OOC Chat

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I wonder how drastically some personalities are gonna change over the course of the RP, I plan for Lilla's to change a good amount, but I wonder what will come of everyone else.

Guess what I'm saying is, does anyone have plots or things they know they want their characters to do? am interested.
I dont know exactly how Skyes gunna change, but she'll definitely change some.

I do have two primary conversations I want Skye to get out. One preferably to the whole team, and the second probably to someone who is gunna be her "best friend" if she even gets one in the rp xD  (otherwise to her partner or something)
I dont know exactly how Skyes gunna change, but she'll definitely change some.

I do have two primary conversations I want Skye to get out. One preferably to the whole team, and the second probably to someone who is gunna be her "best friend" if she even gets one in the rp xD  (otherwise to her partner or something)

I see, I know I want Lilla to leave her emotional shell left in her from previous events. Though I do not know how she'll be after it breaks. But that won't be for a while, and it'll be slightly difficult as she shuns emotional connect to people, which is the one thing she needs.

God does that make Lilla an ass?
Um, unsure, because Skye is sorta the same. But theyre likely to be similar since theyre both Faunus. Skyes probably just a little more of a cynic because of her time spent with White Fang. (I already have some expanded lore on her background in mind) xD

I really cant wait to see what happens with Nyx tbh lol
Um, unsure, because Skye is sorta the same. But theyre likely to be similar since theyre both Faunus. Skyes probably just a little more of a cynic because of her time spent with White Fang. (I already have some expanded lore on her background in mind) xD

I really cant wait to see what happens with Nyx tbh lol

I think the inter-relations between Nyx, Skye, and Lilla will become complicated but extremely fun.
trying tp make a chakram, bow and microphone into a single weapon is harder than i thought it would be ;-;
FINALLY! i had to slim through a manga just to find a bow form i wanted. now i just gotta fill in the details of how it changes forms.
You'd be surprised at how many moody women Joshua's dealt with at his house, Two sisters and his mom.


Oh okay then it might not be that bad. Are you okay teaming with Nyx as I believe Skye and I will be partnering.
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