OOC Chat

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oh dont worry

when this ship starts lilla will be all over both of them

  :D <3  
uh, no offense lol XD but what would your post be about?

i mean if you could do summin with Eco, or push something to happen, then yah cool

but we've had plenty of timeskips, lets let the charries interact right? x3

Push something to happen. I would not timeskip again. I wont be doing much with Eco XD Not sure what he would ever do. 

Could have someone notice Joshua's abnormally large scar?
*Begins to write down to-do list for Olivia*

Lol, Olivia is about to be all over in this next post! xD

"Well. They give you warm fuzzies and happiness. Here, maybe I just need to hug more, then you'll see!" *Hugs and snuggles more*

"Ennghh! Y-you're n-not a w-wolf, y-you're a sn-snake!! Y-you are s-sucking the l-life out of me!" *whines, squirms, and turns redfaced* "S-snakes e-eat birdies!!"
"Ennghh! Y-you're n-not a w-wolf, y-you're a sn-snake!! Y-you are s-sucking the l-life out of me!" *whines, squirms, and turns redfaced* "S-snakes e-eat birdies!!"

"What? I'm not a snake silly, look at my pointy ears! And my tail, look at how fluffy it is!"
^ LOL Mossino XD

d-dun be jelly! :O

"What? I'm not a snake silly, look at my pointy ears! And my tail, look at how fluffy it is!"

"G-gr.. Y-yes I see... But explain this then.. If you're no snake.. how come you are squeezing me so tightly?... Is it not to suffocate me and end my life?! I knew it you cretin!!.. G-Get a-away f-from m-me! Eep!" *blushes and chirps*
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