OOC Chat

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Well Kel wants their friend to come in. Just thought I would be nice seeing how they took the place of Garuda

True I mean I'm fine with 12+ people but it's already hard to coordinate...

That or maybe I'm just lazy and don't want to know that many people.
I gotta be honest, i also think 12 may be a bit too much... not because of the rp, but because we've struggled keeping peeps with just 8 lol xP

but if you want to make another team go for it x3
Bwahahaha! I have managed to meet my computer once more rather, than the phone! 
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So I'm a big Kingdom Hearts fan and the internet these past few days has been beating me over the head with KH 2.8 adds. You don't understand, Internet! I HAS NO MUNNY!

okay i am

way too lazy to read all the posts

can someone sum them up for me?

The gang was chilling in an abandoned building. Teal showed up and told them they were missing two members (removing Wolf's and Jack's characters from play). Olivia and Natsuki run out in a panic to search for them and begin chasing after "The Mist". Grimm start pouring in, separating them from the rest of the group.

Lilith (my character) and Yin (Kel's character) are nearby, having been with Teal on a mission. Lilith sees Olivia and Natsuki run off and followed them from the rooftops. 

Does that help?
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[SIZE= 12px]I realize that I forgot to mention that those who do encounter the Mist generally don't die by its hands. It has thus far killed no one, just wounded.[/SIZE]
[SIZE= 12px]I realize that I forgot to mention that those who do encounter the Mist generally don't die by its hands. It has thus far killed no one, just wounded.[/SIZE]

I totally read that in the character section! ^^ 

On another note, I really can't wait to actually have time. (Tomorrow) 
Lol wait, what's everyone doing with Nat and Olivia? Weren't we cut off? How'd you all get here? What happened to the super Alpha? xD
.. I think I missed something.. Sorry...

You don't need to be sorry silly!  :)

In Blackjacks last post, he basically stated that Olivia and Nat are cut off due to them charging off like dipshits, while the rest of the team has just been engaged by a giant white Alpha Beowolf and a sea of Grimm. Basically Nat and Olivia are playing a game of don't die til you lot kill the Alpha and save our asses 
You don't need to be sorry silly!  :)

In Blackjacks last post, he basically stated that Olivia and Nat are cut off due to them charging off like dipshits, while the rest of the team has just been engaged by a giant white Alpha Beowolf and a sea of Grimm. Basically Nat and Olivia are playing a game of don't die til you lot kill the Alpha and save our asses 

I read the post and changed it >-<
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