OOC Chat

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[SIZE= 13px]I summon thee![/SIZE]



haha just cancer x3 <3333 ;)

as long as skye can make another useful post, then i dun mind what happens

it seems we skip a lot after skyes done or said something though and it doesnt usually get properly responded to lol
i dont know what to think of you danchou

on one hand i like your meme and anime references like these

on the other ur cancer.


i guess the statement remains, "loveable cancer."

[SIZE= 13px]say goodbye to your blood cells and hello to blasts[/SIZE]

Y'know, I shouldn't really joke too much about this, haha.
[SIZE= 13px]yeah, doing fine[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 13px]just remembered my sister didn't like those cancer jokes (she had it before so)[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 13px]out of respect for my sibling i probably won't joke about stuff like that, heh[/SIZE]
[SIZE= 12px]Who are we waiting on at the moment?[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 13px]calm, garuda, and cruor, i believe


[SIZE= 13px]y'know that rp that i have the yang/pyrrha character in?
would you like an invite in it? if nah, that's cool

since you seemed interested in it ^^[/SIZE]
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We may want to push along as multiple people have seemingly became inactive.

We have to keep interest up.
And freak Natsuki out.

[COLOR= rgb(102, 0, 255)] considering that's she's caffeinated, her heart rate is probably going p fast and she's already nervous
the caffeine will probably also make her wayyyy too alert and a twitch would freak her out
:^) hooo boyy, isn't this gonna be a good time for lil' natsuki, is it?[/COLOR]

I WANNA FIGHT IT - Lilla, in her sleep, probably.

[SIZE= 13px]sleep-fighting...?
sounds hardcore[/SIZE]
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