
Sure, just like Yang swings "very hard". ;p

Besides, he did the whole world-turns-red thing

Shoot, sorry, I didn't type that very well.

His semblance is some sort of power boost thingy, and he hit really hard with the boost or something. Idk, it's kinda late RN so I'm not exactly thinking straight.

I just go by the whole "Semblance is Aura in more tangible form" thing x3

but yuh, as long as its balanced and fun, i dont see a problem with it lol

I'm pretty sure that is the canon definition, I just overthink stuff, heh.

And yup, that's how I roll, even if I do overthink stuff, haha.
okie how should i post? im inclined to think i should post, but Skye's unconscious and pretty injured, i dont really think theres much i can do xD
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