OOC Chat

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Will be posting Olivia's response tomorrow! Can't wait for the night time creepiness! 

And honestly, you think Olivia sleeps


@Danchou Tsubomi

And funny enough I was interested! I just didn't want to intrude on it! Was actually thinking up a dickish rogue to join the company! 
Will be posting Olivia's response tomorrow! Can't wait for the night time creepiness! 

And honestly, you think Olivia sleeps


@Danchou Tsubomi

And funny enough I was interested! I just didn't want to intrude on it! Was actually thinking up a dickish rogue to join the company! 

youngins should get some sleep
i say as i chug another cup of coffee as a 16-yr old

oh sweet, got an invite going your way ^^
the GM's a p chill person so you'll prob get a message from him because i dunno how to use this site at times
Ohsies, i literally just found out :O

that Ironwood is the badass he is, because his weapon is the best in RWBY-verse

his weapon is literally just a gun-gun!!

IE: the legendary gun that is also a gun!

mindblown! XP
*ends up accidentally napping*

Sorry if my post is really late, I came home and like passed out, lol
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inb4 someone says the dialogue is all wonky and totally not spell-checked:
natsuki is not saying that out loud, it is something she typed up without looking and is showing her screen off to communicate, so she's not physically speaking 
I made sure to do a double check XD.


i knew some people like to read a little ahead at times (i do this) so it's understandable 

all the typos and such were definitely on purpose

i make sure to reread what i type so if i did that and it was legitimately filled with that many typos, you should probably tell me to get some sleep as i only really screw up stuff when i'm exhausted
[SIZE= 12px]For me, things that are colored or italicized or bold catch my eye. I don't normally read ahead but It caught my eye and I instantly saw the typo and was like '..wait a min' [/SIZE]
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