OOC Chat

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Oh that's what you were going for...

Lilith: "PTSD. Guilt complex. Mild phobia. And yes, a sister. They're fairly common you know?."

"Oooooooh, I got some of those to! And are they? I don't have any. Why don't I have any? .... Can I have one?"

Don't worry, Olivia will never get it 
*lays on floor* 

Bwahahaha! Let me know if anything needs changed!.... 

Like, seriously... I'll change anything in there... 
Its good to see everyone is around. We are just going to have to pretend they were always on the team. I have no idea how else to add them in. Now the Npcs may become more characters on my end.
Its good to see everyone is around. We are just going to have to pretend they were always on the team. I have no idea how else to add them in. Now the Npcs may become more characters on my end.

Or Sora and Eco die, send in Lillith and Yin as back up? Bit dark but *shrugs* would make sense with the mission though
Or Sora and Eco die, send in Lillith and Yin as back up? Bit dark but *shrugs* would make sense with the mission though

Lol, I have a character named Yin so when I read that I was like...

"...am I reading the wrong forum?"

But nah, I just had to remember that one of the new characters is named Yin here, lol.

So what's the story so far? Or should I say what's going on right now?

Gonna use what Mossy used to summarize to me what happened, as I joined the RP later than some...

May have some outdated info due to the team changes, but it should help get you on the right track.

We started the RP with the initiation and various teams were formed. Some people went straight to the objective(Team OSEA) and some people just wanted to fight some Grimm and show off (Most of team INJL.) When everyone finally made it to the objective, Headmaster Flint gave us all a speech, mostly bashing how team INJL was too focused on fighting Grimm. Some random chatting in rooms, everyone sneaks out to go to a bar, even professor Varien is there. Everyone has a good time, even the antisocial Nyx (Now gone) and Lilla (MYself~). It ends shortly after criminals attack the bar and are thwarted by 8 drunk hunters in training and professor Varien.

The next day all the students report to Professor Varien's class of combat. They go out to an arena in which two people from different teams will be chosen to fight. No weapons, but semblances are allowed. The first is Olivia (Leader of team OSEA) and Skye (Leader of team INJL) They have a cringy, but pretty epic fight. Next up was Lilla (Myself) and Sienna(A person who is now gone.) No Semblances were used in this battle, because Sienna's wouldn't have helped and Lilla is too scared to use her Semblance. Professor Varien takes note of this and wants to see her after this class. Due to the person playing Sienna being too inactive,Lilla automatically won the fight, which was shown as an intense punch to punch brawl. The next fight came as Joshua vs Eco, which I honestly did not read because I'm lazy so I would suggest reading that one yourself.

And at the same time, the three faunus girls, Olivia, Skye, and Lilla are up in the stands, finally getting the anti-social Lilla to talk. Mostly because she is just embarrassed.

As for what's happening right now, the two teams are on a mission investigating this mist thing. Joshua and Varien are talking to each other, and Varien asks him if he messed with the aura meters during his match against Eco, since something strange went on during the match. Olivia, Skye, and Lilla are currently bonding with each other.

Meanwhile, my character Natsuki is on watch, kind of jittery from the mixture of caffeine, negative memories and thoughts, and her usual pessimism, lolol.
Or Sora and Eco die, send in Lillith and Yin as back up? Bit dark but *shrugs* would make sense with the mission though
Sounds a lot less confusing! 



Nah, just joshing (for the most part).

I wanted an excuse to use this .gif, lolol.


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[SIZE= 12px]Disappeared[/SIZE] into the night, makes it so I dont just say his character died. Don't want to do that to his character. That leaves us to wonder what happened, did the Mist get them or did the grimm.

Out of curiosity, why the obsession with Mistral?

I just feel like its a very interesting kingdom, having a kickass high society interlaced with the most seedy elements in Remnant. I mean come on, Vale had people like Roman Torchwick and yet Mistral is known for it's criminal element? I don't know, just sounds like an incredibly interesting kingdom that has the potential for a lot of interesting plots.

...What do call a theater production about words?

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I just feel like its a very interesting kingdom, having a kickass high society interlaced with the most seedy elements in Remnant. I mean come on, Vale had people like Roman Torchwick and yet Mistral is known for it's criminal element? I don't know, just sounds like an incredibly interesting kingdom that has the potential for a lot of interesting plots.

True, true, but I was more talking about why you want another character to come from Mistral.  :smile3:

...What do call a theater production about words?

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Allow me to correct myself. I love good puns. XD
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